Itm 510 Advanced Excel with Visual Basic for Applications (1)
Excel is the most used software in any organization. This course includes advanced Excel including the use of Excel objects, Macros, Functions, Goal Seek, Solver, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), regression analysis, charts, pivot tables, etc. Problems will focus on business decision support, scenario analysis and statistical techniques. The student will learn how to improve productivity using spreadsheet software and VBA for problem solving in a business environment. S/U graded.
Itm 512 Data Management for Organizational Success (2)
This course focuses on the fundamental background on data management in organizations. There are three major parts: (1) data centric decision analysis using spreadsheets, (2) using relational databases in business processes, and (3) exposure to "Big Data" analytics for structured and unstructured data management and data warehousing. Concepts to be covered: Volume (in generating), Reaction time (or velocity, when using) and Variety and Complexity of Data (i.e., structured, numeric data in traditional databases, unstructured text documents, email, video, audio, stock ticker data and financial transactions). Using business cases, students will have hands-on experience using software tools.
Itm 513 Quantitative Analysis for Business (3)
This course is designed to train students to make business decisions using quantitative techniques. Analytic skills such as problem solving and critical thinking will be taught through the use of probability and logical reasoning. Concepts including simulation and regression will be covered with the aid of software packages. Students will work on projects involving quality control and forecasting. Business skills such as risk management and inventory planning will be emphasized. Prerequisite: Students taking this course should currently be taking a course in Excel or have prior knowledge of Excel fundamentals.
Itm 514 Operations Management (3)
Gaining competitive advantage through quality services and products continues to be a major challenge for many service and manufacturing organizations. In this course, we present a comprehensive view of how a judicious combination of operations strategy, concepts, processes, and techniques enable both service and manufacturing organizations to compete effectively in the global marketplace. The course introduces the changing operations landscape with the advent of digital technologies and E-commerce. The course is organized around the theme of how to effectively manage the process of producing and delivering quality services and products to the customer. The course will emphasizes the use of computer based tools and cases, and requires proficiency in statistical methods to address both structured and unstructured operations problems and issues in a holistic manner. Prerequisite: Students taking this course should have prior knowledge of Quantitative Analysis.
Itm 520 Database Management (1)
This is an introductory course in database modeling, design and implementation for business applications. The role of database systems in the management of information and the procedures for modeling the data resource to support managerial/executive needs are presented. It includes principles of database theory, query languages, and forms of data organization. Students gain hands-on experience through developing one or more database applications using one of the standard database packages.
Itm 522 Managing Information Technology (3)
Information systems and technology are key enablers of business success, and managers need to understand the leverage IS/IT provides and the potential pitfalls they create. This course examines strategic and operational issues of IT management, and where business value is obtained through technology. Specifically, at the end of this course you will be able to use various frameworks and analytical models to examine and evaluate IT projects from the viewpoints of different stakeholders, to identify potential problems, and to offer credible solutions.
Itm 572 Advanced Programming (1)
The course teaches the basic constructs of the language and covers some aspects of object oriented programming. The course will start with a discussion of data types and flow control and then delve into issues like abstraction and inheritance. This is a programming class so a lot of effort is required outside of the class in programming assignments.
Itm 601 Business Systems Analysis and Design (3)
This course introduces students to the analysis and design of information systems. Topics include the identification and modeling of business requirements and processes, development of information systems that meet those requirements, and techniques associated with the successful completion of systems projects. Enrollment limited to ITM department concentrators or by the consent of instructor.
Itm 602 Enterprise - Wide Application Development and Management (3)
This course teaches students how to plan and implement an online business. The students learn about financial analysis, marketing analysis, and risk analysis and use these to create a business plan for their online business idea. The students then implement their idea by creating a working prototype using a multi-tier (client/server/data) architecture and server side technology. Students develop and design a database and then connect it to the server creating dynamic web pages. At the middle and end of the semester, the students give a presentation to a review panel which evaluates their efforts. Based on technical demands of the course, it is required for students to have some knowledge of database development and programming.
