Psychology Courses

Psy 501 Applied Statistics for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (3)

Basic statistical concepts relevant to Industrial and Organizational Psychology, focusing on statistical skills needed by practitioners of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Introduction to statistical computing with the use of standard software. Topics include correlation/regression methods, analysis of variance, and advanced multiple regression. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

Psy 510 Statistics and Experimental Methods I (4)

Basic statistical concepts, applications of the concepts, and an introduction to experimental design in the behavioral sciences. Topics include probability theory, classical null hypothesis significance testing and alternatives, and correlation/regression methods. Introduction to statistical computing with the use of standard software. This is the first course in a two semester sequence along with APSY 511. Prerequisite: An undergraduate statistics course is recommended. Permission of instructor is required.

Psy 511 Statistics and Experimental Methods II (4)

Advanced methods in regression and multiple regression. Analysis of variance techniques associated with experimental methods in the behavioral sciences, and general linear models. Analysis of categorical data and an introduction to non-parametric statistics. Statistical computing applications of these methods with standard software packages. Prerequisite: APsy 510.

Psy 519 Autism I: Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders (3)

Autism is a disorder that profoundly affects the way people communicate and relate to others. This course will provide students with an overview of current research in the field, including core and associated features of autism as well as causes of the disorder and principles for effective intervention. Integration of biological, psychological, and social perspectives will be highlighted with an emphasis on improving outcomes for individuals with autism. A discussion of professional ethics and standards of practice will also be included. Prerequisites: Matriculated student enrolled in Certificate of Graduate Studies in Autism.

Psy 520 Autism II: Introduction to Intervention (3)

This course will provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the empirically-validated techniques used to treat individuals with autism. Highlighted will be programmatic efforts to increase appropriate behaviors and decrease challenging behaviors and to design interventions that permit individuals to successfully navigate in a variety of environments. Cultural and ethnic issues and adequate maintenance of client records will also be discussed. Prerequisites: Successful completion of APsy 519.

Psy 521 Autism III: Practicum in Intervention (3)

This course engages students in a practicum experience with individuals on the autism spectrum in a human service agency setting. Students will participate in a structured sequence of supervised activities implementing appropriate interventions using applied behavior analysis strategies with individuals who have autism spectrum disorders. Practical and ethical issues related to application of behavioral procedures will be covered. Prerequisites: Successful completion of APsy 519; concurrent enrollment in APsy 520.

Psy 565 Psychology and Language (3)

Introduction to problems of linguistic behavior. The acquisition of phonology, syntax, and semantics. Theoretical interpretations of language behavior. Relationship of language to cognitive processes. Application to issues in language training. Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate major in psychology or bachelor's degree and some teaching experience.

Psy 600A,B Research Project in Psychology (3,3)

Initial training in psychological research. Each student works in an apprenticeship relationship with a faculty member of his/her choice. Registration in two consecutive semesters necessary. Required of all first-year graduate students. Three credits per semester only. One year course.

Psy 601 Behavioral Neuroscience I (3)

This course will emphasize core principles of nervous system structure and function in the regulation of behavior and behavioral disorders. Topics will include coverage of the anatomical, neurochemical, physiological, developmental, and endocrine methods, systems and processes that provide understanding of neurobehavioral function. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.

Psy 602 Survey of Learning and Conditioning (3)

The research literature and theoretical positions in the area. Provides preparation for advanced work. See Program of Study and Research section for proseminar requirements.

Psy 603 Survey of Cognitive Psychology (3)

The research literature and theoretical positions in the area. Provides preparation for advanced work. See Program of Study and Research section for proseminar requirements.

Psy 604 Survey of Development Psychology (3)

The research literature and theoretical positions in the area. Provides preparation for advanced work. See Program of Study and Research section for proseminar requirements.

Psy 605 Social Psychology I (3)

The research literature and theoretical positions in the area. Provides preparation for advanced work. See Program of Study and Research section for proseminar requirements.

