Hassaram Bakhru
PhD Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta, India, 1965
MS Banaras Hindu University, India, 1960

Positions Held
- Director, Ion Beam Laboratories, University at Albany
- Chair of Physics Department, University at Albany, 1994-2003
- Associate Chair of Physics Department, University at Albany, 1990-94
- Associate Professor, University at Albany, 1973-81
- Assistant Professor, University at Albany, 1970-73
- Associate Director, Heavy Ion Accelerator, Yale University, 1966-70
Research Areas
- Nanomaterials
- Solid State Physics
- Ion Beam Physics
- Particle Solid State Interactions
Awards at University at Albany
- Collins Fellow Award (2008)
- President's Award: Excellence in Academic Service (1984)
Current Research
Professor Bakhru's research focuses on industrial applications of high-energy microbeams, surface modification and characterization of materials using ion beams. His lab also conducts nanomaterials analysis using state-of-the-art ion beams and micro-beam facilities at University at Albany. This includes RBS, channeling, various nuclear reactions for low mass elements including hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, fluorine, and other low mass elemental profiling and high energy implantation of large (up to 8 inch) wafers.
Research Websites
Mengbing Huang, Nirag Kadakia, Sebastian Naczas, Hassaram Bakhru. Fabrication of surface textures by ion implantation for antireflection of silicon crystals US 9231061 B2 Jan 5, 2016
Brian Souhan, Christine P. Chen, Ming Lu, Aaron Stein, Hassaram Bakhru, Richard R. Grote, Keren Bergman, William M. J. Green and Richard M. Osgood Jr. Ar+-Implanted Si-Waveguide Photodiodes for Mid-Infrared Detection. Photonics 2016, 3(3), 46
Schukraft, M., Zheng, J., Schroeder, T., Mouradian, S. L, Walsh, M., Trusheim, M. E., Bakhru, H., Englund, D. R. Invited Article: Precision nanoimplantation of nitrogen vacancy centers into diamond photonic crystal cavities and waveguides. APL Photonics 1, (2) 020801 May 2016
Hsu-Cheng Huang, Girish Malladi, Lihua Zhang, Jerry I. Dadap, Kim Kisslinger, Hassaram Bakhru, Richard M. Osgood Jr. Characterization of selective etching and patterning by sequential light- and heavy-ion irradiation of LiNbO3. Optical Materials Volume 46, August 2015, Pages 1–5
Ryan Porrazzo, Leigh Lydecker, Suhasini Gattu, Hassaram Bakhru, Natalya Tokranova, James Castracane. Self-Balancing Position-Sensitive Detector (SBPSD) Sensors 15, 17483, 2015
Luozhou Li, Tim Schröder, Edward H. Chen, Hassaram Bakhru, Dirk Englund. One-dimensional photonic crystal cavities in single-crystal diamond Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications Volume 15, June 2015, Pages 130–136
Arthur W. Haberl, Wayne G. Skala, Hassaram Bakhru. Monitoring of Ion Purity in High-energy Implant via RBS. Physics Procedia Volume 66, 2015, Pages 270-277
Tim Schroder, Luozhou Li, Edward Chen, Michael Walsh, Matthew E. Trusheim, Igal Bayn, Jiabao Zheng, Sara Mouradian, Hassaram Bakhru, Ophir Gaathon, and Dirk R. Englund. Deterministic High-yield Creation of Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond Photonic Crystal Cavities and Photonic Elements CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science May 2015
Hsu-Cheng Huang, Lihua Zhang, Girish Malladi, Jerry I. Dadap, Sandeep Manandhar, Kim Kisslinger, Rama Sesha R Vemuri, Vaithiyalingam Shutthanandan, Hassaram Bakhru, Richard M. Osgood. Radiation damage by light- and heavy-ion bombardment of single-crystal LiNbO3. Optical Materials Express Vol.5, Issue 5, 2015 Pages 1071-1088
Perveen Akhter, Mengbing Huang, Nirag Kadakia, William Spratt, Girish Malladi and Hassaram Bakhru. Suppressing light reflection from polycrystalline silicon thin films through surface texturing and silver nanostructures. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 113503 2014
Souhan B., Grote R.R., Driscoll J.B., Lu M., Stein A., Bakhru H., Osgood R.M. Metal-semiconductor-metal ion-implanted Si waveguide photodetectors for C-band operation. Optics Express, Volume 22, Issue 8, pp. 9150-9158, April 2014
Borja J., Plawsky J.L., Lu T.-M., Bakhru H., Gill W.N. Current leakage relaxation and charge trapping in ultra-porous low-k materials. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 115, Issue 8, p1, Feb 2014
Borja J., Plawsky J.L., Lu T.M., Bakhru H., Gill W.N. Correlation between Plasma Damage and Dielectric Reliability for Ultra-Porous Low-k Materials. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp.N59-N61, Feb 2014
Hsu-Cheng Huang, Jerry I. Dadap, Richard M. Osgood, Girish Malladi, and Hassaram Bakhru. Helium-Ion-Induced Radiation Damage in LiNbO3 Thin Film Electro-Optic Modulators. CLEO: Science and Innovations, San Jose, California United States, June 8-13, 2014
