Faculty and Staff Information
Below you will find forms, policies, guidelines and other links and documents to help faculty and staff with their responsibilities within the College of Arts and Sciences.
Please contact the dean's office by email casdean@albany.edu or phone 518-442-4651 if you have other questions not addressed on this page. For questions about the items in this list, contact the individual(s) associated with each section.
Brian T. Stephenson
Vice Dean
College of Arts & Sciences Bylaws
Review the College of Arts & Sciences Bylaws.
The College serves the instructional needs of undergraduate and graduate students, supports the research and teaching life of the faculty, and seeks to promote intellectual community both within and beyond its membership. Article X of the Policies of the Board of Trustees directs the faculty of each college to “prepare and adopt bylaws which shall contain:
- Provisions for committees and their responsibilities;
- Procedures for the calling and conduct of faculty meetings and elections; and
- Provisions for such other matters of organization and procedure as may be necessary for the performance of their responsibilities.”
In accordance with these Policies, in recognition that “provisions of bylaws concerning consultation with the faculty shall be subject to the approval of the chief administrative officer of the college” and in further recognition that the College By-Laws are themselves governed by the By-Laws of the University at Albany, the Faculty has ratified the following set of By-Laws for the College of Arts and Sciences.
Quick Links to Resources for New Faculty Members
Getting Started
- Human Resources New Employee Information
- Direct Deposit Information
- Update Address
- International Employee Resources
- Purchasing Computers, Software, and Related Equipment
- Center for the Advancement of Teaching, Learning, and Online Education (CATLOE)
- Undergraduate Education Policy Reminders for Faculty
Research, Scholarship & Creative Activity Support
- College of Arts & Sciences Conference Participation Support Program
- Faculty Seed Funding (FRAP, Conference and Journal Support)
- Sponsored Funds Financial Management
- Research Foundation Human Resources
- Post-Award Management Quick Reference Guide
- Contact List for Using Your RF Accounts
- General Travel Procedures
- Travel Reimbursement
- Eduroam - wireless access at other participating institutions
Public Engagement
Other Helpful Resources
Academics Contact
Caren Stark
Assistant Dean
For student grievances, contact:
Marie Rabideau
Assistant Dean/Planning and Tenure/Promotion
Course and Program Action Form
The Course/Program Action form (CAF/PAF) is used to submit course and curricular changes. We now use an electronic version of the CAF/PAF. We only accept submissions from Department Administrative Support Staff and Chairs, so please work through your departmental office for any curricular updates.
Please upload all related documentation in the online CAF/PAF (syllabi, email approvals from Chairs with cross-listed courses, Gen Ed forms, etc.) In addition, please upload a completed UPPC Campus Impact Form with any program proposals, whether resources are required or not." The link can be found under Step 1: Conduct Preliminary Discussions.
Course Buyout Policy
Review the Course Buyout Policy.
Buying out time refers to the practice of having an external sponsor of research buy a portion of the time/effort of a faculty member for the purpose of conducting the sponsored research. The College recognizes the importance of including course buyout time in grants for faculty to devote time to research projects. This policy serves as a guide for determining appropriate course buyout costs to be written into grants and for delineating the distribution of course release funds that are received through successful grants.
In the Classroom
Statement of Reasonable Accommodation Policy
Statement of Reasonable Accommodation Policy
UAlbany's Statement on Reasonable Accommodations for Students
Student Academic Grievance Procedures
Review the College of Arts & Sciences Student Academic Grievance Procedures.
The following procedure has been established for undergraduate and graduate students who seek adjudication of an academic grievance against faculty members or instructors in the College of Arts and Sciences. Such grievances may concern grades assigned or penalties imposed for alleged academic infractions.
Contact Marie Rabideau for student grievances.
Syllabus Requirements and Policies
For undergraduate syllabus requirements, please visit the Undergraduate Bulletin and navigate to the section titled "Syllabus Requirement. "
For graduate syllabus requirements, please visit the Graduate School's Course Changes and Syllabus Guide webpage and navigate to the Graduate Course Syllabus Template in the section titled "Course Syllabus Guide."
Teaching Template and Principles
College of Arts & Sciences Teaching Template (Excel Spreadsheet)
Department Chairs are responsible for making teaching assignments for all instructional personnel. The College of Arts and Sciences uses information from the departments about teaching, class size, and teaching loads to make short-term decisions about strategic resource allocation (e.g., Adjunct Lecturers) as well as for long-term planning (e.g., hiring faculty). It is understood in the College that departments often have quite different needs and requirements, and we make decisions in this context. Because of the importance of this information, it is essential that departments provide accurate data to the College. To assist departments in their collection of this information, we have designed the Teaching Template.
Principles of Teaching Responsibility
These principles of teaching responsibilities apply to faculty and other instructional staff at the University at Albany.
Undergraduate Regulations including Syllabus Requirements and Standards of Academic Integrity
Awards, Assistantships, Fellowships & Scholarships Contact
Caren Stark
Assistant Dean
Assistantship Information
Information about Graduate Assistantships, Fellowships & Tuition Scholarships from The Graduate School.
Tuition Scholarship Forms
Additional Service Waiver Request
Budget Contact
Brian T. Stephenson
Vice Dean
Ross Smith
Staff Associate for Administration
College of Arts & Sciences Spending Plan Template
Faculty Start-up Funds Extension Request
Facilities Contact
Robert Nazzaro
Assistant Dean for Facilities
Building/Room Access Information (UAlbanyID)
Building access and certain room access in buildings managed by the College of Arts and Sciences is via the UAlbanyID card. Requests to add or remove access must be submitted by Administrative Managers or designated Administrative Assistants on the UAlbanyID card web page. Questions can be directed to casdean@albany.edu.
