Mary Beth Winn
PhD and M Phil from Yale University

Research Interests: Late Medieval and Renaissance French literature and culture; the history of the book; early French printing; Anthoine Vérard; manuscript studies; literature through music; interrelationships of literature and the arts; women patrons; Louise de Savoie; books of Hours (1480-1530); text editing.
PhD (French), Yale University, Dissertation: The Texts of the Chansons of Loyset Compère (ca. 1450-1518)
MPhil, Yale University
BA magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Vassar College
Sweet Briar College Junior Year in France
Academic Distinctions and Awards, fellowships
Three Voices Grant Program, William L. Reese II, PhD Emeritus Center, SUNYA, Research Grants 2019, 2017, 2016
The American Academy in Rome, Italy, Visiting Scholar, Feb-March 2013
The Giorgio Cini Foundation, Venice, Italy – Research Residency as a Senior Scholar, January 2011
SUNY Research Foundation Faculty Research Awards, 2011-1985
Herzog August Bibliothek Research Fellowship, Wolfenbüttel, Germany. Feb-March 2009
Newberry Library-Northeast Modern Language Association Short-Term Fellowship, January 2009
National Endowment for the Humanities, Fellowship for Independent Study and Research (12 months), 2003-04, 1996-97, 1981-82
University at Albany Award for Excellence in Research, 2003
University at Albany President’s Award for Excellence in Academic Service, 1996
The Huntington Library, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow, December 1996; Research Fellow, December 1991
Publications: books
Anthoine Vérard, Parisian publisher, 1485-1512: Prologues, Poems, and Presentations. Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance. Geneva: Librairie Droz, 1997. 560 pp.
Octovien de Saint-Gelais, attribué à, La Chasse d’Amours. (Paris: A. Vérard, 1509). Textes Littéraires Français. Geneva: Droz, 1984. 452 pp.
Thomas Crecquillon: Opera Omnia. Co-editors, Laura Youens and Barton Hudson. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 63, American Institute of Musicology
vol. XIV: Cantiones Quatuor Vocum. LXVII+104 pp. 1998
vol. XV: Cantiones Quatuor Vocum. LXXI+122 pp. 2000
vol. XIX: Cantiones Quinque Vocum. LXXXII+145 pp. 2001
vol. XVI: Cantiones Quatuor Vocum. LX+125 pp. 2003
vol. XVII: Cantiones Quatuor Vocum. LXXIII+127 pp. 2005
*vol. XVIII: Cantiones Quatuor Vocum. CXIV+123 pp. 2011
*vol. XX: Cantiones Tres, Sex, Septem, et Duodecum Vocum. LXXXVIII+118 pp. 2011
* awarded the 2012 Claude V. Palisca Prize from the American Musicological Society
Jean Mouton: Opera Omnia, vol. V: Missae Sine nomine I & II, Credo a 4, Magnificat et Cantiones. Co-editor Thomas G. MacCracken. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 43, American Institute of Musicology. Münster; Madison, Wisc., 2014.
Tristan, chevalier de la Table Ronde (1489). 2 vols. 1207 pp. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2019
Recent articles and book chapters
Printing the Cent Nouvelles nouvelles: Anthoine Vérard’s 1486 edition and its sixteenth-century successors in The Cent Nouvelles nouvelles (Burgundy-Luxembourg-France, 1458 – c. 1550). ed. Graeme Small. Texte, Codex & Contexte, 23. Turnhout: Brepols, 2023, pp. 81-134.
La Triumphe de la paix par Jehan Thibault (Anvers, 1529) in La paix des Dames (1529), édité par Jonathan Dumont, Laure Fagnart, Pierre-Gilles Girault et Nicolas Le Roux. Tours: Presses universitaires François Rabelais, 2021, pp. 265-281,
“La Triumphe de la paix de Jehan Thibault”, text edition, Ibid., Annexe 1, 365-381.
Comparaison entre les textes de Macquériau et de Thibault, Ibid., Annexe 2, 383-390.
Illustrating Tristan: Vérard and His Artists c. 1496. Co-author Isabelle Delaunay. Digital Philology 10:2 (Fall 2021), Special Issue: The Book as Cultural Actor, ed. Aria Dal Molin and S.C. Kaplan, pp. 199-227. DOI: 10.1353/dph.2021.0023
Verse Lais in the Prose Tristan: Performance in the text and on the page. Manuscript to Print, Print to Digital: Editions in Performance and Performance in Editions in Late Medieval and Renaissance France, ed. Cynthia J. Brown,Turnhout: Brepols, 2018, p. 131-173.
Louise de Savoie (1476-1531): The King’s Mother, Alter Rex, co-author Laure Fagnart. Women and Power at the French Renaissance Court, 1483-1563, ed. Susan Broomhall. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018, p. 85-114.
Anthoine Vérard’s Books for Henry VII, Journal of the Early Book Society, 41 (2018), 1-26.
Vernacular Manuscripts in France. Shared Language: Vernacular Manuscripts in the Middle Ages, ed. Laura Light. London: Paul Holberton for Les Enluminures, 2018, 12-13.
Tristan’s Harp in the Prose Tristan. Early Music, vol. 45:2 (2017), 171-183.
Französische Texte im Stundenbuch von König Charles VIII. J'aime tant fort une: Das Stundenbuch des Königs Charles VIII by Ina Nettekoven. Munich : Hirmer, 2016, 235-254.
Another Book for Louise de Savoie from Anthoine Vérard : Le Repos de consolacion, 1505. Bulletin du bibliophile. 2016 :1, 11-24
Chanson in Miniature: ‘Va t’en, mon amoureux désir’, Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis (TVNM): . A Festschrift Issue for Barton Hudson. LXV,1/2 (2015), 138-152. (issued in April 2016)
Beastly power, holy justice in late medieval France: from Robert Gobin’s Loups ravissans to Books of Hours. Textual and Visual Representations of Power and Justice in Medieval Manuscript Culture, ed. Rosalind Brown-Grant, Bernard Ribémont, Anne D. Hedeman. Ashgate, 2015, 191-215.
Louise de Savoie, ses livres, sa bibliothèque. Co-author Kathleen Wilson-Chevalier. Louise de Savoie, 1476-1531. ed. Cédric Michon, Laure Fagnart, Pascal Brioist. Tours: Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais, 2015, 235-252.
“A ses bons commandemens”: le livre illustré imprimé autour de 1500. À ses bons commandements… : La commande artistique en France au 15e siècle, ed. Pierre Alain Mariaux and Andreas Braem. Neuchâtel: Éditions Alphi-Presses universitaires suisses, 2014, 275-292.
Current projects:
Robert Gobin, Les Loups ravissans (Paris: Vérard, ca. 1506): a critical edition. Daniel Sheerin, collaborator on the Latin materials. Submitted Dec. 2022.
The Laborde Chansonnier: a critical edition, in collaboration with musicologist Richard Wexler
The Editions of Anthoine Vérard, 1485-1512 : a Database
Text and Image in Books of Hours (1480-1530): the interrelationship of manuscripts and printed editions