ISBN: 978-1-55752-999-2. Controlling Light in Resonators and Photonic Crystals (STu2H)
Souhan B., Grote R.,Chen G., Huang H-C., Driscoll J., Lu M., Stein A., Bakhru H., Bergman K., Green W. and Osgood Jr R. Si+-implanted Si-wire waveguide photodetectors for the mid-infrared. Optics Express, Volume 22, Issue 22, pp. 27415, Nov 2014
Akhter P., Huang M., Kadakia N., Spratt W., Malladi G. and Bakhru H. Suppressing light reflection from polycrystalline silicon thin films through surface texturing and silver nanostructures. Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 116, pp. 113503 (2014)
Huang H-C., Dadap J., Osgood R., Malladi G., and Bakhru H. Helium-Ion-Induced Radiation Damage in LiNbO3Thin Film Electro-Optic Modulators. Optics Express, Volume 22, Issue 16, August 2014
Malladi G., Huang M., Murray T., Novak S., Matsubayashi A., LaBella V. and Bakhru H. Synthesis and properties of ferromagnetic nanostructures embedded within a high-quality crystalline silicon matrix via ion implantation and nanocavity assisted gettering processes. Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 116, pp. 054306 (2014)
Souhan B., Grote R.R., Driscoll J.B., Lu M., Stein A., Bakhru H., Osgood R.M. Metal-semiconductor-metal ion-implanted Si waveguide photodetectors for C-band operation. Optics Express, Volume 22, Issue 8, pp. 9150-9158, April 2014
Borja J., Plawsky J.L., Lu T.-M., Bakhru H., Gill W.N. Current leakage relaxation and charge trapping in ultra-porous low-k materials. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 115, Issue 8, p1, Feb 2014
Hsu-Cheng Huang, Dadap Jerry I., Herman Irving P., Bakhru H., Osgood, R.M. Jr. Micro-Raman spectroscopic visualization of lattice vibrations and strain in He+- implanted single-crystal LiNbO3. Optical Materials Express, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 338-345, Feb 2014
Borja J., Plawsky J.L., Lu T.M., Bakhru H., Gill W.N. Correlation between Plasma Damage and Dielectric Reliability for Ultra-Porous Low-k Materials. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp.N59-N61, Feb 2014
Trusheim M.E., Li L., Laraoui A., Chen E.H., Gaathon O., Bakhru H., Schröder T., Meriles C.A., Englund D. Scalable fabrication of high purity diamond nanocrystals with long-spin-coherence nitrogen vacancy centers. Nano letters, Volume 14, Issue1, pp.32-36, Jan 2014
Borja J., Plawsky J.L., Gill W.N, Bakhru H., HeM., Lu T.M. Penetration of Copper-Manganese Self-Forming Barrier into SiO2 Pore-Sealed SiCOH during Deposition. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Volume 2, Issue 9, pp.N175-N178, Apr 2013
Vanamurthy, L.H., Huang, M., Bakhru, H., Furukawa, T., Berliner, N., Herman, J., Zhu, Z., Ronsheim, P., Doris, B. Subnanometer-resolution depth profiling of boron atoms and lattice defects in silicon ultrashallow junctions by ion beam techniques. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films Volume 31, Issue 3, May 2013, 031403.
Huang, H.-C., Dadap, J.-I., Gaathon, O., Herman, I.P., Osgood, R.M., Bakhru, S., Bakhru H. A micro-Raman spectroscopic investigation of He+-irradiation damage in LiNbO3. Optical Materials Express Volume 3, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 126-142.
Bishop, S.M., Briggs, B.D., Rice, P.Z., Capulong, J.O., Bakhru, H., Cady, N.C Ion implantation synthesis and conduction of tantalum oxide resistive memory layers. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures Volume 31, Issue 1, January 2013, 012203.
Gaathon, O., Hodges, J.S., Chen, E.H., Li, L., Bakhru, S., Bakhru, H., Englund, D., Osgood Jr., R.M. Planar fabrication of arrays of ion-exfoliated single-crystal-diamond membranes with nitrogen-vacancy color centers. Optical Materials Volume 35, Issue 3, January 2013, Pages 361-365.
Skala, W.G., Haberl, A.W., Bakhru, H., Lanford, W. A full range detector for the HIRRBS high resolution RBS magnetic spectrometer. AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1525, 2013, Pages 199-203. 22nd International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, CAARI 2012; Fort Worth, TX; United States.
Bakhru, H., Haberl, A.W., Skala, W.G. Detection and profiling of carbon via the 13C(P,γ) 14N resonant reaction. AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1525, 2013, Pages 195-198. 22nd International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, CAARI 2012; Fort Worth, TX; United States.
Sahoo, S.K., Bakhru, H., Kumar, S., Misra, D., Mohapatra, Y.N., Agrawal, D.C. Relaxor behavior in Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3/ ZrO2 heterostructured thin films. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Volume 1454, 2012, Pages 89-96, 2012 MRS Spring Meeting; San Francisco, CA; United States.
