Michael V. Ellis

PhD, Ohio State University
Dr. Ellis joined the department in 1984. Viewed through the lens of diversity, oppression, and privilege, his research interests include clinical supervision, supervisor training, clinical judgment, and research methodology, psychometrics, and statistical issues. He has published book chapters, monographs, and articles on these topics in peer reviewed journals such as the Journal of Counseling Psychology, The Counseling Psychologist, Training and Education in Professional Psychology, The Clinical Supervisor, Counselor Education and Supervision, and Journal of Counseling and Development. He also presents regularly with students at national and international conferences. In 1993, Dr. Ellis was a Fulbright Scholar in Trinidad and Tobago. He received the 2010 Distinguished Professional Achievement Award and, along with his co-authors, the Outstanding Publication of the Year Award (2015 and 2016) from the Supervision and Training Section of the Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17, APA). He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Counseling Psychology and the American Psychological Association.
Dr. Ellis is Board Certified in Counseling Psychology (ABPP), a licensed psychologist (NY), a NY OASAS Approved Provider of Clinical Screening and Assessment Services for Impaired Driver Offenders, a Collaborative Divorce Mental Health Professional, and an Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS). As a scientist-practitioner, he has over 35 years of experience as a practitioner, clinical supervisor, and supervisor trainer. He maintains a private practice, working with clients from early adolescents through the elderly representing a diverse array of ethno-cultural backgrounds and identities with a wide variety of presenting issues. Although his practice is a general one, Dr. Ellis has expertise working with trauma and medically related disorders. He conducts workshops and training for clinical supervisors nationally and internationally.
Recent Teaching: Research Design in Counseling Psychology, Proseminar in Counseling Psychology Research, Clinical Supervision and Consultation Advanced Practicum II in Counseling Psychology, Internship in Mental Health Counseling, and Assessment Techniques in Counseling.
Research: Clinical supervision process and outcomes (e.g., exceptional, inadequate, and harmful supervision; supervisee nondisclosure); statistics and research methodology; psychometrics.
Selected Editorships:
Ellis, M. V., Corp, D. A., Taylor, E. J., & Kangos, K. A. (Eds.). (2017). Narratives of harmful clinical supervision: An unacknowledged truth [Special Issue]. The Clinical Supervisor, 36, 4-159.
Ellis, M. V., & Chartrand, J. M. (Eds.) (1999). Advanced quantitative methods in counseling psychology, part 2 [Special Issue]. The Counseling Psychologist, 27, 483-588.
Selected Publications: (Underlined names denote student co-authors)
Hutman, H., Ellis, M. V., Moore, J. A., Roberson, K. L., McNamara, M. L., Peterson, L. P., Taylor, E. J., & Zhou, S. (in press). Supervisees’ perspectives of inadequate, harmful, and exceptional clinical supervision: Are we listening? The Counseling Psychologist.
Taylor, E. J., & Ellis, M. V. (in press). The supervisory working alliance, relational behavior, and supervisee nondisclosure: Does humility matter? The Counseling Psychologist.
Ertl, M. M., Ellis, M. V., & Peterson, L. P. (2023). Supervisor cultural humility and supervisee nondisclosure: The supervisory working alliance matters. The Counseling Psychologist. https://doi.org/I0.l 177/00110000231159316.
Son, E., Ellis, M. V., & Hutman, H. (2022). Supervisees’ nondisclosure in South Korea and the United States: A cross-cultural comparison: 슈퍼바이지의 비개방: 한국과 미국의 비교 연구. The Counseling Psychologist, 50(4), 450–476. https://doi.org/10.1177/00110000221074625
Hutman, H., Enyedy, K., Ellis, M., Goodyear, R., Falender, C., Campos, A., Bahadur, M., Dickey, L., Duan, C., Ferdinand, L., Nolan, S., Tribitt, T., Tsong, Y., Wood, L., & Zetzer, H. (2021). Training public sector clinicians in competency-based clinical supervision: Methods, curriculum, and lessons learned. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 51(3), 227–237. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10879-021-09499-3 Supervision and Training Section, Society of Counseling Psychology Outstanding Publication of the Year Award
Cook, R. M., & Ellis, M. V. (2021). Post-degree clinical supervision for licensure: Occurrence of inadequate and harmful experiences among counselors. The Clinical Supervisor, 40(2), 282–302. https://doi.org/10.1080/07325223.2021.1887786
Hutman, H., & Ellis, M. V. (2020). Supervisee nondisclosure: Cultural and relational considerations. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 4(4), 308–315. https://doi.org/10.1037/tep0000290
DelTosta, J., Ellis, M. V., & McNamara, M. L. (2019). Trainee vicarious traumatization: Examining supervisory working alliance and trainee empathy. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 13(4), 300-306. https://doi.org/10.1037/tep0000232
Gibson, A., Ellis, M. V., & Friedlander, M. L. (2019). Toward a nuanced understanding of nondisclosure in psychotherapy supervision. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 66, 114-121. https://doi.org/10.1037/cou0000295
Kangos, K. A., Ellis, M. V., Hutman, H., Berger, L., Corp, D. A., Gibson, A., & Nicolas, A. (2018). APA Guidelines for clinical supervision in health service psychology: Competency-based implications for supervisees. The Counseling Psychologist, 46, 821-845. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011000018807128
Ayala, E., Ellis, M. V., Grudev, N., & Cole, J. (2017). Women in health service psychology programs: Stress, self-care, and quality of life. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 11, 18-25.
Ellis, M. V. (2017). Narratives of harmful clinical supervision. The Clinical Supervisor, 36, 20-87.
Ellis, M. V., Taylor, E. J., Corp, D. A., Hutman, H., & Kangos, K. A. (2017). Narratives of harmful clinical supervision: Introduction to the Special Issue. The Clinical Supervisor, 36, 4-19.
McNamara, M. L., Kangos, K. A., Corp, D. A., Ellis, M. V., & Taylor, E. J. (2017). Narratives of harmful clinical supervision: Synthesis and recommendations. The Clinical Supervisor, 36, 124-144.
Swords, B. A., & Ellis, M. V. (2017). Burnout and vigor among health service psychology doctoral students. The Counseling Psychologist, 45, 1141-1161.
Ellis, M. V., Creaner, M., Hutman, H. B., & Timulak, L. (2015). A comparative study of clinical supervision in the Republic of Ireland and the US. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62, 621-631.
Ellis, M. V., Hutman, H., & Chapin, J. (2015). Reducing supervisee anxiety: A role induction intervention for clinical supervision. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62, 608-620. Supervision and Training Section, Society of Counseling Psychology Outstanding Publication of the Year Award.
Ellis, M. V., Berger, L., Hanus, A., Ayala, E. E., Siembor, M. J., & Swords, B. A. (2014). Inadequate and harmful clinical supervision: Revising the framework and assessing occurrence. The Counseling Psychologist, 42, 434 - 472. Supervision and Training Section, APA Society of Counseling Psychology, Outstanding Publication of the Year Award.
Ellis, M. V., Hutman, H., & Deihl, L. (2013). Chalkboard case conceptualization: Integrating clinical data for treatment. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 7, 246-256.
*Rousmaniere, T. G., & Ellis, M. V. (2013). Developing the construct and measure of collaborative clinical supervision: The supervisee’s perspective. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 7, 300-308.
Ellis, M. V. (2010). Bridging the science and practice of clinical supervision: Some discoveries, some misconceptions. The Clinical Supervisor, 29, 95-116.
Ellis, M. V. (1999). Repeated measures designs. The Counseling Psychologist, 27, 552-578.
*Co-principal investigator – 1st and 2nd authorship determined randomly