College of Arts & Sciences Conference Rooms
Various conference rooms are available for use by Arts & Sciences faculty and staff. These rooms are meeting rooms and are not to be scheduled for classes. Any student who wishes to reserve an Arts & Sciences conference room must do so through their department or organization advisor. Students will not be allowed to reserve conference rooms without going through a faculty or staff member.
Available rooms (details provided below):
- AS-122 (Arts and Sciences Building)
- HU-290 (Humanities Building)
- HU-354 (Humanities Building)
Checking Availability of Conference Rooms
In Microsoft Outlook, select:
- Calendar
- Add Calendar
- From Room List
- Select desired conference room.
Reserving a Conference Room
Contact the Dean’s Office by emailing casdean@albany.edu. Please allow 48 hours of notice to reserve a conference room. Any reservations attempted within 48 hours will not be guaranteed.
In your email request, please specify:
- Name
- Purpose
- Phone number, email
- Desired date and time
Please Note: If you are holding an event that requires catering, please account for that in your initial reservation. Any adjustments to allow early entry for catering set up are not guaranteed.
Using the Conference Room
Sign out the key to the conference room from the College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s Office, AS 217, on the day of your reservation. Be advised, the Dean's Office is closed for lunch from noon to 1 p.m. daily. Please plan your pick-up accordingly.
Return the key immediately following your reservation. For reservations where rooms are used after hours, or on weekends, keys can be returned to the lockbox outside of AS 217 immediately after the meeting, or first thing the next morning.
Room AS-122
- Capacity: 30
- Food Allowed: Yes
- Notes: Conference style with table, screen, whiteboard, computer, projector and VCR
Room HU-290
- Capacity: 30
- Food Allowed: Yes
- Notes: Conference style with table, 2 plasma screens, computer-ready overhead projector, portable projection screen, chalkboard, and connections for laptops (VGA, HDMI and wireless). This room is equipped for videoconferencing and web-conferencing (using an HD pan-tilt-zoom camera as well as a wireless lapel mic).
- Chairs: 34 blue
Room HU-354
- Capacity: 50
- Food Allowed: Yes
- Notes: Classroom style with computer, table, lectern, portable screen and overhead projector, chalkboard.
Note: If you are interested in holding an event on campus with alcohol, please contact Catering at 518-442-5986 or email catering@albany.edu.
Classroom Reservations
Visit the University at Albany’s Event Management System to make Classroom Reservations.
Room Change Request
After publication of the Schedule of Classes, use the Room Change Request form to request a needed change in assigned classroom.
Human Resources/Compliance Contact
Brian T. Stephenson
Vice Dean
College of Arts & Sciences Tenure-track Faculty Appointment Checklist
College of Arts & Sciences Recruitment Checklist
The Arts & Sciences Recruitment Checklist is provided to guide departments as they conduct approved faculty searches. Departmental Administrative Managers and Contact Secretaries are well-versed in these procedures and should be involved in helping with each stage of the process.
College of Arts & Sciences Request for Administrative Access
Access and Compliance Agreement
Human Resources Forms
Visit the Human Resources forms page for HR forms you may need.
Research and Scholarly/Creative Activity Support Contact
Brian T. Stephenson
Vice Dean
Course Buyout Policy
Review the Course Buyout Policy.
Buying out time refers to the practice of having an external sponsor of research buy a portion of the time/effort of a faculty member for the purpose of conducting the sponsored research. The College recognizes the importance of including course buyout time into grants in order for faculty to devote time to research projects. This policy serves as a guide for determining appropriate course buyout costs to be written into grants and for delineating the distribution of course release funds that are received through successful grants.
Drescher Application Guidelines
View guidelines for the Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Diversity and Inclusion Leave Program. Visit the NYS Grant Opportunities page for more information.
SUNY Pre-Award and Compliance System (PACS)
SUNY Pre-Award and Compliance System (PACS), which replaced COEUS, serves as a one-stop-shop for grant proposal development, submission and award acceptance, as well as for research protocol preparation, submission, review and approval. Read more about PACS on the Office of Sponsored Programs site.
Read about useful information about the PACS approval process for College of Arts & Sciences.
Sabbatical Policy and Form
University at Albany Policy Statement on Sabbatical Leaves
College of Arts & Sciences Sabbatical Leave Request Form
College of Arts & Sciences Sabbatical Leave Request Procedures
College of Arts & Sciences Conference Participation Support
Tenure & Promotion Contact
Marie Rabideau
Assistant Dean/Planning and Tenure/Promotion
Guidelines for Conducting Pre-Tenure Faculty Contract Renewals
Pre-tenure faculty contract renewals are viewed as a timely and important opportunity to review a junior faculty member’s progress toward tenure and promotion. View all guidelines.
College of Arts & Sciences Timeline for Promotion and/or Continuing Appointment
Overview of the Tenure and Promotion Review Process
Visit the Provost's site for an overview of the tenure and promotion review process at the University at Albany.
Quick Guidelines for Packaging Tenure and/or Promotion Cases
View the Quick Guidelines for Packaging Tenure and/or Promotion Cases and what to deliver to the College of Arts and Sciences office.
Document Register and CV Samples
View a sample document register (Excel) for packaging tenure and promotion cases.
View a sample Curriculum Vitae (CV).