Brian E.J. Rose

Brian E.J. Rose

Associate Professor
Department of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences


ETEC 425

PhD 2010, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Climate Physics and Chemistry)

MSc. 2002, McGill University (Atmospheric Science)

BSc. 1999, McGill University (Atmospheric Science)

Brian Rose


My research is oriented toward fundamental questions about the climate system at the global scale, such as: What factors control the global mean temperature and its equator-to-pole gradient? Why has Earth's climate been more variable during some periods of the deep geological past than others? Is the climate unique, or does the Earth system possess multiple equilibria? By studying the fundamental underlying "rules" governing the climate system, we build a deeper understanding of the past and future evolution of climate on Earth, and other planets as well.

I have broad training in both atmospheric science and oceanography, and I am particularly interested in coupled atmosphere-ocean climate dynamics over long time scales. I also have a special interest in polar climate and ocean-sea ice interaction.

My work typically takes a "building blocks" approach, trying to build an understanding of the complex climate system through judicious simplification. I explore ideas using hierarchies of idealized atmosphere-ocean models, ranging from simple mathematical descriptions to complex coupled numerical calculations.

Research Interests

Global-scale climate dynamics, heat transport in the atmosphere and ocean and their interaction, climate sensitivity and feedbacks, the role of sea ice in the global climate system, paleoclimate and idealized climate modeling.

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