A group of people at UAlbany's Latin Fest.

Doctor of Philosophy in
Latin American, Caribbean and Latina/o Studies Doctoral Concentration of the Spanish PhD Program

Program of Study


(30 credits beyond the MA)

Language Requirement

  • Knowledge of Spanish
  • Demonstrated proficiency in a second language other than Spanish and English (If you plan to undertake research in a country or region that requires command of another language) 

Core Sequence (18 credits)

  • Theoretical Approaches to Latin American, Caribbean, and Latina/o Studies I & II
  • Latin American Studies Seminar
  • Caribbean Studies Seminar
  • Latina/o Studies Seminar
  • Research Methodologies

Additional Requirements

  • Reading list approved by Graduate Studies Committee
  • Directed Readings/Annotated Bibliography of Reading List (3 credits)
  • PhD Qualifying Exam approved and completed by committee
  • Dissertation

Electives (12 credits)

  • Topics in Cultural Anthropology
  • Topics in Social Anthropology
  • History of Mexico
  • History of the West Indies and Central America
  • Topics in Latin American and Caribbean History
  • History of Brazil
  • US Latino/a Health, Inequality and Wellness
  • Environmental Justice: Racism, Classism, Sexism
  • African Diaspora in Latin America
  • Gender and Class in Latin American Development
  • Latino/as and Inequality in America
  • Caribbean Migration
  • Transnationalism, Culture, and Power
  • Independent Study and Research in Latin American and Caribbean Studies
  • Directed Readings
  • Independent Field Research
  • International Migration and Transnationalism
  • Sociology of Work
  • Black Diasporas, Feminisms, and Sexual Politics
  • Global Politics of Women’s Bodies

Additional Information

See the Graduate Bulletin for details.

For more information, contact Michelle Harris at maharris@albany.edu.

Research Opportunities

Gain research experience with the Latin America and the Caribbean Studies department’s interdisciplinary approach to basic and applied research. You can also participate in unique service outreach activities to institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as local, national and international communities.

You’ll have opportunities to collaborate with faculty and co-author publications in research areas including the Latin American political economy; women’s, gender and sexuality studies; cultural studies; globalization and migration studies; race and racism; Mesoamerican anthropology; labor and class; Caribbean literature; education; and Latin American, Caribbean and Latina/o politics.

Fellowships and assistantships are available to applicants on a competitive basis.


Two students walking near a statue of Minerva in the UAlbany Science Library.
A student studying on a laptop in the UAlbany Life Sciences courtyard.
Career Outcomes

Most LACS graduates pursue careers in education, international business, government service, public policy, law, criminal justice and social work.

Recent job titles for a LACS doctoral degree include:

  • Executive Director of the Community Asylum Seekers Project
  • Diversity and Inclusion Program Specialist
  • Policy Analyst
  • Professor
  • Teacher
  • CEO
  • Business Analyst
  • Editor
  • Dean
Admissions Requirements

Priority deadline (to be considered for funding): January 5

Assistantship deadlines  

  • Fall: January 5 
  • Spring: December 1  
  • Summer: Not Available 

No Assistantship deadlines 

  • Fall: August 1 
  • Spring: December 1 
  • Summer: Not Available
Required Application Materials
  • Transcripts
  • Three Letters of Recommendation
  • Writing Sample: 5-10 pages
  • Personal Statement: Two pages describing your decision to pursue advanced graduate studies. Briefly describe experiences that have prepared you for advanced study or research, your plans for your future occupation or profession and provide any additional information that may aid the selection committee in evaluating your preparation and aptitude for graduate study.
  • Research Statement: Four pages describing your research interests and identifying faculty in the program whose work aligns with your interests. Be as precise as possible in describing your research interests, including region or country, topic or approach you expect to adopt, as well as historical period(s)/subjects and intellectual issues you would like to explore.
Student Learning Objectives

Learning objectives that UAlbany students are expected to attain through their course of study within their academic program.

  • Develop the analytical and conceptual skills to evaluate the scholarship on transnational and hemispheric relations among people and institutions in the Americas, and identify prospective areas for additional research.  
  • Learn how to conceive, design, conduct and evaluate original research that enhances the knowledge base of the interdisciplinary field. Understand that the creation of knowledge is an organic, synchronous process and demonstrate the importance of your scholarship.
  • Obtain a high level of competency in disseminating your research findings through advanced scholarly writing and persuasive oral communication in professional settings. Obtain training and acquire the skills to effectively communicate your knowledge of the field in the classroom.