Understand Requirements for Maintaining Your J-1 Status
Notify ISSS if Traveling Outside the U.S.
If you will travel outside the U.S. during your J-1 program, you and any J-2 dependents must ensure that you have all of the required documents to return to the U.S.:
- Original DS-2019 with a travel signature from ISSS within the last 12 months (6 months for Short Term Scholars)
- Passport valid at least 6 months into the future
- Valid J-1 visa
Please notify ISSS before traveling outside the U.S. especially if you are planning to travel outside the U.S. for longer than 30 days.
Keep Your Passport Valid at All Times
Your passport should be valid for at least 6 months into the future. If your passport will expire while you are in the United States contact your country’s embassy or consulate in the U.S. to learn how to renew your passport.
Report Address Changes to ISSS within 10 days
If you change your address you must report your new address to ISSS within 10 days. Please report your new address to Tara Evans (ISSS@albany.edu).
Follow U.S. Employment Regulations
You may conduct research or teach only at the University at Albany, unless you have specifically received authorization from ISSS in advance to give a one-time lecture or consult at another U.S. institution or organization (also referred to as "incidental" activity). If you are invited to speak or consult at another school, or if you are asked to attend a professional conference for which you will receive reimbursement or an honorarium, you must contact ISSS in advance and get written authorization before accepting the opportunity.
Maintain Required Health and Accident Insurance
J-1 & J-2 visitors must have ISSS-approved health and accident insurance throughout their stay in the United States.
Notify ISSS of any Dependents
ISSS can issue a J-2 DS-2019 for eligible dependents who are traveling with you or who will join you later. Eligible dependents include your legal spouse or unmarried child under age 21. For more information, please visit our J-2 Dependents page.
Report your Departure Date to ISSS
If you end your program early ISSS must update your record to reflect that.
Apply for an Extension Before Your DS-2019 Expires
If you will need to continue your program at the University at Albany after the end date on your DS-2019 your department must request an extension before your current DS-2019 expires. Your sponsoring faculty member will need to complete the DS-2019 extension form and should submit it to ISSS at least 30 days before the end date on your DS-2019. Contact ISSS@albany.edu for further instructions.
Obtain Transfer Authorization Before Leaving UAlbany
If you plan to transfer to another college or university in the United States you must receive authorization from ISSS before you leave UAlbany. This process requires careful coordination between ISSS and the international office at the new institution so please plan ahead and begin these discussions as early as possible.
Leave the U.S. During Your 30-day Grace Period
You must leave the U.S. within 30 days of the program end date on your DS-2019. Please note that you are not eligible to re-enter the U.S. in J-1 status after the end date on your DS-2019.
Understand the Two-Year Home Country Physical Presence Requirement for J-1 Exchange Visitors
If you are subject to the two year home residency requirement it will be noted on your visa and/or your DS-2019. The Two-Year Home Residency Requirement is often referred as the 212(e). Only the U.S. Department of State can determine if a J-1 and/or J-2 is subject to the 212(e). If subject, a J-visa holder will have to physically reside within their last country of legal permanent residence for two years before s/he may return to the U.S. as an H-1B visa holder, L visa holder, K visa holder or as a Permanent Resident. If you have any questions about whether or not you are subject to this requirement please speak with ISSS.
Understand the 12 and 24-Month Bars on Repeat Participation
Your presence in the U.S. as a J-1 Exchange Visitor may affect your eligibility to return to the U.S. in the near future under the J-1 Professor or Research Scholar categories. If you are currently in the U.S. as a J-1 Professor or Research Scholar (or a J-2 dependent in these categories) after you leave the U.S. at the end of your program you would need to wait at least 24 months before you could be eligible to return for a new J-1 Professor or Research Scholar program. This requirement does not affect J-1 Short Term Scholars.
File a Tax Return for Each Year You Are in the U.S.
All J-1 and J-2 Exchange Visitors are required to file tax documents for each year they are physically present in the U.S. ISSS provides resources and access to tax preparation software to all Exchange Visitors. Please note that ISSS advisors are not tax professionals and cannot advise on individual tax questions.
Read ISSS News for Important Updates
You must read any emails from ISSS. If there are any changes to immigration regulations affecting J-1 scholars we will communicate that information to you via email.