Phi Alpha Theta
Phi Alpha Theta is an honor society for undergraduate and graduate students who have distinguished themselves for academic excellence in history.
Phi Alpha Theta is an honor society for undergraduate and graduate students who have distinguished themselves for academic excellence in history.
The University at Albany's chapter, Chi Delta, was founded in 1976 and has earned national recognition as a "best chapter" for providing an active forum for the exchange of ideas and learning about the past. It is one of 820 Phi Alpha Theta chapters worldwide.
Chi Delta's activities include an annual lecture, which has brought such historians such as Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Stephen B. Oates, Marc Raeff, and Robin D.G. Kelley to the University, trips to Phi Alpha Theta conferences, History Movie Night, History book sale, and other student-led events.
The chapter has also participated in tutoring program for students in undergraduate history courses. To learn more about current activities, please join our Facebook group.
Applications will be available for prospective members in both the fall and spring terms. Before applying, be sure to read the requirements below.
Membership into Phi Alpha Theta is not limited to history majors, but interested students must meet the following criteria:
Completed 12 semester hours in history (at least 9 hours at UAlbany; AP credits can count in certain cases).
Graduate students may qualify based on their undergraduate work (see above criteria) or based on their master's degree coursework, as outlined below.
Please direct any questions to Professor Richard Hamm, 518-442-5382,