Psy 606 Social Psychology II (3)

The research literature and theoretical positions in the area. Provides preparation for advanced work. See Program of Study and Research section for proseminar requirements.

Psy 608 Research Methods in Social-Personality I (3)

The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the basics of hypothesis generation, theory construction measurement theory. Topics include the philosophy of science, the nature of casual argumentation, methods for evaluating theories, theory construction, mathematical modeling and the nature of hypothetical constructs and variables. Measurement of variables are discussed in terms of classic test theory, generalizability theory, latent trait theory, and multiple assessment strategies.

Psy 609 Research Methods in Social-Personality II (3)

This course will cover major methdological approaches in S/P (e.g., observation, experimentation, quasi-experimentation, surveys, etc.), data analaytic issues that are unique to S/P, distinctions between basic and applied research in S/P, and between S/P and the other social sciences. In addition, this course will cover issues related to professional development, such as the scholarly presentation of results, journal writing, and manuscript submission.

Psy 610 History of Psychology (3)

Survey of the historical precedents of contemporary psychology with a conceptual emphasis on the events and individuals that helped shape the field. The first half of the semester is devoted to experimental psychologies, the second half to clinical psychologies.

Psy 613 Multivariate Analysis (3)

An overview of multivariate statistical methods as they pertain to psychological research. Techniques discussed include multiple regression; multivariate analysis of variance; discriminant analysis; principal components; canonical correlation; factor analysis; cluster analysis. Prerequisites: APsy 510 and APsy 511 or equivalents and permission of instructor.

Psy 614 Meta-Analysis (3)

Covers such substantive issues as: rationale for meta-analyses; estimation of study effect size; combining results of experimental studies; combining results of correlational studies; moderator variable analysis. Prerequisites: APsy 510 and A511or equivalents.

Psy 615 Behavioral Neuroendocrinology (3)

This course will review the effects of endocrine systems on behavior, including details of the biological mechanisms by which such effects are transduced. Discussion of the regulation of hormone production and secretion by both environment and experience will be included, as well as the contributions of hormones to behavioral disorders. Prerequisite: APsy 601 or permission of instructor.

Psy 620 Theories of Personality (3)

Systematic analysis of the writings of the major contributors to personality theory.

Psy 623 Advanced Developmental Psychology (3)

The development of the human organism through the life span with particular emphasis on the first decade of life. Analysis of research findings related to development processes.

Psy 624 Human Memory (3)

Emphasis on experimental tests of theories of how humans encode, store, and retrieve memories. Topics include sensory memories, short term memory coding and capacity, automatic vs. controlled memory processes, imagery, semantic vs. episodic vs. procedural long-term memories, mechanisms for forgetting, and memory with and without awareness.

Psy 625 Information Processing and Perception (3)

Emphasis on theories and experimental methodologies concerned with human information processing and perception. Topics include attentional vs. automatic processes, serial vs. parallel vs. cascaded processing mechanisms, how perceptual dimensions are integrated in object perception, signal detection theory, and models of speech perception and reading.

Psy 640 Survey of Psychopathology (3)

Etiological and developmental aspects of abnormal behavior; constitutional, cultural and psychological aspects of various forms of psychopathology. Required of all first-year graduate students in clinical psychology. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 641 Survey of Organizational Psychology (3)

Advanced survey of theory and research on the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations. Topics include organizational design, group processes and decision-making, organizational theory, and employee attitudes. See Program of Study and Research section for proseminar requirements.

Psy 644 Human Factors (3)

Study of limitations and capabilities in human skilled behavior, including perceptual, motor and cognitive activities. Emphasis on interaction of human behavior and the task environment.

Psy 662 Sensory Processes (3)

A synthesis of the information and theory developed in anatomy, neurophysiology, perception and the computer sciences is presented to describe the processes of perception. Prerequisite: APsy 601 or equivalent.

