What are Club Sports?
Club Sports are student-led, student-run organizations that range from competitive to recreational. The program is available to undergraduate students. Review available clubs.
Clubs hold assessments for new members each semester, select a competition roster and compete against other colleges.
Participants and spectators are expected to act with sportsmanlike behavior. Our staff works to ensure the program is inclusive, safe and enjoyable.
Updates & Alerts
There are no updates or alerts at this time.
How do I join a Club Sports team?
Please review these instructions before registering for a team.
Step 1: Contact the team
To get started, you must contact the team’s executive board.
Using the list of clubs below, select the Team Website link, which will take you to the club’s MyInvolvement page.
Find the club’s contact information on the team’s page.
Email the contact person and ask for instructions on joining the team.
The contact person is usually the team’s president, vice president or other executive board member.
If the team’s MyInvolvement page does not list a club contact, please email clubsports@albany.edu and ask for the team’s contact information.
Step 2: Attend assessment day
The team’s leadership will give you information about the next assessment day, which you must attend to participate in club sports.
Club officers will review all prospective players’ skills on assessment day, so they can select a competition roster and a practice roster. Some clubs may also have a rolling admission for new members.
Step 3: Register online
If you are selected for the team’s competition roster or its practice roster, you will need to complete registration.
Using the list of clubs below, select the Registration link, which will take you to the club’s registration forms.
You’ll be asked to complete several required forms (contact information, emergency contacts, acknowledgement, waiver, etc.).
Your registration will be listed as “Pending” until club officers file official rosters with Recreation & Wellness.
Note: A student who completed the registration forms is not automatically made a team member. Students must follow the process outlined on this page.
Note: Please review and complete the instructions above before filling out the registration forms linked below.