Understanding Substance Use, Harm Reduction, and Overdose Prevention Strategies

Originally Presented Tuesday, November 28, 2023 from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


Rates of overdose continue to rise, with annual drug overdose deaths surpassing 100,000 nationally in 2021. Project COPE is a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)-funded grant initiative that seeks to reduce rates of overdose death in New York State (NYS) by connecting to vulnerable, underserved populations such as pregnant and parenting persons. Join members of the Project COPE team from the NYS Office of Addition Services and Supports (OASAS) and the New York State Department of Health’s NYSPQC in exploring the science of substance use and substance use disorders, the basics of overdose prevention and naloxone use, and concrete ways professionals outside of the substance use disorder treatment system can help prevent overdoses among the individuals and families they serve. 


Target Audience

Public health and health care professionals.



Understanding Substance Use, Harm Reduction and Overdose Prevention Strategies
Learn More

Marilyn Kacica, MD, MPH 
Executive Director, New York State Perinatal Quality Collaborative; and Medical Director, Division of Family Health, New York State 
Department of Health

Jessica Sorbello, LCSW 
Project Director, Community Overdose Prevention Education (Project COPE), New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports 

Katie Seaward, MSW 
Addictions Program Specialist, New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports

Learning Outcomes and Objectives

As a result of this educational activity, the learner will increase and enhance their knowledge and competence on opioid use disorder (OUD) and the basics of overdose prevention and naloxone use in vulnerable, underserved populations such as pregnant and parenting persons. 

After watching this webinar participants will be able to: 

  • Identify the rates of opioid overdose deaths among females of reproductive age and rates of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) among infants, both nationally and in New York State (NYS). 
  • Discuss the science of substance use and the principles of harm reduction in all client interactions
  • Recognize the negative impact of stigma and positive use of anti-stigmatizing language.
  • Identify how to recognize an opioid overdose, use of naloxone and how to obtain naloxone through  the NYS Naloxone Co-Payment Assistance Program.
Activity Materials
Evaluation, Post-Test and Certificate
Continuing Education Credits

Continuing Education Credits for this activity expired on November 30, 2024. We encourage you to fill out the evaluation as your responses help us to plan future programs.