Itm 603 Business Analytics and Data Mining (3)
This course introduces participants to business analytics, data mining, and predictive analytics. It will build competencies in building models from large data sets. The course covers data visualization and modeling concepts, including clustering, classification, and association. The course also introduces participants to a software package that permits analysis of large data sets. The course uses examples, cases, and data sets that relate to the functional areas of a business, including marketing, sales, and human resources. After completing the course, participants will be able to analyze large data sets with modern techniques and tools to improve a company's ability to leverage its corporate data. The course is pertinent to students with concentrations in information technology management, marketing, finance, accounting, information security, and management. Prerequisite: Students taking this course should have prior knowledge of Quantitative Analysis.
Itm 604 Databases and Business Intelligence (3)
This course covers data modeling, database design and development of business applications. The course includes the use of the structured query language (SQL) and coding with a language for developing applications. The course also covers the basic concepts of data warehousing, online analytical processing (OLAP), and business intelligence. Finally, the course covers aspects of non-relational databases or NoSQL databases, which enable big data applications. After completing the course, participants will be able to model data, design databases, and query those databases to improve a company's ability to leverage its corporate data to improve business intelligence. The course is pertinent to students with concentrations in information systems and business analytics, marketing, finance, accounting, information security, and management.
Itm 605 Advanced Concepts in Information Technology Management I (3)
This is a seminar-type course that deals with contemporary issues in the design and application of information technology, theory, and analytic approaches to complex, unstructured business problems. Topics will vary, but may include decision systems modeling, data security and quality, management decision making, multivariate modeling and optimization. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor required.
Itm 606 Advanced Concepts in Information Technology Management II (3)
This is a seminar-type course that deals in-depth with contemporary issues in operations management. Representative topics include automation and robotics, the use of expert systems in the manufacturing environment, and problems involved in off-shore manufacturing, international distribution, and competition with low labor-cost countries. Prerequisites: Itm 514 and permission of instructor.
Itm 609 Topics in Business Analytics and Text Mining (3)
Given the overwhelming dominance of text data in today's business world, companies need to understand how to apply analytics to text data and extract valuable information from the data. This course will cover selected topics in business analytics, including (but not limited to) text visualization, text mining, and social media and network analysis. The course will allow participants to gain hands-on experience in handling large data sets found in today's business world. Additionally, the course will introduce participants to software applications that permit analysis of text data. The course is pertinent to students with concentrations in multiple areas, including marketing and sales, human resources, and accounting. This course and its prerequisites will prepare participants to analyze both structured and unstructured data at public and private concerns. Prerequisites: Students taking this course should have prior knowledge of quantitative analysis, business analytics and data mining.
Itm 610 Forecasting and Panel Data Analysis (3)
With a focus on univariate and multivariate forecasting, students will learn the steps of the forecasting process: goal definition, time-series data visualization, model selection, evaluation, and deployment. Other panel data techniques for economic analysis will be also explored.
Itm 621 Decision Analytics and Optimization (3)
This course instructs students on decision analytics and optimization techniques such as linear and integer programming. Network model like minimum cost networks and shortest path models for building optimal supply chain networks are also explored. Students will be introduced to decision trees and Monte Carlo simulation and will apply these techniques to solve business problems.
Itm 623 Design of Experiments and Data Quality, Security, and Privacy (3)
Students will generate randomized experimental designs, learn about the importance of causality, and determine the individual and interactive effects of various factors that can influence output. They will analyze results from their experimental designs, prepare executive-level presentations, and learn how to deploy appropriate safeguards to secure and protect data.
Itm 624 (Pad 624) Simulation Modeling for Strategy and Policy Analysis (3)
Why do seemingly good strategies fail to produce the desired results? Are problems so complex that we cannot affect outcomes in any meaningful way? Can we learn from success and failure? This course introduces tools and perspectives that will help you with 'wicked problems,' where complexity, constraints, and conflicting pressures are the norm. The course includes two related areas - systems thinking (ST) and system dynamics (SD). Systems thinking is an analytic approach that looks for endogenous interactions among elements to explain outcomes. System dynamics uses computer simulation to turn systems thinking ideas into formal models supporting experimentation and hypothesis testing. Employing the techniques of these two areas, we will discover the important role of feedback and structure that drive business growth and failure. We will experiment with strategies that support economic vitality and efficient and effective governance (among other issues) in a time of increasingly scarce resources.
Itm 626 Analytics and Visualization (3)
This course instructs students on new database technologies developed specifically for managing massive datasets (big data) and visualization tools and techniques to create intuitive graphs and presentations from complex data.