Bishop, S.M., Rice, Z.P., Briggs, B.D., Bakhru, H., Cady, N.C. Synthesis of resistive memory oxides by ion implantation. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Volume 1430, 2012, Pages 111-116.
Gaathon, O., Adam, J.D., Krishnaswamy, S.V., Kysar, J.W., Bakhru, S., Bakhru, H., Welch, D.O., Osgood Jr., R.M. Planar single-crystal thin-films of YAG obtained by ion implantation and thermal exfoliation: Mechanical properties. Optical Materials Volume 35, Issue 1, November 2012, Pages 25-28.
Hodges, J.S., Li, L., Lu, M., Chen, E.H., Trusheim, M.E., Allegri, S., Yao, X., Gaathon, O., Bakhru, H., Englund, D. Long-lived NV - spin coherence in high-purity diamond membranes. New Journal of Physics Volume 14, September 2012, 093004.
Bishop, S.M., Bakhru, H., Capulong, J.O., Cady, N.C. Influence of the SET current on the resistive switching properties of tantalum oxide created by oxygen implantation. Applied Physics Letters Volume 100, Issue 14, 2 April 2012, 142111.
Ofan Avishai, Gaathon Ophir, Zhang Lihua, Evans-Lutterodt Kenneth, Bakhru Sasha, Bakhru Hassaram, Zhu Yimei, Welch David, Osgood Richard M, Twinning and dislocation pileups in heavily implanted LiNbO3, Phys. Rev. B 83, 064104, 2011.
Comfort E., Fishman M., Malapanis A., Hughes H., McMarr P., Cress C.D., Bakhru H., Lee J.U. Creation of Individual Defects at Extremely High Proton Fluences in Carbon Nanotube p-n Diodes. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 58, Isssue 6, pp. 2898-2903, Dec 2011
Bishop S.M., Bakhru H., Novak S.W., Briggs B. D., Matyi R. J., Cady N.C. Ion Implantation Synthesized Copper Oxide-based Resistive Memory Devices. Appl. Phys. Lett. Volume 99, Issue 20, 202102 Nov 2011
Ofan A., Lilienblum M., Gaathon O., Sehrbrock A., Hoffmann A., Bakhru S., Bakhru H., Irsen S., Osgood R.M. Jr, Soergel E. Large-area regular nanodomain patterning in He-irradiated lithium niobate crystals. Nanotechnology, Volume 22, Issuw 28, 285309, July 2011
Sahoo S.K., Misra D., Sahoo M., MacDonald C.A., Bakhru H., Agrawal D.C., Mohapatra Y.N., Majumder S.B., Katiyar R.S. Improved dielectric properties and their temperature insensitivity in multilayered Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3/ZrO2 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 109, Issue 6, pp. 064108-064108-6 Mar 2011
Ofan A., Zhu Y., Zhang L., Gaathon O., Bakhru S., Bakhru H., Welch D., Osgood R.M. Jr. Spherical Solid He Nanometer Bubbles in an Anisotropic Complex Oxide. Phys. Rev. B Volume 82, Issue 10, 109901, Sep 2010
Gaathon O., Ofan A., Dadap J.I., Vanamurthy L., bakhru S., Bakhru H., Osgood R.M. Fabrication of freestanding LiNbO3 thin films via He implantation and femtosecond laser ablation. Journal of Vacuum Sci. and Tech. Volume 28, Issue 3, pp. 462-465, May 2010
He Ming, Novak Steven, Vanamurthy Lakshmanan, Bakhru Hassaram, Plawsky Joel, Lu Th-Ming, Cu penetration into low-k dielectric during deposition and bias-temperature stress, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 252901, 2010.
Kadakia Nirag, Naczas Sebastian, Bakhru Hassaram, Huang Mengbing, Fabrication of surface textures by ion implantation for antireflection of silicon crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett, 97, 191912, 2010.
Ming He, Ya Ou, Pei-I Wang, Lakshmanan.H.Vanamurthy, Hassaram Bakhru, and Toh-Ming Lu, Barrier Metal Ions Drift into Porous Low k Dielectrics under Bias-Temperature stress, MRS conference proceedings, Spring April 2010.
M. Lilienblum, A. Ofan, Á. Hoffmann, O. Gaathon, L. Vanamurthy, S. Bakhru,H. Bakhru, R. M. Osgood, Jr. and E. Soergel, Low-voltage nanodomain writing in He-implanted lithium niobate crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 082902, 2010.
Avishai Ofan , Lihua Zhang , Ophir Gaathon , Kenneth Evans-Lutterodt , Sasha Bakhru , Hassaram Bakhru , David Welch , Yimei Zhu and Richard M. Osgood, Jr, Dislocation pileup in He implanted complex oxides, Volume 55, Number 2 APS March Meeting 2010.
B. Lovelace, A.W. Haberl, H. Bakhru, J.C. Kimball, R.E. Benenson
Microbeam Beam Heating Analysis of Thin Foils Using Heat Conduction Theory
Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 20th International Conference, AIP conference proceedings 1099 (2009) 287-291.