Psy 668 Group Dynamics (3)

Analysis and evaluation of concepts, hypotheses, techniques, and results of research in group dynamics. The study of the following group processes: communication, decision making, cooperation and competition, cohesion, social facilitation and inhibition, leadership and group roles.

Psy 670 Clinical Methods I: Assessment (3)

Theory and research on psychological assessment. Consideration is given to a problem solving rather than a technique approach. Required of all first-year graduate students in clinical psychology. To be taken concurrently with Psy A675B. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 671 Clinical Methods II: Psychotherapy and Behavior Change (3)

Theory and research on psychotherapy and behavior change. Particular attention to practical aspects, technology, and to larger theoretical issues. Required of second-year graduate students in clinical psychology. To be taken concurrently with APsy 676A. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 672 Clinical Methods III: Psychotherapy and Behavior Change (3)

Theory and research on psychotherapy and behavior change. Particular attention is paid to practical aspects, technology, and to larger theoretical issues. Required of second-year graduate students in clinical psychology. To be taken concurrently with APsy 676B. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 673 Clinical Child Psychology (3)

Theory and research regarding behavior disorders of childhood and their treatment. Attention to applied aspects and larger theoretical and professional issues. Required of third-year graduate students in clinical psychology. To be taken concurrently with APsy 677A. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 675A Introduction to Clinical Psychology: The Scientist-Practitioner (3)

Initial exposure to the activities of clinical psychologists in applied settings. Particular emphasis placed on methods of functioning as a scientist-practitioner in clinical work and the implications of this role for the practice of clinical psychology as well as initial familiarization with clinical research methods. Required of first-year graduate students in clinical psychology. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 675B Practicum in Clinical Assessment (2)

Practicum course to accompany APsy 670. Student training in assessment under close faculty supervision. Methods covered include the interview, direct observations, personality testing, and intelligence testing. Required of all first-year students in clinical psychology. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 676A,B Practicum in Assessment and Intervention (3,3)

Practicum course to accompany APsy 670 and APsy 671. Student training in both assessment and intervention under close faculty supervision. Required of all second-year graduate students. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 677A,B Professional Issues and Current Directions in Clinical Psychology (3,3)

Designed for advanced clinical psychology graduate students; involves discussions of issues related to responsible professional behavior on the part of psychologists, including legal and ethical concerns. Topics of contemporary importance (e.g., community psychology) also addressed. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 699 Master's Thesis (2-6)

Independent research leading to an acceptable master's thesis. (APsy 600A,B may substitute for APsy 699.)

Psy 713 Behavioral Neuroscience II (3)

This course will review recent scientific literature as the basis for in-depth exploration of selected topics in the neural basis of behavior and behavioral disorders. Emphasis will be given to exploration of approaches to critical scientific thinking and analysis, scientific writing and recent advances in methodology. Prerequisite: APsy 601.

Psy 721 Complex Mental Processes (3)

Topics on problem solving, artificial intelligence, reasoning and conceptual thinking, and comprehension. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 722 Comparative Psychology (3)

The evolution of behavior paralleling the evolution of complex nervous systems. Reflexes, tropisms, and taxes and their neural bases compared to the plasticity of learned behavior, traditional areas of motinnel selection, training and development, uses and development of psychological tests, and human engineering. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.

Psy 723 Behavior-Genetic Analysis (3)

Survey of methods and current literature in experimental and human behavior genetics. Emphasizes the role of quantitative methodologies in the study of hereditary influences on individual differences in behavior. Prerequisite(s): APsy 510 and APsy 511 or permission of instructor.

Psy 730 Attitudes and Social Cognition (3)

Theory and research involving the formation and change of attitudes and the formation and utilization of knowledge about the social world.

Psy 735 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (3)

This course examines the neural circuitry, neurochemistry and neuroplasticity underlying specific features of learning and memory. Prerequisite: APsy 601.

