Vladimir Kuperman
Doctor of Science in Economics, Supreme Attestation Committee of Ministry of Education of Russia, 2000
PhD in Computer Science, Moscow Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology, 1992
Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Tula Polytechnic Institution, Russia, 1985

Dr. Vladimir Kuperman joined the University at Albany in Fall 2017 as a Professor of Practice in the Department of Computer Science after more than twenty years of teaching and research on computer technologies and the global economy. He comes to us from his faculty position in the Department of Economics and Business, Tula State Leo Tolstoy University in Tula, Russia. Prior to joining the department as a full-time faculty member, Professor Kuperman was an adjunct instructor for the department, as well as, for UAlbany’s School of Business and Siena College.
Dr. Kuperman was awarded the Doctor of Science in Economics, the highest academic degree in Russia, from the Supreme Attestation Committee of Ministry of Education of Russia in 2000 for the thesis Theory of Management of Industrial Enterprises in the Global Information and Economic Environment. He earned a PhD. in Computer Science from Moscow Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology in 1992 while researching an application of artificial intelligence methods to earlier diagnosis of malfunctions of chemical manufacturing. The title of his thesis: Development of Hybrid Automated Systems of Technical Diagnostics for Continuous Chemical Manufactures (on an example of a nitric acid manufacture).
Research Interests
Information and computer technologies, computer networking, mathematics for decision making, global economics
Selected Publications
“Russ.” – publication is in Russian, “Eng.” – publication is in English.
Scholarly books and chapters in scholarly books
1. Kuperman V.G. From Global Initiatives to Local Investments, Evolution Economy: Innovation, Investments, Institutions, Intellectual Capital, Tula, Tula State Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 2008, p.p.204-214. (Russ.).
2. Kuperman V.G. Basis of Internet Entrepreneurship, Tula, NKO Regional Fund of Social Support and Unemployment Protection SDC “Demidov Style,” 2004, 90 p. (Russ.).
3. Borodin N.N., Mashkov A.A., Kuperman V.G., Pastukhov A.V., Pastukhov V.V. Modern Technologies and Enterprise Resource Planning, Tula, Tula State Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 2004, 113 p. (Russ.).
4. Ishkov A.D., Kultin N.B., Kuperman V.G. and others. Internet Education (textbook), Internet Education: Technology of Pedagogical Design, Moscow, Publishing House “Cameron,” 2004, 216 p. (Russ.).
5. Babaev A.B., Kuperman V.G. Competition on Markets of Network Goods, Tula, RIF “Infra,” 2003, 127 p. (Russ.).
6. Kuperman V.G. Introduction in the Economy of Internet-Entrepreneurship (textbook), Tula, Tula State Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 2001, 62 p. (Russ.).
7. Kuperman V.G. Business in the Environment of Emerging Global Informational Space, Tula, Tula State Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 2000, 106 p. (Russ.).
8. Kuperman V.G., Poryadochnov Y.A. Management of Research and Development Companies in Market Economy, Tula, Tula State Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 1999, 58 p. (Russ.).
9. Kuperman V.G. Practice and Perspectives of Integration of Business-processes of Industrial Enterprises into Internet Commerce in Russia, Tula, Tula State Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 1999, 115 p. (Russ.).
10. Kuperman V.G., Potapenko N.S. Simulation and Estimation of Enterprise Conditions Tula, Tula State Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 1999, 51 p. (Russ.).
11. Kuperman V.G. and others Theory and Practice of Development and Operation of System of Continued Pedagogical Education, Tula, Tula State Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 1999, 114 p. (Russ.).
12. Kuperman V.G., Torina E.G. Basis of Computer Science and Programming (textbook), 2nd edition, Tula, Tula State Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 1997, 264 p. (Russ.).
13. Kuperman V.G., Torina E.G. Basis of Computer Science and Programming (textbook), Tula, Tula State Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 1996, 220 p. (Russ.).
14. Kuperman V.G. Basis of Computer Science (instructional aid), Tula: RIO TPPO, 1995, 55 p. (Russ.).
Articles published in refereed journals
1. Agureev I.E., Atlas E.E., Kuperman V.G., Osokin S.V. Prognosis of the Situation for Main Types of Statistic State of the Public Health System with Approach of Automated Technologies, The Bulletin of New Medical Technologies, 2010, vol. XVII, #4, p.p.152-154. (Russ.).
2. Kuperman V.G. Basics of the Internet Entrepreneurship, Moscow, VNTIC, 2005, #50200500147. (Russ.).
3. Kuperman V.G. The Internet Business, Moscow, VNTIC, 2005, #0200500153. (Russ.).
4. Kuperman V.G., Dobrovolsky N.M., Subbotin V.A. Influence of Globalization Processes on the System of Regional Education, Pedagogical Informatics, 2002, #2, p.p.64-73. (Russ.).
5. Kuperman V.G., Motorin V.V., Pejsakhov I.A., Sapozhnikov P.A. E-Business Experience of Tula Region Enterprises, Ministry of Russian Federation of Communication and Informatization. Information Technology of Administration of Territories, 2001, #33, p.p.34-40. (Russ.).
