Kyoung-Yeol Kim
MS/PhD in Environmental Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), South Korea. 2014
BS in Environmental Engineering (minor: Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering), Kyungpook National University, South Korea. 2008

Dr. Kyoung-Yeol Kim joined the University at Albany in Fall 2018 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental & Sustainable Engineering. Prior to his appointment, Dr. Kim worked at the Pennsylvania State University as a post-doc research fellow. Dr. Kim is interested in doing everything he can to resolve current energy and environmental issues; however, his research group focuses on developing environmental-friendly technologies for sustainability. His areas of expertise include microbial electrochemical technologies (METs) to convert wastes to valuable resources (such as electricity, hydrogen and chemical compounds) and membrane integrated wastewater treatment processes to produce high quality effluent with less energy input.
Research Interests
Dr. Kim’s research interests include energy recovery from wastewater, microbial electrochemical technologies for resource recovery, developing energy-efficient wastewater treatment process, and membrane technology for wastewater treatment.
Read more about his research, teaching and publications on Dr. Kim's Research Group page.
Selected publications:
Moreno-Jimenez, D.A. and K.-Y. Kim* (2022). Enhanced wettability improves catalytic activity of nickel-functionalized activated carbon cathode for hydrogen production in microbial electrolysis cells. Bioresource Technology, 350:126881.
Kim, K.-Y.*, D.A. Moreno-Jimenez, and H. Efstathiadis (2021). Electrochemical ammonia recovery from anaerobic centrate using a nickel-functionalized activated carbon membrane electrode. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(11):7674-7680.
Mu, T., M. Park and K.-Y. Kim* (2021). Energy-efficient removal of PFOA and PFOS in water using electrocoagulation with an air-cathode. Chemosphere, 281:130956.
Kim, K.-Y.*, R. Rossi, J.M. Regan, and B.E. Logan (2021). Enumeration of exoelectrogens in microbial fuel cell effluents fed acetate or wastewater substrates. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 165:107816.
Kim, K.-Y.*, S.E. Habas, J.A. Schaidle, and B.E. Logan (2019). Application of phase-pure nickel phosphide nanoparticles as cathode catalysts for hydrogen production in microbial electrolysis cells. Bioresource Technology, 293:122067.
Kim, K.-Y.* and B.E. Logan (2019). Nickel powder blended activated carbon cathodes for hydrogen production in microbial electrolysis cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(26):13169-13174.
Kim, K.-Y., W. Yang, and B.E. Logan (2018). Regenerable nickel-functionalized activated carbon cathodes enhanced by metal adsorption to improve hydrogen production in microbial electrolysis cells. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(12):7131-7137.