Four Students Receive the Gordon Karp Award

Corrine Berchtold, Benjamin Bonitz, Cassidy Bowes, and Olivia Brownell are the 2022 recipients of the Gordon Karp memorial award for outstanding academic performance in economics.
The Gordon Karp Memorial Fund was established as a memorial to Gordon Karp, to honor his special character and commitment to high standards of academic achievement. This fund finances awards to undergraduate Economics majors who best exemplify Gordon’s intelligence, dedication and accomplishment.
Gordon graduated Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a B.A. in Economics in 1977. He continued in our PhD program and completed his dissertation just before he died of cancer in January 1986. A Doctor of Philosophy degree was awarded posthumously to Gordon Mitchell Karp later that year.
Gordon played an important role in the intellectual and social life of the Department of Economics, both as an undergraduate and as a graduate student. His published articles, based on research begun as an undergraduate, have been cited as innovative contributions to the analysis of pollution control. Gordon’s courage in the face of illness will remain a source of inspiration to all those who knew him.