B. Lovelace, A.W. Haberl, H. Bakhru, J. Dellavilla
Transmission ERD Depth Profiling of Hydrogen in Alpha-Gamma Phase Titanium Hydride
Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 20th International Conference, AIP conference proceedings 1099 (2009) 326-330.
Ophir Gattthon, Avishai Ofan, Jerry Dapap, Alexander Wirthmuller, Lakshmanan Vanamurthy, Hassaram Bakhru and Richard M. Osgood, Jr.
Femtosecond laser milling of ultrathin films of LiNbO3
Proc.SPIE, Vol. 7005, 70052Y (2008); DOI: 10.1117/12.785420
Avishai Ofan, Ophir Gaathon, Lakshmanan Vanamurthy, Sasha Bakhru, Hassaram Bakhru, Kenneth Evans-Lutterodt, and Richard M. Osgood, Jr.
Origin of highly spatially selective etching in deeply implanted complex oxides
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 181906 (2008); DOI: 10.1063/1.3013821
D. Djukic, G. Cerda-Pons, R.M. Roth, R.M. Osgood, S. Bakhru and H. Bakhru
E/O Tunable second-harmonic-generation gratings in Ion-Exfoliated thin films of periodically poled LiNbO3
Laser and Electro0optics, 2007. CLEO conference 2007.
B. Lovelace, H. Bakhru, A. W . Haberl and R. E. Benenson
ERD simulation of composite materials using ITSPECT
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 261,(2007), 409-413
Gregory A. Ten Eyck, Samuk Pimanpang, Jasbir S. Januja, Hassaram Bakhru, Toh-Ming Lu, and Gwo-ching Wang
Plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition of palladium on a polymer substrate
Advanced materials Chemical Vapor Deposition 13, Issue 6-7, 307 (2007)
B. Lovelace, H. Bakhru, A. W . Haberl and R. E. Beneson
Microbeam elastic recoil detection of Hydrogen and Deuterium in Transition metals
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 261,(2007) 483-487
Djordje Djukic, Kenneth-Evans-Lutterodt, Ryan M. Roth, R.M. Osgood, Jr., Hassaram Bakhru, Sasha Bakhru and David Welch
X-Ray Microbeam probing of stresses in patterned He+ implanted single-crystal LiNbO3
Applied Physics Letters 91, 11298 (2007)
A. R. Adhikari, H. Bakhru, P. M. Ajayan, J. M. Zaleski, R. Benson and M. Chipara
Electron spin resonance investigations on ion beam irradiated single-wall carbon nanotubes
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 265 (2007) 347.
S. Oktyabrsky, S. Koveshnikov, V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov, R. Kambhampati, H. Bakhru, Feng Zhu, J. Lee, and W. Tsai
InGaAs and GaAs/InGaAs channel enhancement mode n-MOSFET's with HfO2 gate oxide and a-Si interface passivation layer
Device Research Conference, 2007, July 2007
B. Lovelace, H. Bakhru, A. W . Haberl and R. E. Benenson
Microbeam analysis of Hydrogen near a crack tip in Titanium
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 261 477-482 (2007)
B. Lovelace, H. Bakhru, A. W . Haberl and R. E. Benenson
Polymer ERD standards and charge integration for low intensity He ion microbeams
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 261 452-455 (2007)
D. Djukic, R.M.Roth, R.M.Osgood, Jr., K. Evans-Lutterodt, D. Welch, S. Bakhru and H. Bakhru
Patterend regions of thin single-crystal functional oxides (LiNbO3) by localized He+ Ion-Implantation:
Material Properties, Joint NSLS and CFN Meeting, May 15-17, 2006 BNL
Gregory A. Ten Eyck, Samuk Pimanpang, Hassaram Bakhru, Gwo-ching Wang, and Toh-Ming Lu
Atomic layer deposition of Pd on an oxidized metal substrate
Chemical Vapor Deposition 12(5), 2901 (2006)
V. Dasgupta, N. Litombe, W.E. Bailey and H. Bakhru
Ion Implantation of rare-earth dopants in ferromagnetic thin films
J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08G312 (2006); DOI: 10.1063/1.2173212
A. R. Adhikari, H. Bakhru, M. Chipara, C. Y. Ryu, and P. M. Ajayan,
Irradiation assisted interaction behavior of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) nanotube composites
MRS proceeding 2006, edited by P. Bandaru, M. Endo, I. A. Kinloch, A. M. Rao (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 963, Warrendale, PA).
A. R. Adhikari, M. B. Huang, M. Chipara, C. Y. Ryu, P. M. Ajayan and H. Bakhru
Thermal property of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene)/nanotube composites using modified single-walled carbon nanotubes via ion irradiation
Nanotechnology 17 (2006) 5947.
A. R. Adhikari, M. B. Huang, H. Bakhru, R. Vajtai, C. Y. Ryu and P. M. Ajayan
Stability of ion implanted single-walled carbon nanotubes - Thermogravimetric and Raman analysis
Journal of Applied Physics 100 (2006) 064315.
