Véronique Martin
PhD University at Albany

Second language acquisition, CALL, Collaborative online learning environments and the use of telecollaboration for ICC development, French for specific purposes (FOS).
Intermediate French I & II, French Conversation, Beginning French for Business, Structural Review of French, Introduction to Writing French.
Recipient of the University at Albany President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2018)
French Liaison for the University in the High School Program and organizer of a yearly French teachers’ workshop on campus.
French for Business
The French Studies program is an official testing center of the Language Center (Le français des affaires) of the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We administer the DFPA2 exam at the end of the spring semester but can schedule a session upon request. Please contact me directly if you have questions.
See here for more information on the DFPA2.
AFRE 270 Beginning French for Business is a course designed to prepare anyone interested in taking the DFPA2. It is offered every spring semester.