Thomas Murray
PhD Materials Science, University of Virginia, 2004
MS Materials Science, University of Washington, 1995
BS Ceramic Engineering, University of Washington, 1988

Professional Background
- Research Scientist / Manager of the Electron Microscopy Center, Materials Science & Engineering Department, University of Washington, 2002-2006
- Analytical Specialist, Lab/Cor Inc., 1993-2006
- Graduate Research Assistant / Graduate Teaching Assistant, Materials Science Department, University of Virginia, 1995-2002
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, Materials Science & Engineering Department, University of Washington, 1990-1993
Research Areas
- Materials characterization by electron beam method
- Materials characterization by ion beam method
"Growth and Chemical Mixing Behavior of Ag and Au Nanocrystal Mixtures," Microscopy Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, 2005
"Chemical Mixing and Growth Behavior of Ag and Au Nanocrystal Mixtures," International Conference on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Mater., 2005
"Simulated HRTEM Images of Rotating Nano-size Metal Particles," 14th International Conference on Electron Microscopy, 1998
"Growth and Chemical Mixing Behavior of Ag and Au Nanocrystal Mixtures," T. M. Murray and J. M. Howe, Microscopy and Microanalysis, Honolulu, Hawaii, Cambridge University Press. (2005) p. 1866CD
"Chemical Mixing and Growth Behavior of Ag and Au Nanocrystal Mixtures," T. M. Murray and J. M. Howe, Proc. Intl. Conf. Solid-Solid Phase Transformations Inorganic Mater., TMS, Warrendale (2005) pp. 797-802
"Effects of Pd Particle Size and Ceria Loading on NO Reduction with CO," J. H. Holles et al, Journal of Catalysis, Volume 195, Issue 1 (2000) pp. 193-206
"Analysis of electron intensity as a function of aperture size in energy-filtered transmission electron microscope imaging," K.T. Moore et al, Ultramicroscopy, Volume 80, Issue 3 (1999) pp. 221-236
"Kinetics of NOx Reduction over Alumina and Ceria/Alumina Supported Palladium, Rhodium, and Palladium/Rhodium," R. Davis et al, Second World Congress on Environmental Catalysis, AICHE 1998 Annual Meeting, paper 62ag
"Understanding Interphase Boundary Dynamics by In Situ High-Resolution and Energy-Filtering Transmission Electron Microscopy and Real-Time Image Simulation," J.M. Howe et al, Micros. Microanal. Volume 4, (1998) p. 235
"Simulated HRTEM Images of Rotating Nano-size Metal Particles," T.M. Murray and J.M. Howe, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Electron Microscopy, Symposium C, Volume 1, (1998) p. 161