A teacher working with a young student.

Doctor of Philosophy in
Educational Psychology

Program of Study


The PhD in Educational Psychology is a research-based program in which you learn how to generate new scientific knowledge related to psychological aspects of human development, learning, and performance.

Core Courses

One course in each of five of the following core subjects:

  • Development
  • Learning
  • Individual Differences and Special Education
  • Research Methods
  • Measurement and Evaluation
  • Statistics


Doctoral Courses

  • Advanced Educational Psychology: Learning and Instruction
  • Advanced Developmental Psychology
  • Statistical Methods II
  • Educational and Psychological Measurement
  • Educational Research and Design
  • Scholarly Writing



Five advanced courses that support your goals in any of the core subject areas.


Research Experience

As a doctoral student at UAlbany, you get first-hand experience conducting scientific inquiry under the guidance of educational psychology research faculty. During your course of study, you may be involved in any or all phases of a research project, from problem identification to data analysis to publication of findings.

Professional Apprenticeship

To complete the PhD program, you also complete two semesters of a professional apprenticeship directly related to your career goals. This advanced training period can provide useful training in undergraduate instruction. For example, you might teach an undergraduate course in educational psychology, provide test and measurement consulting services, or advise master's students.


Research Tool

Three options are available for fulfilling the research tool requirement. See the Graduate Bulletin for details.


Pre-Dissertation Research

The pre-dissertation research requirement ensures that you engage in the research process prior to the initiation of your dissertation. You will have opportunities to participate in research activities in collaboration with or supervised by faculty mentors. Most students satisfy this requirement through a research apprenticeship.


Comprehensive Exam

The doctoral exam addresses learning, development, statistics, measurement and research methods.



Complete an original research project that contributes to the body of knowledge of educational psychology.

Additional Information

See the Graduate Bulletin for details.

For more information, contact Melissa Starman at mstarman@albany.edu.

Graduate Student Funding

The University at Albany offers a number of annual assistantships and fellowships that provide qualified graduate students with stipends and partial or full tuition remission. Stipends vary year to year.

Work assignments also vary, but commonly include teaching, international research, student advisement, and tasks within one of UAlbany's educational research centers.

To receive this type of funding, you must be taking 12 or more credits and not be employed in any other capacity at UAlbany or elsewhere.

University Hall atrium.
Three students walking UAlbany uptown campus
Lively Academic Community

Students and faculty in educational psychology are an active and engaged intellectual community. Your graduate school experience is enhanced by the registered graduate student organization (RGSO), which organizes student orientations and social gatherings.

This group provides you with faculty support, peer mentorship, and opportunities to develop special skills in preparation for faculty positions or research careers.

The RGSO also offers conference travel and research funding.

Admissions Requirements


Departmental Assistantship Consideration

Fall: January 15
Spring: Not Available
Summer: Not Available

No Departmental Assistantship Consideration

Fall: January 15
Spring: Not Available
Summer: Not Available

Required Application Materials
  • Transcripts from all schools attended
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Statement of goals
  • Optional: Official GRE scores

The statement is generally one to two pages discussing what you have to offer the program and what you wish to get out of the program. It should include a brief description of the applicant's field of interest, related background, desired area of study and research emphasis or career goals. 

Special Notes

This program requires an internship, field experience, study abroad component, or clinical experience requirement. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions.  If applicants have concerns about this matter please contact the Dean’s Office of the intended academic program.

Student Learning Objectives

Learning objectives that UAlbany students are expected to attain through their course of study within their academic program.

  • Students will understand current theory and research in human development, learning, research design, measurement, and statistical analysis.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate that they can read and write critically and analytically about theory, research, and practice.
  • Students will be able to design and carry out rigorous and theoretically well-grounded empirical research that addresses important educational and developmental issues and problems.
  • Students will learn how to make significant contributions to the field through professional presentations in national and international forums and conferences, and through publications in high-quality peer-reviewed journals.
  • Students will demonstrate effective teaching skills in higher education, or competence in other relevant professional contexts.

Careers and Advisement

The Pathways Into Education (PIE) Center is the central office on campus serving undergraduate, graduate, and prospective students interested in pursuing careers in education and programs leading to teacher certification.

Please call or email to schedule an appointment.

Graduate Advisement:
Email Graduate Advisement