A. R. Adhikari, M. B. Huang, H. Bakhru, S. Talapatra, P. M. Ajayan and C. Y. Ryu
Effects of proton irradiation on thermal stability of single-walled carbon nanotubes mat, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 245 (2006) 431.
Ryan M. Roth, Djordje Djukic, Yoo Seung Lee, Richard M. Osgood, Jr., Sasha Bakhru, Bryan Laulicht, Kathleen Dunn, Hassaram Bakhru, Liqi Wu, and Mengbing Huang
Compositional and structural changes in LiNbO3 following deep He+ ion implantation for film exfoliation
Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 112906 (2006)
Yoo Seung Lee, Djordje Djukic, Ryan M. Roth, Robert Laibowitz, Tomoyuki Izuhara, Richard M. Osgood, Jr., Sasha Bakhru, Hassaram Bakhru, Weidong Si, and David Welch
Fabrication of patterned single-crystal SrTiO3 thin films by ion slicing and anodic bonding
Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 122902 (2006)
Lakshmanan Vanamurthy, Arthur W. Harber, Hassaram Bakhru
Application of ion beams in the Depth profiling of nitrogen
(2006) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, In print
Martin Koerdel, Arthur W. Harber, Hassaram Bakhru
Depth profiling of Boron using gamma rays from the 11B(p,gamma)12C Reaction
(2006) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, In print
Pei-I Wang; Juneja, J.S.; Murarka, S.P.; Lu, T.-M.; Jezewski, C.; Ghoshal, R.; Bakhru, H.
Stability of Cu on epoxy siloxane polymer under bias temperature stress
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, April 2006, vol.153, no.4, pp. G358-62
A. R. Adhikari, M. B. Huang, C. Y. Ryu, P. M. Ajayan and H. Bakhru
Effects of MeV Ions on Thermal Stability of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Materials Research Society Proceedings Vol. 887, 2006
Ee, Y.C.; Juneja, J.S.; Pei-I Wang; Lu, T.-M.; Bakhru, H.; Chan, L.; Law, S.B.; Yong, C.; Chen, Z.; Xu, S.
Bias-temperature stability of Ti-Si-N-O films
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, May 2006, vol.153, no.5, pp. G470-4
R. M. Roth, D. Djukic, R.M. Osgood, Jr., S. Bakhru, and H. Bakhru
Ion Beam probing of He+ and H+ ion-sliced LiNbO3 and SrTiO3
MRS Fall Meeting, Dec. 2005, T9.7
Ye, D.-X.; Carrow, B.; Pimanpang, S.; Bakhru, H.; Eyck, G.A.T.; Wang, G.-C.; Lu, T.-M.
Evaluation of a novel Cu(I) precursor for chemical vapor deposition
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, July 2005, vol.8, no.7, pp. C85-8
Juneja, J.S.; Eyck, G.A.T.; Bakhru, H.; Lu, T.-M.
Pressure dependent parylene-N pore sealant penetration in porous low-κ dielectrics
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Sept. 2005, vol.23, no.5, pp. 2232-5
R. M. Roth, D. Djukic, R.M. Osgood, Jr., S. Bakhru, and H. Bakhru
Ion Beam probing of He+ and H+ ion-sliced LiNbO3 and SrTiO3
MRS Fall Meeting, Dec. 2005, T9.7
Rane, M.V.; Efstathiadis, H.; Bakhru, H.; Rupich, M.W.; Li, X.; Zhang, W.; Kodenkandath, T.; Haldar, P.
Fluorine analysis and microstructural evolution in coated YBCO conductor deposited by metal trifluoroacetate process
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, June 2005, vol.15, no.2, pt.3, pp. 2638-41
Roth, R.M.; Izuhara, T.; Espinola, R.L.; Djukic, D.; Osgood, R.M., Jr.; Bakhru, S.; Bakhru, H.
Integrable wide-free-spectral-range Fabry-Perot optical filters using free-standing LiNbO/sub 3/ thin films
Optics Letters, 1 May 2005, vol.30, no.9, pp. 994-6
Patel, Z.P.; Roy, A.N.U.; Bakhru, H.; Lu, T.-M.
Preliminary evaluation of interfacial stability of surface modified porous methyl silsesquioxane by ion implantation for copper metallization scheme
Thin Solid Films, 8 April 2005, vol.476, no.2, pp. 322-5
Djukic, D.; Izuhara, T.; Roth, R.M.; Osgood, R.M., Jr.; Bakhru, S.; Bakhru, H.
Extremely thin, single-crystal films of LiNbO/sub 3/ fabricated using localized He+ ion-implantation
In 2005 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (IEEE Cat. No. 05TH8796), 2005, Vol. 1, pp. 229-31
Roy, A.N.U.; Patel, Z.P.; Bakhru, H.
First pass study of surface modified porous low-k by ion implantation for zero thickness barrier requirement of Cu/MSQ/Si stacks in copper metallization scheme
Edited by: Besser, P.R., McKerrow, A.J., Iacopi, F., Wong, C.P., Vlassak, J.J.
