Samir Salamah
PhD Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2001
Post-Graduate Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 1987-1993
MS Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 1986
BS Thermo-Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois, Chicago, 1982

Professor Samir Salamah is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Environmental and Sustainable Engineering. An engineer and leader who has made an impact on the thermal design and techniques of components in the Aviation, Power and Aerospace industries for over 37 years, he brings a wealth of industry experience to our programs. Dr. Salamah owns over twenty-five patents and has published more than twenty articles in the fields of thermal management and energy conversion. He is passionate about mentoring and training by leveraging a strong grasp of fundamental physics and physics-based thinking in advanced technical challenges. In addition to his appointment at the University at Albany, Dr. Salamah returned to General Electric - Renewable Energy as its Chief Consulting Engineer.
Research Interests
Thermal management and energy conversion, thermal design and techniques
Selected Patents
US10570882B2, Dynamic active and reactive power capability for wind farms
Method for dynamically controlling real and reactive power capability of wind farm, involves communicating generator capability curve to farm-level controller of wind farm, and controlling wind farm based on generator capability curve
US10309242B2, Ceramic matrix composite component cooling
Ceramic matrix component airfoil for gas turbine engine, has trailing edge portion defined adjacent trailing edge at aft end, where pocket is extended within trailing edge portion and heat pipe is received in pocket
See CV for more patents and their descriptions.
Selected Articles and Conference Proceedings
Numerical Comparisons of Heat Transfer from a Single Jet Emanating From a Slot Nozzle Impinging on an Isothermal Plate
C. Tibabisco, S. Vargas-Díaz, S. Salamah
ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
Heat Transfer Enhancement in Narrow Diverging Channels
J. Lamont, S. Ekkad, C. Kaminski, S. Ramesh, A. Tolpadi, S. Salamah
Journal of Turbomachinery 135(4), June 2012
Effects of Rotating Stall on an Axial Fan Design
K. Wilt, D. Story, H. Scarton, A. Hunter, S. Salamah, S. Ramtahal
ASME 2011 Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition
Generator Fan Test Facility to Quantify Axial Flow Fan Aerodynamic Performance
A. Hunter, K. Wilt, H. Scarton, S. Salamah, D. Story
ASME 2010 Power Conference
Modeling of Turbulent Heat Transfer from an Array of Submerged Jets Impinging on a Solid Surface
S. A. Salamah, and D. A. Kaminski
Journal of Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Volume 48, 2005
See CV for more publications.
- Technical Excellence Award for thermo-hydraulic work on the SP-100 space nuclear program.
- General Manager awards
- Dushman award for major impact on a GE business product with the introduction of passive cooling to IGBT-based control system
- New Product Introduction (NPI) Team Performance award for development of cooling system in the most efficient gas turbine
- Featured in the Winter 2012 issue of the SHPE magazine
- Best Instructor in the Advanced Course in Engineering at GE
- Customer Impact Quality Award for improving wind turbine hub thermal environment
- Awarded the Estrella award by the Hispanic Forum in recognition of a career of technical achievements and contributions to GE enterprise