CNSE Spotlight: June 2024

Air monitoring devices with internal wires exposed

This regular update for CNSE showcases accomplishments from faculty, students, and alumni for the University at Albany's College of Nanotechnology, Science and Engineering. 

Research Announcements & Partnerships

$1 Million Awarded to Md. Aynul Bari, Dr. Elias Dueker (Bard College), Dr. Brian Pavilonis (CUNY School of Public Health), and co-PIs Scott Miller and Sarah Lu for EPA Air Monitoring Projects throughout the Capital Region, Hudson Valley Region, and New York City. 


Invited Talks & Conferences

  • IEEE International Conference on Big Data: Wenting Qi, Charalampos Chelmis, "Robust Learning with Noisy Label Detection and Counterfactual Correction"
  • IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Wenting Qi, Charalampos Chelmis, "Label Denoising and Counterfactual Explanation with A Plug and Play Framework"
  • IEEE INFOCOM'24, Karyn Doke and Andrew Okoro (Students from University at Albany); Amin Zare (KU Leuven, Belgium); Mariya Zheleva (Faculty, Computer Science), "Establishing the link between spectrum sensor capabilities and data analytics performance"


Journal Publications


CNSE Faculty (Author)

CNSE Student/ Alumni (Author)

Article Title


Environmental & Sustainable EngineeringKyoung-Yeol KimDaniel Moreno-Jimenez"Enhanced wettability improves catalytic activity of nickel-functionalized activated carbon cathode for hydrogen production in microbial electrolysis cells"Bioresource Technology