In Materials, Technology and Reliability of Advanced Interconnects-2005. Symposium (Materials Research Society Proceedings Vol.863), 2005, pp. 171-6
Jian Yu; Yinmin Wang; Haber, A.W.; Bakhru, H.; Jian-Qiang Lu; Gutmann, R.J.
Mechanisms of low-temperature Ti/Si-based wafer bonding
Edited by: Besser, P.R., McKerrow, A.J., Iacopi, F., Wong, C.P., Vlassak, J.J.
In Materials, Technology and Reliability of Advanced Interconnects-2005. Symposium (Materials Research Society Proceedings Vol.863), 2005, pp. 387-92
Roth, R.M.; Izuhara, T.; Djukic, D.; Osgood, R.M., Jr.; Bakhru, S.; Bakhru, H.
Integratable, wide free spectral range Fabry-Perot filters fabricated from freestanding LiNbO/sub 3/ thin-films
Edited by: Sawchuk, A.A.
In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2004, vol.2, 3 pp.
Vanga, R., Levy, M., Hong, Y., Moon, K., Bakhru, S., and Bakhru, H.
Single-Crystal Relaxor Ferroelectric Piezoactuators with Interdigitated Electrodes
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 51, 1593-1599, Dec. 2004
Djordji Djukic, ryan Roth, James Yardley, Richard Osgood, Jr., Sasha Bakhru, and Hassaram Bakhru
Low voltage planar-waveguide electro-optic prism scanner in crystal-Ion sliced thin-film LiNbO3
Opt. Express 12, 6159-6164 (2004)
T. Izuhara, I.L. Gheorma, and R.M. Osgood, Jr., A.N.U. Roy, H. Bakhru, Y.M. Tesfu and M.E. Reeves
Single-crystal Barium Titanate Thin-films by Ion Slicing
App. Phys. Lett. 82, 616-618 (2003)
T. Izuhara, R. Roth, R.M. Osgood, Jr., S. Bakhru and h. Bakhru
Low voltage tunable TE/TM convertor on Ion-sliced Lithium Niobate thin film
Electronics Lett., 39(15), 1118-1119, 2003
M. Levy, Y.K. Hong, S. Bakhru and H. Bakhru
Microscale Patterning of Mesoscopic PZN-PT Single Crystal Films by Crystal Ion Slicing and Laser-Induced Etching
Ferroelectr. Lett. 30 (1/2) (2003)
A.M. Radojevic, R.M. Osgood,Jr., A.N.U. Roy and H. Bakhru
Prepatterned Optical Circuits in Thin Ion-sliced Single-Crystal Films of LiNB03
Photon. Tech. Lett. 14, 322-324 (2002)
M. Levy, S. Ghimire, A.K. Bandyopadhyay, Y.K. Hong, K. Roon, S. Bakhru and H. Bakhru
PZN-PT Single-Crystal Thin Film Monomorph Actuator
Ferroelectr. Lett. 29(3-4), 29-40 (2002)
M. Levy, T. Izuhara, R.M. Osgood, Jr., R. Reeves, Y. Wang, A.N.U. Roy, H. Bakhru
Low-Loss Crystal Ion Sliced Single-Crystal Potassium Tantalate Films
Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 1046-1048 (2002)
A.N.U. Roy, A. Mallikarjunan, A. Kumar, J. Fortin, R. Geer, K. Dovidenko, E. Lifshin, H. Bakhru
Modification of Low -k Materials for ULSI Multilevel Inter Implantation
proceeding, Spring 2002, B7.19
A.N.U. Roy, Z.P. Patel, A. Mallikar, T.M. Lu
Mechanical Enhancement of Nanoporous Low-k Films as Inter Implantation
MRS proceeding, Fall 2002, B5.3
E. Nickles, H. Bakhru, H.T. Ghiradella and A. Haberl
Industrial Applications of High Energy Microbeams
Nucl. Instr. & Meth. B99, 410 (1995)
Windover, D.; Barnat, E.; Summers, J.; Lu, T.-M; Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.; Lee, S. L.
Fixed-angle, energy-dispersive X-ray reflectivity measurement of thin tantalum film thickness
Journal of Electronic Materials (2002), 31(8), 848-856
CODEN: JECMA5 ISSN:0361-5235 AN 2002:619992 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Nickles, Elizabeth P.; Ghiradella, Helen; Bakhru, Hassaram; Haberl, Arthur
Egg of the Karner Blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis): Morphology and elemental analysis
Journal of Morphology (2002), 251(2), 140-148
CODEN: JOMOAT ISSN:0362-2525 CAN 136:306906 AN 2002:128550 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.; Fortin, J. B.; Yang, G.-R.; Lu, T.-M; Jin, C.; Lee, W. W.
Thermal stability of xerogel films
Thin Solid Films (2001), 396(1,2), 5-8
CODEN: THSFAP ISSN:0040-6090 CAN 136:86531 AN 2001:887237 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Radojevic, A. M.; Osgood, R. M., Jr.; Roy, A. N.; Bakhru, H.
