A group of teens meeting with a teacher.

Doctor of Psychology in
School Psychology

Program of Study


Most students complete the program in five to six years. You may transfer up to 50% of the program credits if applicable to shorten your completion time.

Core Courses

  • History and Systems of Educational Psychology
  • Introduction to School Psychology
  • Social Psychology Foundations in Professional Psychology
  • Multicultural Counseling

Human Development

  • Individual Differences in Human Behavior
  • Developmental Psychopathology
  • Developmental Neuropsychology
  • Choose two: Advanced Developmental Psychology, Comparative Theories of Human Development, Seminar in Human Development.

Cognition and Affect

Choose one: Advanced Educational Psychology: Learning and Instruction, Children's Learning, Advanced Topics

Research Methods

  • Statistical Methods II
  • Multivariate Methods for Applied Researchers and Evaluators
  • Choose two: Educational Research Design, Seminar in Educational Research, Research Issues in School Psychology.

Assessment and Diagnosis

  • Educational and Psychological Assessment
  • Psychoeducational Assessment I, II, and III (Intellectual, Educational, Behavioral and Social-Emotional)

Effective Intervention and Consultation

  • School Crisis Preparedness and Intervention
  • Instructional Consultation and Intervention
  • Psychoeducational Intervention I, III, and IV (Behavioral Intervention and Consultation, Psychotherapy, and Prevention and Health Promotion)

Educational Foundations

  • Philosophy of Education
  • Introduction to Human Exceptionality
  • Emergent Literacy

Field Training in School Psychology

  • Practicum: 450 hours
  • School Experience: 750 hours
  • Advanced School or Agency Fieldwork: 750 hours
  • Full-Time Internship in School Psychology: 12 months

One Elective

Choose an additional course that interests you.

Comprehensive Exam

Pass a series of subject exams that indicate your readiness to continue with your proposed dissertation research.


Complete an independent school psychology research project and present your findings in a publishable written report.

Additional Information

See the Graduate Bulletin for details.

For more information, contact the Pathways Into Education (PIE) Center at PIECenter@albany.edu.

This program is approved for licensure or certification in New York State.
For more information on Professional Licensure Disclosure, please see the Graduate Bulletin.

American Psychological Association Logo
APA-Accredited Program

The PsyD in School Psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). Conferral of the degree meets the education requirement needed to achieve professional licensure as a practicing psychologist in the state of New York.

For further accreditation information, contact:

Commission on Accreditation
American Psychological Association
Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242

Student Admissions, Outcomes and Other Data

Careers in School Psychology

The majority of PsyD graduates pursue careers that do not require a professional license. However, many alumni become licensed psychologists.

Common employers include public schools, government agencies, educational service organizations, mental health agencies and residential treatment facilities. Some graduates also work as independent practitioners.

Psychologist working with a child

Admissions Requirements


Departmental Assistantship Consideration

Fall: December 1
Spring: Not Available
Summer: Not Available

No Departmental Assistantship Consideration

Fall: December 1
Spring: Not Available
Summer: Not Available

Please note that applicants may not request enrollment deferrals. If you are admitted for a given term but wish to be considered for a future term instead, you must re-apply to the program in order to be considered for admission and funding. 

Required Application Materials
  • Transcripts from all schools attended, listing a cumulative GPA
  • Three professional letters of recommendation
  • Resume/CV
  • Statement of Goals
    The statement is generally one to two pages discussing what you have to offer the program and what you wish to get out of the program.  It should include a brief description of the applicant's field of interest, related background, desired area of study and research emphasis, and career goals.
  • GRE scores will be considered if applicants choose to submit them. However, applicants will not be penalized if they are not submitted.
  • 12 credits of psychology coursework
  • A cumulative GPA above 3.0
Special Notes

This program requires field experience, as well as an internship. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions. If applicants have concerns about this matter please contact the Dean’s Office of the intended academic program.

Student Learning Objectives
Doctor of Psychology

The aim of the PsyD program is to prepare school psychologists to integrate psychological theory, research, and established methods of scientific inquiry into effective practice and to engage in research and evaluation activities that contribute to the science and practice of health service psychology. To achieve this, the Program is built on two complementary goals that reflect a commitment to a practitioner-scientist model of training and are consistent with the substantive areas of health service psychology:

  • To develop students' discipline-specific knowledge
  • To develop students' profession-wide competencies

The Program has identified the following competencies in these areas:

Discipline-Specific Knowledge Category I and II

  • To prepare competent school psychologists who demonstrate knowledge across the basic foundational areas of health service psychology to understand and explain human behavior (demonstrate and apply basic knowledge of the breadth of health service psychology [i.e., typical and atypical development, cognition and learning, biological and social basis for human behavior, individual differences, research methods, statistics, psychometrics, and history of psychology]; demonstrate understanding and advanced integrative knowledge of content areas with application in practice)

Profession-Wide Competencies

Students acquire and demonstrate substantial understanding of and competencies in:

  1. Research Methods and Psychometrics (application of aspects of research design and methods, psychological measurement, data analysis, and data interpretation; generate original research and scholarship)
  2.  Ethical and Legal Standards (APA principles and code of conduct; NASP principles and code of conduct; relevant laws and policies at organizational, local, regional, state, and national level with adherence to these standards in practice)
  3. Individual and Cultural Diversity (knowledge of and sensitivity to issues of diversity in professional practice [self awareness, relevant theories, integration of individual and cultural diversity in case conceptualization, ability to work with individuals from diverse backgrounds) and the extension and application of this knowledge in practice
  4. Professional Values, Attitudes, and Behaviors (values and attitudes of health service psychology including professionalism, integrity, deportment, professional identity, self-reflection, critical thinking, overall professional effectiveness)
  5. Communication and Interpersonal Skills (establish and maintain effective relationships, ability to produce and comprehend verbal, nonverbal, and written communications for varying audiences) in professional practice
  6. Assessment (identify individual strengths and needs across multiple areas of behavior using multiple methods that are based on empirical literature and reflect the science of measurement and psychometrics; diagnostic classification systems; functional and dysfunctional behaviors; interpret assessment results using research and professional standards and guidelines, to inform case conceptualization, classification, and recommendations; guard against biases; effectively and accurately communicate results orally and in written documents)
  7. Interventions (knowledge of theory and research of direct interventions and prevention; identify goals and develop plans based on current scientific literature and linked to assessment findings, characteristics, and contexts; evaluate intervention effectiveness, and adapt intervention goals and methods consistent with ongoing evaluation)
  8. Consultation and interprofessional/interdisciplinary skills (demonstrate knowledge of and respect for the roles and perspectives of other professions; knowledge of consultation models and practices)
  9. Supervision (knowledge of supervision models and practices)

Careers and Advisement

The Pathways Into Education (PIE) Center is the central office on campus serving undergraduate, graduate, and prospective students interested in pursuing careers in education and programs leading to teacher certification.

Please call or email to schedule an appointment.

Graduate Advisement:
Email Graduate Advisement