What is Community Standards?
Community Standards administers the student code of conduct, called Community Rights & Responsibilities, and ensures students understand how to uphold those principles.
If a student violates the code of conduct and is referred to our office, we will meet with them to explain the University’s student conduct procedures and how they can repair the breach.
We also are available to speak with students and their families on various issues, such as questions related to our process or requests for help with conflict resolution.
Contact Community Standards at 518-442-5501 or CommunityStandards@albany.edu.
Community Standards Information
Student Conduct System: Learn about student conduct referrals and how to report a student conduct violation.
Community Re-engagement (CoRe) Program: Learn more about the Community Re-engagement (CoRe) program.
Student Disciplinary Records: Request student disciplinary records as a student or former student or as a third-party.
Standards of Academic Integrity: Review examples of academic dishonesty, report an academic integrity violation and learn about how violations are adjudicated.
Classroom Disruption: Review UAlbany’s Statement on Classroom/Office Civility & Dealing with Disruption.