Accommodations & Services
Disability Access & Inclusion Student Services (DAISS)
Disability Access & Inclusion Student Services (DAISS)
Disability Access & Inclusion Student Services (DAISS) works with each student individually to determine reasonable accommodations. This interactive process is informed by the documentation the student provides when they register with DAISS.
To obtain an accommodation, you must first register with DAISS. You’ll receive an accommodation letter at the end of that process.
Students are responsible for sharing their accommodation letter with instructors and/or staff, as appropriate, to receive their approved accommodation(s).
Students registered with DAISS should log into Accommodate for all requests related to approved accommodations, including accessing your letters and signing up for exams.
If you encounter disagreement or other issues regarding your accommodation letter, please request an appointment with DAISS.
Please refer to UAlbany’s Statement on Reasonable Accommodations for Students for additional information.
Students with approved academic accommodations are responsible for sharing their accommodation letter with their professors at the start of each semester and scheduling exams with DAISS at least three days before the test date.
There are many types of accommodations students can access in an academic setting, including, but not limited to:
Testing center with reduced distractions, computers and other services
Extra time for timed assessments (iClicker, quizzes, tests, exams, finals, etc.)
Audio recordings of class lectures
Enlarged print, Braille or alternative format texts
Preferential seating
Sign language interpreting
The use of a scribe
Adaptive furniture
Students may also have access to several types of assistive technology, such as:
Note-taking devices, such as Echo LiveScribe SmartPens
Screen reader software, such as JAWS
Literacy software, such as Read&Write
Reading pens, such as C-Pen Exam Readers
Voice recognition software, such as Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Magnifying software, such as ZoomText
Assistive listening devices, such as FM systems
Noise cancelling headphones
Undergraduate students must fulfill foreign language and mathematics requirements to graduate. If you had an exemption from either or both subjects in high school, please contact us. Substitutions may be available.
All other academic accommodations are discussed on a case-by-case basis when you register with DAISS.
Please note that the following high school accommodations are not available in college:
Clarified, interpreted or simplified test questions
One-on-one aides
Resource rooms
Accommodations that alter the goal or standard of an exam, class or program
If you require a housing-related accommodation, such as adaptive furniture, you must first register with DAISS. Next, you'll submit your accommodation letter to Residential Life.
New students should submit housing accommodation requests to Residential Life by July 1 for the fall semester move-in and by December 21 for the spring semester move-in.
Returning students should submit their housing accommodation requests to Residential Life before the Special Interest Housing Sign-up period. Returning students are responsible for signing up for their own housing assignments. If you miss the Special Interest Housing Sign-up Period for any reason other than not being registered with DAISS at the time, our ability to assist you is limited.
Students with housing accommodations can live with any roommate(s) and/or suitemate(s). If you are interested in a special housing option such as a Living-Learning Community, your housing accommodation will not interfere in your ability to participate.
DAISS can only assist you with getting your accommodation approved and confirming your need with Residential Life. We cannot answer specific housing questions. Please contact Residential Life at or 518-442-5875 with specific housing questions.
Students who need to be released from their campus housing contract should review the Residential Life's Housing Release webpage.
Accessible parking is available for students with both a valid parking permit and a license plate or valid placard displaying the Universal Symbol of Access on all three UAlbany campuses. Review accessibility maps.
If you do not have a license plate or valid placard displaying the Universal Symbol of Access but need temporary accommodation, DAISS can help you obtain a temporary accessible parking permit from Parking & Mass Transit Services.
Please note that resident first year students (freshmen) are not allowed to bring a vehicle to campus, purchase a parking permit or park on campus, per Parking & Mass Transit Service policy. However, DAISS can help facilitate exemptions for approved medical accommodations.
Students with approved parking are responsible for sharing their accommodation letter with Parking & Mass Transit Services.
There are also many UAlbany services all students can access, regardless of their disability status. Please review the list below to learn more about what’s available.
Academic Advising: Advisors support undergraduate students’ success from orientation through graduation.
Tutoring: UAlbany offers several types of free tutoring, including online tutoring and peer tutoring.
Writing Center: Work with a writing tutor one-on-one to improve your project or assignment.
Career and Professional Development: Explore career paths, prepare for job and internship applications, apply to graduate school and access other resources.
International Student Academic Support: International undergraduate students have access to a dedicated advisor who is well-versed in their needs.
English Language Proficiency & Language Help: International students can access language support from International Student Scholar Services.
The Dean of Students offers several services to all students:
Purple Pantry: Students can come to the pantry once a month, or as needed, to access a variety of non-perishable foods, fresh produce and toiletries.
Purple Threads: Students can choose up to three pieces of professional clothing each semester from this free closet.
First Gen Scholars: This initiative supports first generation students from the time they enroll at UAlbany through their graduation.
Student Emergency Fund: This fund provides vital support to UAlbany students struggling with small financial hardships.
Veteran and Military Student Services: This office provides support to University at Albany military-connected students.
UAlbany Dining’s dietician is available for free consultations on topics including food allergies, Celiac Disease, diabetes and any other dietary needs.
Intercultural Student Engagement: Visit the Multicultural Resource Center, Gender & Sexuality Resource Center, and Interfaith Services.
Office of the Title IX Coordinator: This office handles sexual misconduct (Title IX) and discrimination complaints.
Office of Diversity & Inclusion: This office responds to incidents of bias and provides programming across campus.
Financial Aid and Student Accounts is available to assist with financial aid and billing questions, concerns and issues.
We encourage students to apply for scholarships, especially the awards designated for students with disabilities.
Student Health Services (SHS): SHS offers student-centered, quality health care, testing and pharmacy services.
Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS): CAPS offers counseling, psychiatry, and groups focused on identity or experience.
Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program: This student-run, after-hours hotline is available when classes are in session. Conversations are private.
Recreation & Wellness: Check out our fitness centers, club and intramural sports, and exercise and wellness classes.
Sexual Violence Support & Advocacy Services: UAlbany has a range of services designed to support survivors of sexual and interpersonal violence.
Five Quad Volunteer Ambulance Service: Five Quad is a New York State certified ambulance agency operated by UAlbany students.
All students can use their ID cards to access all University at Albany and CDTA buses. Learn more about mass transit options at UAlbany.
Accessible Library Services: The University Libraries offer several services for people with disabilities.
Accessibility Support for Microsoft 365: Review this guide from Information Technology Services (ITS) to learn more about accessibility features in Microsoft 365.
Web Accessibility Reporting Form: Use this form to report inaccessible webpages or features on the University website.
DAISS encourages all students to register to vote and to cast ballots in all local, state and national elections.
Our office is an approved National Voter Registration Act location, so we can provide students with New York State voter registration forms and assist students in completing and submitting the forms. Request an appointment with DAISS.
ACCES-VR (Vocational Rehabilitation): This state agency is part of the New York State Education Department. It assists disabled people achieve and maintain employment and independent living. This federal website provides information and technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Client Assistance Program (CAP): This program, administered by Disability Rights New York, advocates for disabled people who are seeking, are receiving or have been denied services from state vocational rehabilitation agencies.
Job Accommodation Network: This national organization provides free guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.
New York State Commission for the Blind (NYSCB): This state agency is part of the Office of Children and Family Services. The commission assists people who are legally blind improve their employability and independence.
New York State Independent Living Council: This nonprofit publishes a directory of community-based Centers for Independent Living throughout the state.
Office for Civil Rights: This federal agency is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and is responsible for enforcing federal civil rights laws.