Global Gender Advocacy Certificate Program

The advanced online graduate certificate in Global Gender Advocacy prepares scholars, artists, community organizers, and professionals from a variety of fields to apply the skills and values of gender advocacy in global contexts, from feminist activism to anti-racist organizing to LGBTQ rights. The program is developed specifically for students who seek to expand their knowledge of women’s, gender, and sexuality studies with cultural competencies across racial, ethnic, and national differences. Students will analyze social problems at the intersection of gender, sexuality, race, class, and nationality and also evaluate best practices for advocacy within and across national borders. Students will select three courses to fulfill certificate requirements, for a total of 9 to 12 credits.

Program Requirements - 9 to 12 credits, three courses

Choose three of the following courses:

  • Wss 502 Situated Sexualities and Transnational Activism (3-4 credits)
  • Wss 508 Gender, Development, and Feminist Economics (3-4 credits)
  • Wss 512 Race, Gender, and Cultural Politics in the Asian Diaspora (3-4 credits)
  • Wss 525/Pad 525/Pos 525Q/Epl 525 Feminist Thought and Public Policy (3-4)
  • Wss 530/Aas 529/Lcs 530 Environmental Justice: Racism, Classism, Sexism (3-4 credits)
  • Wss 542 Transformative Storytelling for Social Change (3-4 credits)
  • Wss 545/Aas 545/Lcs 545 Black Diasporas, Feminisms, and Sexual Politics (3-4 credits)
  • Wss 581 Digital Cultures, Global Circuits, and Feminist Futures (3-4 credits)
  • Wss 599 Topics in Women's Studies (3-4 credits)

Please note: This program is not eligible for federal financial aid.