Psy 736 Research Methods in Psychology (3)

Introductory, graduate-level treatment of a variety of research-related issues germane to psychology and closely related disciplines. The topics considered include the scientific method, elements of the research process, alternative strategies for operationalizing variables, sampling, psychometrics, experimental research, non-experimental research, research artifacts and non-traditional research. Prerequisite: APsy 510 or equivalent.

Psy 737 Research Methods in Social and Personality Psychology (3)

Research methodology including correlational and experimental techniques along with coverage of test construction, survey methods, field studies, and laboratory experimentation. Special topics include response sets, demand characteristics, and ethical issues. Prerequisite(s): APsy 510 and APsy 511 or consent of instructor.

Psy 738 Research Methods in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (3)

Research methodology focusing on applied organizational and experimental contexts, including correlational, quasi-experimental, experimental, longitudinal, and multilevel techniques. Causal inferences, sampling, and other current methodological issues in the field will also be covered. Finally, issues in measurement and theory development will be covered. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.

Psy 745 Behavioral Neuropharmacology (3)

This course will cover the biological, neurochemical and neurophysiological actions of drugs on the nervous system to alter behavior and behavioral experience, including drug use, abuse and addiction as well as therapeutics for the treatment of behavioral and psychiatric disorders. Prerequisite: APsy 601.

Psy 750 Foundations of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (3)

This course focuses on the foundations of Industrial and Organizational Psychology and will provide an introduction to the field of I/O Psychology and research in I/O Psychology, with a strong emphasis on ethics. This course explores a range of topics relevant to Industrial and Organizational psychologists, including history and critiques of I/O psychology, current trends and issues in the field, skills for reviewing and interpreting research articles, academic writing, professional issues, and guiding ethical principles. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 751 Work Motivation (3)

Provides a knowledge of human motivation as it affects organizational processes. Emphasis on major theories of human motivation and the relation between motivational process and organizational variables. Other issues include job design, reward systems, and social influences on motivation. Prerequisite: Graduate status.

Psy 752 Personnel Psychology (3)

Advanced survey of theory, research, and applications in major topical areas of personnel psychology. Topics covered should include performance appraisal, personnel selection, training and development, uses and development of psychological tests, and human engineering. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.

Psy 753 Psychometric Theory and Research (3)

Major emphasis on classical and modern measurement theories and their applications. Includes psychological construct measurement, scale construction, and recent developments such as Item Response Theory. Prerequisite: Graduate status.

Psy 754 Training, Evaluation, and Development in Organizations (3)

Psychological principles and methods for planning and analysis of training performance in an organizational development framework. Needs assessment; computer assisted simulation, and behavior modification approaches to training; training and transfer effects; design and experimental evaluation of training techniques. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 755 Personality Processes and Individual Differences (3)

Theory and research involving personality assessment, conceptualization and measurement of dispositional variables, and formulations of personality dynamics. Prerequisite: APsy 606.

APSY756 Practicum in Organizational Research (1 – 6)

Supervised field project in which students work as members of a team on an organizational problem requiring research and/or practical skills. Prerequisites: Second year of graduate study and permission of the instructor. This course can be taken twice for a maximum total of six credits.

Psy 757 Performance Appraisal and Management (3)

This seminar covers traditional areas of performance appraisal and management, such as psychometric issues associated with ratings, rater training, and rater cognitive processes, along with some recent advances, such as the importance of rater attitudes and motivation, along with the rating context. Prerequisite: APsy 752 Personnel Psychology.

Psy 759 Occupational Health Psychology (3)

Occupational health psychology (OHP) is an emerging area focusing on the psychological factors involved in employee well-being. The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of and promote critical thinking about the applications of psychology toward understanding the impact of the workplace on employee stress, health, and safety.

Psy 760 Workplace Diversity and Discrimination (3)

This course is designed to provide an overview of contemporary theories and empirical research related to diversity within the context of the workplace. Course content will draw heavily from social psychological and management literatures to address the workplace experiences of women, gay and lesbian individuals, and ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities. A variety of critical issues will be covered over the course of the semester including modern manifestations of discrimination as it emerges in organizational contexts, the expression and suppression of marginalized social identities at work, and equitable solutions for leveraging the benefits of a diverse workforce. Prerequisites: APSY 641 Organizational Psychology is a prerequisite.