Itm 651 Foundations of Data Management and Business Analytics for Managers (3)
This course is a survey course on business analytics and big data. It reviews several key developments in today's business world, including business intelligence, business analytics, and big data; why data in any form is an important organizational asset; introduce the data life cycle and how it is contextualized in both the public and private sectors; demonstrate how data becomes a key component in an organization's decision making process via data visualization and analysis tools, which provide insights in how to improve business performance; and discuss the concept of data governance. Topics may include data, information, and knowledge; the digital organization; and big data concepts and definitions. The course will use examples, illustrations, and business cases to demonstrate application of its content. Participants will develop an awareness of how organizations can leverage their data assets via business analytics and develop competencies in how to manage those assets. Prerequisite: Students taking this course should have prior knowledge of basic statistical methods.
Itm 652 Topics in Business Analytics and for Managers (3)
This course aims to keep managers abreast of the latest developments in analytics and big data. The course provides an understanding of business governance and how it relates to technology governance; describes approaches for scoring and selecting data and analytics projects from a portfolio of business requests; and provide a basic understanding of the technical aspects of business analytics and big data implementations. Topics may include planning and implementing business analytics and big data projects; technicalities of big data; and cloud technologies. The course will use examples, illustrations, and business cases to demonstrate application of its content. Participants will develop an awareness of how to select and successfully implement business analytics projects, various aspects of big data, and cloud technologies. Prerequisite: Students taking this course should have prior knowledge of basic statistical methods.
Itm 680 Project Management (3)
This course will cover project management topics and concepts while focusing on technology based projects. Topics will include: Philosophy & Concepts; Project/Systems Life Cycle; PERT, CPM, Resource Allocation; Organizational Considerations; Risk Management; Communication Management; Contracting; PMBOK; Process areas and Knowledge areas; Project Completion, Turnover and Follow-up.
Itm 685 Information Security (3)
This course builds a systematic approach for engaging in information security practices in an organization. It builds a thread through a few main elements of managing information security, i.e. knowing security threats, understanding the associated risks, learning security related laws, instituting security policies, handling security breach incidents, and planning for disaster. It also delves into the human factors in information security management which covers a broad range of topics such as, hacker motivations, copyright infringement, intellectual property protection, and personnel use of workplace computing. Prerequisite: Weekend MBA program only.
Itm 690 Research Seminar in Information Systems and Business Analytics (3)
Supervised research seminar in information systems and business analytics. This course culminates is an applied research or consulting project. Students will demonstrate competence in business analytics applications by developing, executing, summarizing, and presenting research findings to diverse audiences.
Itm 691 Field Study in Information Systems and Business Analytics (3)
Information systems and/or business analytics field projects are conducted by students under faculty supervision in a variety of business and not-for-profit organizations. The projects provide students with an opportunity to apply and further develop their skills in information systems and/or business analytics. Must be repeated for 3 credits.
Itm 692 Special Topics in Information Technology (3)
This course covers programming concepts using the Java language and business intelligence using data mining. In the first half of the class students learn the concepts of programming. From this class, students are not expected to become expert programmers, but will gain an understanding of basic programming concepts that will enable them to think through and solve business problems in a logical and structured fashion. Understanding of programming will also help students in making decisions regarding technology acquisition and development as they mature into management roles. The second part of the class focuses on learning data mining techniques, including: clustering (e.g. k-means, hierarchical), classification (e.g. decision trees), and association rule mining (e.g. market basket analysis). This part of the class will teach students to efficiently filter through large volumes of data to gain intelligence for business decision making. The lectures in the class will be complemented by hands-on workshops and tutorials. Co-Requisite: Itm 601.
Itm 694 Field Concentration Elective in Information Technology Management (3)
The Field Concentration Elective in Information Technology Management provides students with an opportunity to further develop and apply their information technology management skills in a project-based course. May be repeated for 3 credits.
Itm 695 Independent Study in Information Systems or Information Technology (1-3)
The student and instructor jointly develop a plan of independent study on an advanced topic in information systems or operations management. The student is usually required to prepare a report or paper. May be repeated for a total of 3 credits. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and department chairperson.
Itm 698 Research Project in ITM (3)
Supervised research on a topic involving accounting, finance, operations management, human resources management, and/or management information systems. Required of all part-time MBA program students. Not opened for students with credit in Itm 691. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 30 graduate credits. S/U graded.