Access your 1098-T


Federal regulations require educational institutions to provide information about qualified tuition and related expenses reported on Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement, to both the student and Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  

The information about qualified tuition and related expenses helps determine if you qualify for tax credit(s) that reduce your federal income tax liability. 

When a copy of the 1098-T is available on E-Pay, an email is sent to the student’s UAlbany address. You must have Adobe Reader on your computer to access your 1098-T on E-Pay. 

UAlbany's Employer Identification Number (EIN) for your 1098-T is 16-1514621.  


Accessing your Tax Forms 

Students receive a 1098-T if they made payments or received grants and scholarships that posted to their UAlbany student account between January 1st and December 31st of a given fiscal year. Please note that it is not uncommon to receive grants and scholarships in one year that were billed in a prior year. 

Students: Students can access their 1098-T forms on E-Pay. The forms are also mailed to the students’ permanent addresses by the end January for the prior years' 1098-T. 

Authorized users: Students must sign in to E-Pay and grant their authorized user(s) permission to access to their 1098-T forms. Being an authorized user does not automatically grant someone access to the tax forms. 

International students: International students do not receive a 1098-T form, unless the University has been provided with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). It is the student's responsibility to provide the University at Albany with a correct ITIN in a timely manner. See section below for information on how to provide us with your ITIN. 

For more information, please review the University’s 1098-T (TRA97) Guidelines for the 2024 Tax Year


Supplying or Updating your Tax Information 

Federal regulations require the University to request and retain a student’s Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or a Social Security Number (SSN), so it can be reported on the 1098-T.  

If our records are missing your SSN or ITIN, you will be requested and expected to provide it. As required by the IRS's Internal Revenue Code, section 6109, you are required to give the correct SSN or ITIN to UAlbany so we may issue you a valid 1098-T. If you fail to do so, the IRS may impose a penalty of $50, unless your failure is due to reasonable cause and not willful neglect. 

How to update or add an ITIN or SSN

  1. Sign into MyUAlbany.
  2. Select the link for "SSN/ITIN Add/Update HERE" under the "Student Home" section.  
  3. Sign in again.
  4. Complete the form. (If you are unable to use this form, please contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance.) 

Once you’ve added or updated your SSN or ITIN, you must contact Student Financial Services at [email protected] to request a 1098-T be manually generated for you.  

The process may take up to two weeks. Once the 1098-T is ready, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to access it electronically. 



Information on tax benefits, educational tax incentives and your eligibility may be obtained from the Internal Revenue Service or a tax advisor. The IRS provides Publication 970, a guide to tax benefits, and the "Tax Benefits for Education: Information Center." 

The New York State Higher Education Services Corporation also provides information on state and federal educational tax credits and deductions. 

The University and its employees cannot provide tax information, assistance or advice.