6. Babaev A.B., Vasin A.B., Kuperman V.G. Network Goods in the Network Economy, Bank Technologies, 2001. #1, p.p.50-52. (Russ.).
7. Kuperman V.G. Theory of Management of Industrial Enterprises in the Global Informational-Economical Environment, Abstract of Doctoral Thesis, Orel, Orel State Technical University, 2000, 44 p. (Russ.).
8. Kuperman V.G. Systems of Decision Making Support in Complex Ecological Systems, International Forum of Science, Technology, and Education Problems-Issue 1, Academy of Earth Sciences, Moscow, 1997, p.p. 145-146. (Russ.).
9. Kuperman V.G., Paliukh B.V. The Knowledge Base Updating for the Expert System of Technical Diagnostics of Chemical Manufacture, Program Products and Systems, 1995, # 3, p.p. 25-29. (Russ.).
10. Perov V.L., Paliukh B.V., Kuperman V.G., Defective Chemical Process Chain Detection in Uncertainty Condition, Comput. and Chem. Eng., 1993., # 17(10)93, p.p. 1015-1024. (Eng.).
11. Kuperman V.G., Nikulin V.V. at all, Hazard Diagnosis of the Weak Nitric Acid Production, Labor Safety in Industry, 1992., vol. 11, p.p. 19-20. (Russ.).
12. Kuperman V.G. Development of Hybrid Automated Systems of Technical Diagnostics for Continuous Chemical Manufacturing (on an example of a nitric acid manufacture), Kand. Diss., Moscow, Mendeleev Moscow Chem.-Technol. Inst., 1991, 16 p. (Russ.).
Other articles
1. Dozhdev D.V., Kuperman V.G. Structure of Communications in Project Management, Tambov, Tambov State Technical University, 2007, p.p.34-35. (Russ.).
2. Dozhdev D.V., Kuperman V.G. Application of Usage Variants Diagrams in Collection of Requirements for IT Projects, Economy and Effective Production, Bryansk, BTU, 2007, p.p. 72-75. (Russ.).
3. Kuperman V.G. Internet Education for Internet Entrepreneurship, Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies in Economy and Economy Education, Tula, Tula Branch of VZFEI, 2006, p.p. 247-251. (Russ.).
4. Kuperman V.G., Busygina N.A. Analysis of Innovation Development of Russia Compared to Worldwide Trends, Information, Innovations, Investments, Perm, Perm CNTI, 2005, p.p.178-183. (Russ.).
5. Kuperman V.G., Busygina N.A. Economical and Legal Security of Intellectual Property as a Basis for Development of Innovation Processes in Russia, Information, Innovations, Investments, Perm, Perm CNTI, 2004, p.p.217-229. (Russ.).
6. Kuperman V.G. E-Business. Talks for Non-Business-People, IATP/Russia: Sustainable Development for Future, International Conference “Education and Access to the Internet,” Moscow, Project Harmony, Inc., 2004, p.p.22-23. (Russ.).
7. Kuperman V.G. System of Adaptation of Russian Enterprises for Processes of Globalization of Informational-Economical Environment in the Transition Economy, Information Materials of Committee for Science of Tula Region Administration, Tula, Vlasta, 2002, p.p.340-346. (Russ.).
8. Kuperman V.G. Strategy and Objectives of Russian Industrial Enterprises in the Global Informational-Economical Environment, Economical and Legal Problems of Increasing of Efficiency of Organizations and Companies, International Scientific and Practical Conference. Part II: Modern problems of Russian Entrepreneurship, Orel, 2000, p.p. 47–51. (Russ.).
9. Kuperman V.G. Investment Goals in E-Commerce for Industrial Enterprises, State of the Art and Perspectives of Regional Financial System, Tula Branch of VZFEI, Tula, 2000, p.p. 54-58. (Russ.).
10. Kuperman V.G. Currant State and Perspectives of E-Cooperation in Russia, Russia: Global, Economical, and Regional Aspects of Transition Economy, Yaroslavl, 2000, p.p.176-183. (Russ.).
11. Kuperman V.G. Modern Specifics of Development of Information Environment for management of Industrial Enterprises, Technology of Entrepreneurship and Economy, Tula, 2000, p.p.113-117. (Russ.).
12. Kuperman V.G., Luneva A.M. Distance Learning and Consulting for Small and Middle-size businesses, State of the Art and Perspectives of Regional Financial System, Tula Branch of VZFEI, Tula, 1999, p.p.160-161. (Russ.).
13. Paliukh B.V., Kuperman V.G. Diagnostic Decision Making on Chemical Manufacturing on the Basis of the Theory of Evidence, Knowledge - Dialog - Solution, Sixth International Conferences «KDS-97», CRIMEA. Yalta, 1997, vol.2, p.p.548-557. (Russ.).
14. Perov V.L., Paliukh B.V., Kuperman V.G. Diagnostic Procedures with Elements of Expert Systems at Recognition of Malfunctions on Chemical Manufactures, Artificial Intelligence in the Automated Process Control, All-Union Conference, M, 1989, p.p. 46-47. (Russ.).