The College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity provides an experiential learning component to all students. Through authentic simulations, work with real-world clients, and research in contemporary and highly relevant topics, students will further their classroom learning in an applied environment. The college partners with various offices, agencies and centers that help to provide research and training opportunities for students, academics, and professionals.
As part of the EHC major, 100 hours of training will be required for graduation. CEHC will organize a number of trainings each semester and there is also list of pre-approved trainings that students can pursue on their own. These trainings have been carefully selected to provide important skills and knowledge, help you to apply the concepts you are learning in your classes, and to build your professional portfolio before entering the workforce. Additional trainings will be announced as they become available, and trainings can be approved on a case by case basis by the Director of Student Services.
Undergraduate Training Resources
- EHC Training Milestone: Need support? If you have a question or concern not answered on the Brightspace Training Community, please submit the question(s) directly to us through the "Ask a Question" space on the Brightspace Community. Please allow up to five (5) business days to receive a response.
- Training Milestone Guide 2021-2022
CEHC 393 Simulation: Building Security and Preparedness (3)
This is an intensive four week course that provides the student with an opportunity to blend "practice" with "theory" through a mix of high-end simulations and other blended learning activities. The course is typically offered in four week blocks of time and includes a blend of on-line readings, discussions, and related activities, capstone writing activities, and a residential one week mix of face-to-face classroom instruction with intensive simulation activities. The topics for the simulation course will vary with each one focusing on a core theme within the emergency preparedness, homeland security and cybersecurity framework. This course may be repeated once for credit when content varies. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior standing or permission of instructor.
The major in EHC requires students to obtain an internship related to the fields. Informatics majors are required to complete 9 credits of experiential coursework, which can include an internship. The internship component fulfills the mission of the college by offering students an experiential learning opportunity by furthering their classroom learning in an applied environment.
Graduate students enrolled in the MSIS are required to successfully complete IST 678. Students must complete 18 credit hours before they can register for the internship course. MS ISSL students are required to complete two internships (elementary and secondary internships).
All students are required to obtain approval for their internship as part of the advisement process.
Graduate Internship Resources