Climate Smart Communities: Connections with Public Health
Originally presented on May 16, 2019
Originally presented on May 16, 2019
Climate change is a growing threat to communities in New York State. Building resilience to climate change can prevent and reduce health effects associated with flooding, extreme heat, extreme weather and natural disasters.
The Climate Smart Communities (CSC) Program encourages local governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. Communities can take the pledge to become a Climate Smart Community and work towards certification by completing CSC actions. Many of the actions within the program could have benefits to public health, and some already align with existing public health efforts.
This webcast will describe the Climate Smart Communities’ Program and how many of the actions within the program are also associated with public health benefits. Participants will learn how the program addresses climate change and impacts public health, as well as how local health departments can get involved.
Target Audience
Public health professionals, physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, local health department staff and other medical and public health professionals.
Dazzle Ekblad
Climate Policy Analyst
Office of Climate Change
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Neil Muscatiello, MS
Research Scientist and Principal Investigator
Climate Ready Cities and States Initiative/Building Resilience Against Climate Effects
New York State Department of Health
As a result of this activity, the learner will expand their knowledge and competence on the Climate Smart Communities (CSC) Program and the impact of climate change on healthcare and public health in their community.
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Continuing Education Credits expired for this activity on May 31, 2022. We encourage you to take the fill out the evaluation as your responses help us to plan future programs.