Workshops for Interaction and Scientific Collaboration (WISC)

Workshops for Interaction and Scientific Collaboration are intended to bring faculty, graduate students, post-docs and professional staff together across the Life Sciences disciplines.

Biologists, Chemists, Physicists and Psychologists gather to share their science and ideas across academia and industry. Scientists from local and regional institutions give platform presentations in an environment that is conducive to brainstorming and networking.

Visit the WISC website to learn more. 

Past Workshops

Workshop for Interaction and Scientific Collaboration, October 12

WISC 2022 Workshop for Interaction and Scientific Collaboration 'Bioimaging: Molecules to Cells to Systems' October 11, 2022
Life Sciences Building, D'Ambra Auditorium, University at Albany, SUNY

Workshop for Interaction and Scientific Collaboration (WISC) is intended to bring faculty, graduate students, post-docs and professional staff together across the Life Sciences disciplines. Biologists, Chemists, Physicists and Psychologists gather to share their science and ideas across academia and industry. Scientists from local and regional institutions give presentations in an environment that is conducive to brainstorming and networking.

Learn more about the workshop


Tools for Biomolecules, Biomolecules as Tools

2019 agenda

2019 poster


Modifications in Molecular Medicine

2018 program

2018 poster


Sex Genes Behavior

2017 program

2017 poster

Sponsored by the Conversations in the Disciplines


Expanding the Life Sciences Toolkit: Single Molecules to Tissues

April 8, 2016

Local and external speakers guided participants through the latest technical discoveries that would improve their ability to understand the function of living systems at the molecular and system level.
Organized by: Jun Wang (Chemistry) and Annalisa Scimemi (Biology).
Sponsored by:College of Arts and Sciences - the University at Albany, Department of Biology - the University at Albany, Department of Chemistry - the University at Albany, Department of Physics - the University at Albany, Life Sciences Research Program - the University at Albany, and The Research Foundation - the University at Albany.

Morning Session - At the nanoscale level

  • 8:50 to 09:00 a.m. - Welcome by Annalisa Scimemi
  • 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. - Keynote Speaker: Wesley Wong (Harvard University, Children’s hospital)
  • "Mechanical force in nanoscale biology: from hemostasis to DNA nanoswitches" Introduced by Ken Halvorsen (RNA Institute)
  • 10:00 to 10:20 a.m. - Mehmet Yigit (SUNY Chemistry) "Hybridization chain reaction for reprogrammable detection" Introduced by Jia Sheng (RNA Institute)
  • 10:20 to 10:40 a.m. - Magnus Bergkvist (CNSE) "Bioderived nanomaterials for delivery applications" Introduced by Bijan Dey (RNA Institute)
  • 11 to 11:20 a.m. - Jun Wang (SUNY Chemistry) "Microbarcodes for tagging and labeling in biology and consumer products" Introduced by Janet Paluh (CNSE)
  • 11:20 to 11:40 .M. - Pan Li (SUNY Biology) "Unravel polymorphic RNA folding at single-molecule level" Introduced by Alan Chen (RNA Institute)
  • 11:40 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. - Keynote Speaker: Joachim Frank (Columbia University) "Cryo-EM of the T. cruzi ribosome at 2.5 Angstrom resolution: what do we learn from the structure?" Introduced by Marlene Belfort (SUNY Biology)

Afternoon Session - Towards bigger systems

  • 2 to 02:20 p.m. - Gaby Fuchs (RNA Institute) "The role of specialized ribosomes in protein biosynthesis" Introduced by Cara Pager (SUNY Biology)
  • 2:20 to 02:40 p.m. - Leo Wan (RPI) "Biophysics of chiral morphogenesis" Introduced by Paolo Forni (SUNY Biology)
  • 2:40 to 03 p.m. - Mindy Larsen (SUNY Biology) "Studying cell behavior in a 3D context" Introduced by Prashanth Rangan (SUNY Biology/RNA Institute)
  • 3:00 to 3:20 p.m. - Annalisa Scimemi (SUNY Biology) "Detecting neurotransmitter diffusion in the brain" Introduced by Jonathan Carp (NCAN)
  • 3:40 to 04:00 p.m. - Alexander Khmaladze (SUNY Physics) "Raman spectroscopy and protein structure analysis" Introduced by Jon Petruccelli (SUNY Physics)
  • 4:00 to 05:00 p.m. - Keynote Speaker: Jerome Mertz (Boston University) "New microscopy techniques to image in scattering tissue" Introduced by Annalisa Scimemi (SUNY Biology)
  • 5:00 to 06:00 p.m. - Greetings, social time and farewell


View the 2016 poster.


Following Signals: Workshop for Interaction and Scientific Collaboration (WISC)

February 27, 2015 | University at Albany, SUNY

View the 2015 poster and 2015 program.


Viruses and Other Selfish Elements: Workshop for Interaction and Scientific Collaboration (WISC)

May 17, 2013 | University at Albany, SUNY

View the 2013 poster and 2013 program.

For more information please contact Annalisa Scimemi.