2023 Gordon Karp Award Winners Announced

We are thrilled to announce the recipients of the prestigious Department of Economics 2023 Gordon Karp Award:
- Anna Brozycki
- Jason Chen
- Kuhyun Kwon
- Kate Murphy
- Michael Toro
The award recognizes students who exemplify the intelligence, dedication and scholastic accomplishment that marked the promising career of Gordon Karp, a distinguished economics graduate of UAlbany.
Gordon Karp graduated from UAlbany in 1977 with a BS in Economics, Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa. He continued in the university's Ph.D. program and completed his dissertation just before he died of cancer. Those who were privileged to have known Gordon remember him as an extremely intelligent and hardworking student and a fine individual. Each year, UAlbany honors his memory by bestowing the award on the most deserving students.
We congratulate the 2023 Gordon Karp Award winners for their hard work, dedication, and academic excellence in economics, and wish them all the best in their future endeavors.