Low-loss pre-patterned annealed proton exchanged optical circuits in ion-sliced single-crystal thin films of LiNbO3
Trends in Optics and Photonics (2001), 58 (Integrated Photonics Research), IWB2/1.-IWB2/3
CODEN: TOPRBS CAN 136:93188 AN 2001:838305 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Rout, B.; Chose, S. K.; Mahapatra, D. P.; Dev, B. N.; Bakhru, H.; Haberl, A. W.
Status of ion microbeam facility at the Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (2001), 181 110-115
CODEN: NIMBEU ISSN:0168-583X CAN135:338513 AN 2001:672916 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Liu, Ruibin; Guo, Ruyan; Bhalla, Amar S.; Cross, L. E.; Levy, M.; Osgood, R. M.; Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.
Dielectric and pyroelectric properties of crystal ion sliced (CIS) LiNbO3 thin film
Ferroelectrics (2000), 248(1-4), 45-56
CODEN: FEROA8 ISSN:0015-0193 CAN 135:337592 AN 2001:655979 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Osgood, Richard M., Jr.; Radojevic, Antonije M.; Levy, Miguel; Bakhru, Hassaram
Slicing dielectric crystals with ions: A new material processing technique for electronic and optoelectronic materials integration
AIP Conference Proceedings (2001), 576 (Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry), 896-899
CODEN: APCPCS ISSN:0094-243X CAN 135:311577 AN 2001:623814 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Rout, B.; Ghose, S. K.; Dey, S.; Mahapatra, D. P.; Dev, B. N.; Bakhru, H.; Haberl, A. W.
A high energy ion microbeam facility for material characterization
Solid State Physics, Proceedings of the DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, 42nd Kalpakkam, India, Dec. 20-24, 1999 (2000), Meeting Date 1999, 266-267
CODEN:69BDRY CAN 134:320208 AN 2001:274100 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Rout, B.; Ghose, S. K.; Dey, S.; Mahapatra, D. P.; Dev, B. N.; Bakhru, H.; Haberl, A. W.
Development of an ion micro-beam facility at the institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (2001), 39(1&2), 62-64
CODEN: IJOPAU ISSN:0019-5596 CAN 134:358386 AN 2001:256822 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Rogojevic, Svetlana; Jain, Anurag; Wang, Feng; Gill, William N.; Wayner, Peter C., Jr.; Plawsky, Joel L.; Lu, Toh-Ming; Yang, Guang-Rong; Lanford, William A.; Kumar, Atul; Bakhru, Hassaram; Roy, Alok Nandini
Interactions between silicia xerogel and tantalum
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures (2001), 19(2), 354-360
CODEN: JVTBD9 ISSN:0734-211X CAN 135:66713 AN 2001:249431 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Harris, William; Le Tarte, Laurie; Bakhru, Hassaram; Gibson, Walter; Wu, Di; Geer, R. E.; Wollman, D. A.
Energy dispersive x-ray analysis using a microcalorimeter detector
AIP Conference Proceedings (2001), 550 (Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology), 412-415
CODEN: APCPCS ISSN:0094-243X CAN 135:116062 AN 2001:237425 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Windover, D.; Barnet, E.; Summers, J.; Gribbin, C.; Lu, T.-M.; Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.; Lee, S. L.
Development of an in-line X-ray reflectivity technique for metal film thickness measurement
AIP Conference Proceedings (2001), 550 (Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology), 243-248
CODEN: APCPCS ISSN:0994-243X CAN 134:359863 AN 2001:237410 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Ariel, N.; Eizenberg, M.; Wang, Y.; Bakhru, H.
The interface of fluorinated amorphous carbon with copper metalization
Materials Science & Engineering, A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing (2001), A302(1), 26-30
CODEN: MSAPE3 ISSN:0921-5093 CAN 134:274006 AN 2001:92457 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Levy, M.; Osgood, R. M., Jr.; Bhalla, A. S.; Guo, R.; Cross, L. E.; Kumar, A.; Sankaran, S.; Bakhru, H.
Stress tuning in crystal ion slicing to form single-crystal potassium tantalate films
Applied Physics Letters (2000), 77(14), 2124-2126
CODEN: APPLAB ISSN:003-6951 CAN 133:357921 AN 2000:692332 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Mallikarjunan, A.; Murarka, S. P.; Steinbruchel, C.; Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.
Electrical behavior of Cu thin fluorinated PECVD oxide MIS capacitors
Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2000), 147(9), 3502-3507
CODEN: JESOAN ISSN:0013-4651 CAN 133:316056 AN 2000:646859 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Levy, M.; Osgood, R. M., Jr.; Rachford, F. J.; Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.
Narrow-linewidth yttrium iron garnet films for heterogeneous integration
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2000), 603 (Materials Issues for Tunable RF and Microwave Devices), 119-122
CODEN: MRSPDH ISSN:0272-9172 CAN 133:290118 AN 2000:610159 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Radojevic, A. M.; Levy, M.; Osgood, R. M., Jr.; Jundt, D. H.; Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.
