Michitake Aso
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Current Research Interests:
Michitake Aso is a global environmental historian whose research has focused on Vietnamese and French agriculture, medicine, and health in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. His current book project is on a history of medicine in North and South Vietnam during the Cold War. In 2018, he published Rubber and the Making of Vietnam (UNC Press) which won two book prizes: the Henry A. Wallace Award of the Agricultural History Society and the Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Award of the Forest History Society. He has also published four book chapters, participated in an NEH-funded digital humanities project, and authored articles in Modern Asian Studies, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, and Science, Technology, and Society. He has held fellowships at the National University of Singapore, the University at Texas, Austin, and most recently the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. He regularly teaches courses on environmental, medical, Vietnamese, and world history.