Trudy Walp
CAS, University at Albany, SUNY
Trudy Walp is a lecturer and online program manager in the Department of Literacy Teaching and Learning. She was a Reading Specialist in the elementary grades at North Warren Central School, Chestertown, NY, where she taught for 25 years. She retired from Schroon Lake Central School after 34 years of public school teaching. She is currently a member of the New York State English Language Arts Education Leader Cadre to the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC).
Trudy has taught literacy-related graduate courses as a part-time instructor at the University at Albany for a number of years. She has also served as a consultant to the New York State Education Department, including as the Chairperson of the PK-4 ELA Common Core Learning Standards Workgroup and as a member of the New York State Literacy Team. She was co-recipient (along with Dr. Sean A. Walmsley) of the New York State Reading Association’s 1990 Outstanding Research Award. She received the 2005 Excellence in Teaching Award from the University at Albany School of Education.
Trudy teaches the following courses:
ERDG 615 Teaching Writing, B-6
ERDG 617 Teaching Social Studies, B-6
ERDG 625 Integrated Literacy Instruction, B-6
Walp, T.P., & Walmsley, S.A. (1995). Scoring well on tests or becoming genuinely literate: Rethinking remediation in a small, rural school. In R.L. Allington & S.A. Walmsley (Eds.) No quick fix: Rethinking literacy programs in American elementary schools. (pp. 177-196). Newark, DE: International Reading Association and New York: Teachers College Press.
Walmsley, S.A., & Walp, T.P. (1990). Integrating literature and composing into the language arts curriculum: Philosophy and practice. Elementary School Journal, 90(3), 251-274.
Walp, T.P. & Walmsley, S.A. (1989). Instructional and philosophical congruence: Neglected aspects of coordination. The Reading Teacher, 42(6), 364-368.