Second-order optical nonlinearity of 10-um-thick periodically poled LiNbO3 films
Optics Letters (2000), 25(14), 1034-1036
CODEN: OPLEDP ISSN:0146-9592 CAN 133:288466 AN 2000:562046 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Windover, D.; Barnat, E; Kim, J. Y.; Nielsen, M.; Lu, T.-M.; Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.; Jin, C.; Lee, S. L.
Thin film density determination by multiple radiation energy dispersive x-ray reflectivity
Advances in X-Ray Analysis (2000), 42 590-600
CODEN: AXRAAA ISN:0376-0308 CAN 133:66126 AN 2000:346031 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Rachford, F. J.; Levy, M.; Osgood, R. M., Jr.; Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.
Magnetization and FMR studies of crystal-ion sliced narrow linewidth gallium-doped yttrium iron garnet
Journal of Applied Physics (2000), 87(9, Pt. 3), 6253-6255
CODEN: JAPIAU ISSN:0021-8979 CAN 133:11935 AN 2000:315808 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.; Jin, C.; Lee, W. W.; Lu, T.-M.
Metal diffusion barriers for porous SiO2
Journal of Applied Physics (2000), 87(7), 3567-3569
CODEN: JAPIAU ISSN:0021-8979 CAN 132:258637 AN 2000:179104 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
DelaRosa, M.; Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.; Lu, T.-M
Diffusion barriers for fluorinated low-k dielectrics
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (1999), 565 (Low-Dielectric Constant Materials V), 197-202
CODEN: MRSPDH ISSN:0272-9172 CAN 132:188302 AN 2000:81265 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Windover, D.; Lu, T.-M.; Lee, S. L.; Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.; Jin, C.; Lee, W.
Energy-dispersive x-ray reflectivity density measurements of porous SiO2 xerogels
Applied Physics Letters (2000), 76(2), 158-160
CODEN: APPLAB ISSN:0003-6951 CAN 132:129520 AN 2000:21181 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
DelaRosa, M.; Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.; Lu, T.-M.
Diffusion barriers for fluorinated low-k dielectrics
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (1999), 564 (Advanced Interconnects and Contacts), 559-564
CODEN: MRSPDH ISSN:0272-9172 CAN 132:29264 AN 1999:687713 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.; Wang, B.; Yang, G.-R.; Fortin, J.; McDonald, J.; Lu, T.-M.
Study of fluorine diffusion in metalized polymers using ion beam techniques
Materials Chemistry and Physics (1999), 59(2), 136-138
CODEN: MCHPDR ISSN:0254-0584 CAN 131:145167 AN 1999:311606 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Radojevic, A. M.; Levy, M.; Osgood, R. M., Jr.; Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.; Tian, C.; Evans, C.
Large etch-selectivity enhancement in the epitaxial liftoff of single-crystal LiNbO3 films
Applied Physics Letters (1999), 74(21), 3197-3199
CODEN: APPLAB ISSN:0003-6951 CAN 131:95795 AN 1999:303419 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
Rachford, F. J.; Levy, M.; Osgood, R. M., Jr.; Kumar, A.; Bakhru, H.
Magnetization and ferromagnetic resonance studies in implanted and crystal ion sliced bismuth-substituted yttrium iron garnet films
Journal of Applied Physics (1999), 85 (8, Pt. 2A), 5217-5219
CODEN: JAPIAU ISSN:0021-8979 CAN 131:12596 AN 1999:263794 CAPLUS (Copyright 2002 ACS)
A.M. Radojevic, R.M. Osgood, Jr., N.A. Roy and H. Bakhru
Pre-Patterned Optical Circuits in Thin Ion-Sliced Single-Crystal Films of LiNB03
IEEE Photonic Technology Letters (2002)
N.Ariel, M. Eizenberg, Y. Wang and H. Bakhru
The interface of flurinated amorphous carbon with copper metallization
Materials Science and Engineering, A302, 26 (2001)
W.A. Hennessy, M. Ghezzo, R.H. Wilson, H. Bakhru
Selective CVD Tungsten on silicon implanted Si02
Jr. of Electrochemical Soc. (in press)
H.Q. Lu, I.B. Bhat, A. Kumar, H. Bakhru, G.R. Yang, T.M. Lu, C. Jin
Investigation of moisture absorption in xerogel films by infrared spectrocopy and nuclear reaction analysis techniques
Thin Solid Films (to be published) 2001
M.C. Nielsen, J.Y. Kim, E.J. Rymaszewski, T.M.Lu, A.Kumar and H. Bakhru
Composite and multilayered Ta0x-Ti0y high dielectric constant thin films
IEEE (to be published)
A.M. Radojevic, M. Levy, X.J. Shen, R.M. Osgood, D.H. Jundt and H. Bakhru
Epitaxial liftoff and Second-Order Nonlinear Response of 10-um-thick Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate Films
Submitted for CLEO 2000, May 2000, San Francisco, CA
A. Kumar, H. Bakhru, C. Jin, W. Lee, T.M. Lu
Barrier materials for porous Si02
Appl. Phys. Vol 87, no. 7, p. 3567-9, 2000