Psy 765 Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes (3)

Selected topics involving interpersonal interactions. Topics include group structure, helping, attraction, aggression, social influence, group decision making, and cooperation and competition. Prerequisite: APsy 605.

Psy 773 Psychology of Intelligence (3-4)

Problems of definition and development of a concept of intelligence. The historical and contemporary approaches to the problems of measuring intelligence, with emphasis on the use of current individual assessment techniques. Students taking this course for 4 hours of credit will be expected to do additional laboratory assignments. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 775 Personality Assessment (3)

Problems of definition and development of concepts in the assessment of personality. The historical and contemporary approaches to personality evaluation, with emphasis on the use of current projective and experimental assessment techniques.

Psy 777 (Cpy 777) Clinical Neuropsychology (3)

Basic introduction to clinical neuropsychology, emphasizing the functional organization of the central nervous system and overview of brain-behavior relationships. Examination of factors affecting higher cortical functions in humans. Prerequisites: APsy 601 and consent of instructor.

Psy 778 Practicum in Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment (3)

Practicum in Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment emphasizing the application of material covered in APsy 777 (ECpy 777). Students will become familiar with the selection, administration, scoring and interpretation of neuropsychological instruments and standard batteries under practicum site supervision. Prerequisites: APsy 777 (ECpy 777) and permission of instructor.

Psy 779 Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience (1)

Review and discussion of current research in biopsychology, physiological psychology, animal behavior, and related topics. May be repeated for credit five times for a total of 6 credits. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 780 Selected Topics in Psychology (3)

Selected topics from the current literature bearing on issues which define specific fields. Specific areas to be announced at time of offering. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 781 Current Topics in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (1)

Review and analysis of current research in industrial and organizational psychology. May be repeated for credit five times for a total of 6 credits. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

Psy 782 Current Topics in Cognitive Psychology (1)

Review and analysis of current research in cognitive psychology, including visual attention, decision making, psycholinguistics, memory and cognitive processes in reading. All full-time students are required to enroll in this course during their first four years in the Cognitive Psychology program. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

Psy 783 Current Topics in Social-Personality Psychology (1)

Review and analysis of current research in social-personality psychology, including personality development and functioning, interpersonal relationships, individual differences, human sexuality, and social cognition. May be repeated for credit five times for a total of six credits. All full-time students are required to enroll in this course during their first four years in the Social/Personality Psychology program. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 892 Practicum in College Teaching (3)

Emphasizes the determination of aims of undergraduate courses, preparation and presentation of course content, and the evaluation of student achievement. Major responsibility for at least 10 class hours of instruction required of students who plan college teaching. Not to be taken before the second year of graduate study. Prerequisite: Consent of department chair.

Psy 893 Advanced Practicum in Clinical Psychology (1-3)

Practicum in selected areas of clinical psychology conducted by the clinical faculty in cooperation with appropriate community agencies. May be repeated for a total of up to 6 credits. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Psy 894 Directed Readings in Psychology (1-8)

Supervised readings in psychology on a selected topic. Written report is usually required. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Consent of department chair.

Psy 895 Internship in Clinical Psychology (1)

Supervised internship in a community agency approved by the director of clinical training. Required of all students in the Ph.D. program in clinical psychology. Must be taken for two regular sessions. Prerequisites: Completion of the requirements specific to the program in clinical psychology and consent of the director of clinical training.

Psy 897 Independent Study and Research (1-8)

Supervised research in psychology on a selected topic. Written report is usually required. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Consent of department chair.

Psy 899 Doctoral Dissertation (1)

Required of all candidates completing the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Registration for this course is limited to doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy. Course grading is Load Only and does not earn credit.