Paul Stasi

Paul Stasi

Department of English


Humanities 338

PhD, University of California, Berkeley, 2006

Paul Stasi


Paul Stasi researches and teaches in the areas of Modernism, Realism, 20th-century Anglophone writing, Marxist, aesthetic, and postcolonial theory and theories of the novel. He is the author of The Persistence of Realism in Modernist Fiction (Cambridge 2022) which was shortlisted for the MSA 2022 Book Prize, Modernism, Imperialism and the Historical Sense (Cambridge 2012) and the editor of several volumes, including Raymond Williams at 100 (Rowman & Littlefield 2021) and the forthcoming Realism and the Novel:  A Literary History (Cambridge). His work has appeared in, among other places, ELH, Novel, The James Joyce Quarterly, Mediations, Twentieth-Century LiteratureComparative Literature and Historical Materialism