A student writing in a notebook and working on a laptop in the UAlbany Life Sciences courtyard.

Master of Arts / Master of Science in
English / Information Science

Program of Study


Extend your MA studies across topics in areas including literature, cultural studies, pedagogy, film, language, philosophy, and history.

You will build a robust foundation in textual practice as you begin your program sequence in English. Further supporting coursework will help to inform your culminating master’s thesis or research tutorial project and examination. The option to choose your capstone format enables you to tailor your educational experience toward your chosen independent research project.

Pair your foundations in English with a framework of information science coursework covering topics in IT, databases, digital libraries, and web design to develop competency in statistics and research methodologies. Core studies will provide a deeper background in information systems and services as well as records management.

This dual degree program works in tandem with each department to provide you a comprehensive curriculum with a reduced total of 55 required credits.



Required Courses

  • Textual Practices I
  • One course numbered 600 or above
  • Master's Thesis or Master's Research Tutorial and Examination

Supporting Courses

Selected subjects in English or other academic fields as advised. Up to 8 credits may be taken in other fields.

Information Science

Required Courses

  • Core courses: IST 601, 602, and 614 
  • Research and statistics competency: IST 608
  • Internship: IST 668

Concentration Courses

  • Archives and Records Administration - Required courses: IST 546, 547, 654 or 660, 656 
  • Library and Information Services - Required courses: IST 603, 605
  • Information Management and Technology- Required courses: IST 533, 560, 565, 611
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics - Required courses: IST 506, INF 624; Required tool: INF 528

Supporting courses

A maximum of nine credits may be taken in other professional and academic fields as advised. Seven credits of approved course work in English must be part of the supporting courses sequence.

Additional Information

See the Graduate Bulletin for details.

For more information, contact Ineke Murakami at imurakami@albany.edu.

Career Outcomes

With advanced degrees in both English and information science, you will be equipped for careers in academic libraries, public libraries, nonprofits, governmental organizations, archives, museums and the private sector.

Potential job titles for an MA English/MSIS include:

  • Archival Assistant
  • Associate Librarian
  • Computer Science Technician
  • Information Specialist
  • Program Analyst
  • Research Assistant
  • Secondary School Teacher
  • University Professor
  • Web Editor


Two adults looking at research
Admissions Requirements
  • Fall: Rolling
  • Spring: November 1
  • Summer: Not Available

There is no departmental assistantship consideration for this program.

Required Application Materials
  • Transcripts from all schools attended
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Statement of goals
  • Critical writing sample
  • Creative writing sample (optional)
Special Notes

You will need to upload your writing sample with your online application at the time of submission.  You cannot append the application after initial submission. Critical writing samples should be researched and thesis-driven, and be approximately 8-12 pages; longer works such as a chapter from an Honors thesis are also acceptable. Recommendation letters should, wherever possible, be written by instructors able to comment on the applicant's academic abilities.

This program requires an internship, field experience, study abroad component, or clinical experience requirement. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions.  If applicants have concerns about this matter please contact the Dean’s Office of the intended academic program.
