Epidemiology Master of Science Degree Program

Admission Requirements

Applicants to the M.S. program in Epidemiology are expected to satisfy the following requirements for admission:

  1. They must hold a bachelor's degree from a college or university of recognized standing;
  2. They must have a concentration (major) in the biological, physical, or social sciences, computer science, mathematics or statistics;*
  3. They must have a satisfactory record of academic achievement and scholarship;
  4. They must provide three letters of recommendation from academic advisors or other faculty members familiar with the applicant;**
  5. Foreign students must submit evidence of proficiency in English, and;
  6. A personal interview will be conducted when feasible.

* Students with concentrations in areas other than those listed in requirement 2 may be admitted on the basis of relevant work experience and coursework as a non-major in the recommended disciplines. At least one semester of college-level mathematics and biology is strongly advised. Students lacking preparation in the biological sciences will be required to take additional coursework in this area.

**For candidates whose academic record predates the application by five years or more, letters of recommendation may be submitted by supervisors.

Degree Requirements

A minimum of 37 graduate credits are required for the M.S. Degree in Epidemiology.

  1. The core curriculum totals 24 credits and consists of the following courses:
    • Epi 501 Principles and Methods of Epidemiology I (3);
    • Epi 502 Principles and Methods of Epidemiology II (3);
    • Epi 503 Principles of Public Health (3);
    • Epi 514 Computer Programming for Data Management and Analysis in Public Health (3);
    • Sta 552 Principles of Statistical Inference I (3);
    • Sta 553 Principles of Statistical Inference II (3);
    • Epi 690 Field Placement (3);
      Epi 699 Thesis (3).
  2. Students must also take 13 credits of supporting courses, of which at least 7 must be:

    Epi 612 Quantitative Methods in Epidemiology (4);
    Epi 6XX Epi (600 level) Elective (3)

    Other supportive courses related to the student's area of specialization: Appropriate courses may be selected from such departments as Biomedical Sciences, Environmental Health Sciences, Biological Sciences, Anthropology, and Biometry and Statistics, as well as courses at Albany Medical College.

  3. Students are required to complete a field placement during which the students work closely with a faculty member of the Department and a field placement advisor on actual epidemiological projects.
  4. The thesis is to be conducted under the guidance of two members of the faculty (a thesis advisor and a reader). The thesis advisor and faculty advisor need not be the same person. Students may choose to have two readers instead of one. For example, the faculty advisor may be selected as an additional (second) reader when other individuals are chosen as thesis advisor and reader. The thesis must involve the analysis of data and should include a statement of the research question, a review of the literature, a description of methods and results, and a discussion. The level of detail should go beyond that of a journal article. The thesis must be presented before the faculty and students on a designated Master's Presentation Day.
  5. Research Tool Requirement: Proficiency in computer programming/ data management.

Please note: This program requires an internship, field experience, study abroad component, or clinical experience requirement. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions. If you have concerns about this matter please contact the Dean’s Office of your intended academic program.