Certificate of Graduate Study in Online Learning and Teaching (COLT)

The COLT Graduate Certificate Program has been developed to meet the needs of students who pursue degrees in education and related fields and who teach or plan to work in public and private schools, administer online programs, support online faculty, develop online curriculum, or deliver online training in a wide variety of settings. The program is designed for students who wish to gain critical conceptual knowledge as well as advanced practical skills in how to develp curriculum, instruction and assessment in fully online and blended learning environments.

All online courses in the COLT program are instructor led and cohort based. Students in these "anytime, anyplace" (asynchronous) online courses log in on a regular basis and interact with the instructor, classmates, and course materials throughout the duration of the class. Instructors are regularly available to answer questions, facilitate online discussion, and provide feedback. All courses counting toward the certificate must be completed with an overall average of B.

Program of Study (15 credits)

Choose three courses from the following:

  • ETap 529 Introduction to Distance Learning (3)
  • ETap 624 Teaching and Learning in Immersive Environments (3)
  • ETap 639 K-12 Online Teaching and Learning (3)
  • ETap 640 Introduction to Online Teaching (3)

Choose one from the following:

  • ETap 524 Integrating Technology Across the Curriculum (3)
  • ETap 526 Educational Computing (3)
  • ETap 623 Systematic Design of Instruction (3)

and one of the following:

  • ETap 655 Contemporary Patterns in Teaching (3) *
  • ETap 683 Seminar in Instructional Technology (3)
  • ETap 695 Master's Internship in Education Theory and Practice (2-6)

* Topic in the student's subject area: language education, math and science education, or social

Please note: This program offers an internship, field experience, study abroad component, or clinical experience in the course listing as an option to fulfill course requirements. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions. If you have concerns about this matter please contact the Dean’s Office of your intended academic program.