History (M.A.) and Information Science (M.S.) Dual Degree Program

The History MA curriculum has been updated as of Fall 2023. The new program requirements are reflected below. Students who were admitted to the program as of Spring 2023 and prior should view the degree requirements available at the History (M.A.) and Information Science (M.S.) Dual Degree Program page.

The Department of History in conjunction with the Department of Information Science and Technology offers a dual degree program combining the M.A. in History and the M.S. in Information Science. By applying up to 13 credits maximum between each program, a student can reduce the total number of credits needed for both degrees. However, faculty responsible for concentrations in both programs may require additional course work. Students may be admitted to a dual master's degree program at the beginning of their graduate studies, but not later than after completing 20 graduate credits applicable to a dual master's degree program. Work done for an awarded master's or doctoral degree may not be used for this program. Students may leave a dual program before completion of both degrees. If the requirements for one degree have been fulfilled, that degree may be awarded. You must be admitted to graduate study in both the M.A. in History and M.S. in Information Science degree programs for the dual degree program.

Program of Study - History and Information Science - (53 - 59 credits)

The MS In Information Science is a 36-credit degree program (for all concentrations). The MA in History is a 30-credit degree program (for the Academic track) and a 36-credit degree program for the Public History track.

Please note: If approved, a total of 13 credits of coursework may count toward both degrees, with no more than six or seven credits coming from either History or Information Science to reach the 13 credits overall. Shared internship credits count toward the 13 shared graduate credits between the two programs.

History with an Academic track (30 credits minimum)

  1. Course work in History: 22 credits minimum in History, including at least -
    • One Readings Seminar (4 credits)
    • Supporting Course work: 0 - 9 credits - students are able to request courses in the social sciences and other fields as advised
  2. His 502 Prospectus Workshop (4 credit)
  3. His 510 MA Research Seminar (4 credit) - students must complete His 502 before enrolling in His 510.
  4. Foreign Language Requirement - A reading knowledge of one foreign language appropriate to the student's major field is required for M.A. candidates writing Master's theses on non-U.S. topics. The Master’s thesis is optional and not required for this program. This requirement can be fulfilled by an examination in the Department, by an examination administered by a language department with approval of the History Department, or by satisfactory completion of a graduate level language course that has been approved by the History Department. A student may not take the language examination more than twice for the MA degree.

History with a Public History track (36 credits minimum)

Students must complete a minimum of 36 credits of coursework chosen from Group A, B, and C as apportioned.

  1. Group A: Academic Content Courses (14 - 18 credits):
    • One Readings Seminar (4 credits)
    • His 502 Prospectus Workshop (4 credits)
    • His 510 MA Research Seminar (4 credits; student must enroll in His 502 before enrolling in His 510)
    • 2 to 6 credits of History as advised (will vary based on Public History credits taken)
  2. Group B: Public History Courses (12-16 credits; may include 6 credits from Information Science as advised)
    • His 501 Introduction to Public History (4)
    • And other courses selected from the following:
      His 503 Introduction to Historical Agency Management and Practice (4)
      His 504 Curatorial Practices for Historical Agencies (4)
      His 505 Interpretation of Historic Sites and Artifacts (4)
      His 506 History Museums (4)
      His 508 Material Culture Studies (4)
      His 509 Introduction to Historic Preservation (4)
      His 596 Practicum in Digital History (4)
      His 597 Practicum in Historical Documentary Filmmaking (4)
      His 598 Practicum in Historical Narrative (4)
  3. Group C: Public History internship (6 credits minimum). Students in the dual program who choose to concentrate in Public History must complete a total of six internship credits to satisfy the requirements of the two degrees. These credits may be satisfied in a variety of ways:
    • Students may split the internship between the two departments, taking HIS599 (Special Projects in History) and IST678 for three credits each. If the proposed internship is approved by the History Department, this combination will satisfy the 6-credit requirement for the concentration in Public History.
    • Students may take HIS798 (Public History Internship) for six credits. If the proposed internship is approved in advance of its completion by the Information Science Department, this course will satisfy the requirement for IST678 (Internship).
    • Students may take IST678 (Internship) for six credits. If the proposed internship is approved in advance by the History Department, it will satisfy the requirement for HIS798 (Public History Internship).
    • Note that because of the additional six-credit internship requirement for students in the Public History concentration, students doing the M.A. track in Public History are required to complete a minimum of 59 credits for both degrees, instead of the 53 credits required for students pursing the Academic track in History. Shared internship credits count towards the 13 total allowed shared graduate credits between the two programs.

Information Science (36 credits minimum)

  1. Required courses: (15 Credits)
    • Core courses: 9 credits
      • Ist 601 The Information Environment (3)
      • Ist 602 Information and Knowledge Organization (3)
      • Ist 614 Administration of Information Agencies (3; not required for students in the Intelligence Analysis concentration)
    • Research and statistics competency: Ist 608 Research Methods (3)
    • Internship: Ist 678 Internship - Information Science (3)
  2. Concentration courses: (21 credits)
    • Archives and Records Administration
      • Ist 546 Fundamentals of Records Management (3)
      • Ist 547 Electronic Record Management (3) 
      • Ist 654 Preservation Management in Archives and Libraries (3) or Ist 660 Archival Representation (3)
      • Ist 656 Archives and Manuscripts (3)
      • Supporting courses as advised: 9 credits
    • Library and Information Services
      • Ist 603 Information Processing (3)
      • Ist 605 Information Sources and Services (3)
      • Supporting courses as advised: 15 credits
    • Information Management and Technology
      • Ist 533 Information Storage and Retrieval (3)
      • Ist 560 Information and Public Policy (3)
      • Ist 565 Human Information Behavior (3)
      • Ist 611 Information Systems (3)
      • Supporting courses as advised: 9 credits
    • Data Analytics - updated as of Fall 2023
      • Ist 506 Database Systems and Data Analysis (3)
      • Inf 624 Predictive Modeling (3)
      • Required tool: Inf 528 Analysis, Visualization, and Prediction in Analytics (3)
      • Supporting courses as advised: 12 credits

Please note: This program requires an internship, field experience, study abroad component, or clinical experience requirement. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions. If you have concerns about this matter please contact the Dean’s Office of your intended academic program.