J-2 Dependents
If you plan to bring your spouse and/or children with you to the United States while you are at the University at Albany ISSS will need to create DS-2019 documents for each dependent.
J-2 dependents must be the legal spouse or unmarried child of the J-1 Exchange Visitor
Scholars must show proof of funding for each dependent and pay any associated fees for the dependent(s), including health insurance. This includes:
- The scholar must demonstrate funding for an additional $400/month for each accompanying dependent before a DS-2019 may be issued.
- There is University fee of $50 for each new J-2 dependent DS-2019
- Insurance must also be purchased for each J-2 dependent (for a minimum of 6 months)
How to apply
ISSS will need to following documents before issuing a DS-2019 for a J-1 dependent:
- Request for Form DS-2019 J-2 Status for Exchange Visitor's Dependent(s) EForm, available under Departmental Services on AccessISSS.
- Passport biographical page for each dependent
- Financial documents showing funding of at least an additional $400/month for each dependent spouse and/or child(ren). All financial documents must clearly show the full name of the account holder, bank name, date, account number, current balance, and the currency.
You will receive an email from ISSS when new DS-2019(s) have been issued for you and your dependents.
Have your dependent apply for J-2 status
After your dependent(s) has their DS-2019(s) they will need to apply for J-2 status. If they are currently outside the U.S. they should apply for a J-2 visa at the U.S. consulate or embassy in their home country. If they are in the U.S. they will either need to leave the U.S. to apply for a visa and return in their new status, or they may apply for a change of status within the U.S. If you have questions about either of these options please speak with an ISSS.
Health insurance
All J-2 dependents must enroll in required university health insurance provided through the Center for International Education & Global Strategy. If you are adding J-2 dependents after you arrive in the U.S. you should contact isss@albany.edu or visit ISSS during walk-in advising hours.
Childcare and school
The school year in New York State begins the first week of September and runs through late June. New York State law states all children who will be 6 years of age or older prior to December 1 to be enrolled in school.
There is no tuition for children attending public school in New York State. Depending on where you live, bus transportation will be provided by the school district. School districts are determined by your place of residence; contact the school district directly for registration information. You can review additional information about schools in Albany and charter or private school options in the Capital Region.
If you have children under the age of five you may have to pay for qualified day care or babysitting. Childcare in the Albany area can be quite expensive and have wait lists, so you should plan ahead if you will need care for young children. There are also day care options in the Albany area.
J-2 Employment
Dependents in J-2 status may apply for U.S. work authorization granted by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). J-2 dependents must wait until they have received an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) from USCIS before beginning any employment. Please contact ISSS@albany.edu for more information.
J-2 status and travel issues
J-2 status is dependent upon the J-1 Exchange Visitor's status. Therefore, a J-2 dependent should not remain in the U.S. for an extended period of time while the J-1 is outside the country. If a J-2 dependent will be traveling outside the U.S. they must have a current DS-2019 with a valid travel signature, a valid J-2 visa, and a passport that is valid at least six months into the future when returning to the U.S.