1. Microelectronics Reliability and Qualifications Working Meeting, “TID Effects in Reconfigurable Nanostructured Devices”, Aerospace Corporation, LA, CA, Feb. 5-8, 2018.
2. ET-CMOS 2017, “Three devices in one: a reconfigurable multifunctional logic device in 2D TMDs”, Warsaw, Poland, May 28-30, 2017.
3. Physics Colloquium, Bipolar Devices in Two Dimensional Material Systems for Novel Logic Applications, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, January 25, 2017.
4. 2nd Annual The Society for Neuroscience Hudson-Berkshire Chapter, “The future of penetrating Neural Probes”, The Carey Institute for Global Good in Rensselaerville on Monday September 19, 2016.
5. “Overview of Photonics”, TEL Technology Center of America, Albany, NY, September 8, 2016.
6. CMOS Emerging Technologies, Bipolar Devices in 2D Systems: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications, May 24-27, 2016. Montreal, Canada
7. AVS 62 Meeting, 2D Bipolar Junction Devices for Novel Logic Applications: Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications, October 18-23, 2015, San Jose, CA, USA.
8. Workshop on Advanced Functional Material, AREX-UNESP, Araraquara, Sao Paolo, Brazil, August 3-6, 2015; Short course on “Quantum Transport: Principles to Applications”
9. The 4th RJUS Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Problems in THz Devices and Technology, June 9-12, 2015, at Chernogolovka, Russia; “Graphene PN Junctions for THz Applications”.
10. University at Buffalo-SUNY, Department of Electrical Engineering Graduate Seminar, Graphene PN Junction: Interplay between Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Electrodynamics, and post-CMOS Electronics, May 1, 2015, Buffalo, NY.
11. GE Global Research, Langmuir Seminars: Fundamentals of Graphene, April 13, 2015, Niskayuna, NY.
12. SUNY Brain Network of Excellence Workshop 2014, CNSE Capabilities for Neural Probes; SUNY Buffalo, Clinical Translational Research Center, December 5-6, 2014, Buffalo, NY
13. ENGE 2014, Logic Devices with Graphene p-n Junctions: New Electron-Optics Devices , November 16-18, 2014, Jeju, South Korea.
14. CMOS Emerging Technologies Research, Logic with GPNJs, July 6-8, 2014, MINATEC Grenoble, France.
15. Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association (AFCEA), Command, Control, Communications, Cyber and Intelligence (C41) Technology Review Days and Exposition, Reconfigurable Logic with GPNJs, June 10-11, 2014. Radisson Hotel Conference Center, Utica, NY
16. Electrochemical Society (ECS) 225, Orlando, FL, Logic with graphene PNJunctions, May 11-15, 2014.
17. Sematech Post CMOS Workshop Graphene PN Junctions: New Electron-optics Devices – Washington DC, December 8, 2013.
18. Albany Nanotech, Graphene PN Junctions, Albany, NY, August 2, 2013.
19. IBM Alliance, Carbon Based P-N Junctions: Fundamentals to Applications, July 30, 2013, Albany, NY
20. CMOS Emerging Technologies Research 2013, Graphene pn Junction Devices; July 17-19, 2013, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
21. 2013 Device Research Conference, “Graphene PN Junctions for Electron-Optics Devices” June 23-26, 2013, U. of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN.
22. 2012 SPIE Optics and Photonics, Graphene pn junction devices: An Overview, August 12-16, 2012, San Diego, CA.
23. 221st Electrochemical Society Meeting, “Optical and Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotube PN Diodes”, May 6-10, Seattle, WA, USA.
24. 221st Electrochemical Society Meeting, “Graphene PN Junctions”, May 6-10, Seattle, WA, USA
25. International Symposium on Assessing the Economic Impact of Nanotechnology, “Measuring Economic Impact of Nanotechnology in Electronics – The New York State Investment Strategy”, March 27-28, 2012, AAAS, Washington, DC (In place of Michael Fancher).
26. INDEX: Graphene PN Junction Devices, Gov’t Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference (GOMAC) 12, March 19-22,Las Vagas, NV.
27. Fabrication and Characterization of Graphene PN Junction Devices, American Vacuum Society 58th International Symposium and Exhibition, October 30-Nov. 4, 2011, Nashville, Tennessee (Presented by Surajit Sutar-post doc).
28. 7th International Nanotechnology Conference on Communication and Cooperation, Albany, NY, “INDEX Technical and Organizational Overview”, May 16-19, 2011.
29. 219th Electrochemical Society, “Probing Band Gap States in Carbon Nanotubes” Montreal, Canada, May 2-6, 2011.
30. Carbon Based P-N Junction Devices, New York State Sectional Meeting of the American Physical Society, Albany, NY, April 8-9, 2011. (Substitute talk for Ann Swan).
31. 7th International Symposium on Advanced Gate Stack Technology, Sematech Symposium, “What do we really know about carbon nanotubes and why high-k dielectric matters”, Troy, NY, September 29-October 1, 2010.
32. Center for Nanotubes and Nanostructured Composites, Sungkyunkwan University, “Optical Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotube Diodes”, Suwon, Korea, August 25, 2010.
33. IUMR-ICEM 2010 Conference, “Fabrication and Characterization of Graphene PN Junction Devices, Seoul, Korea, August 24, 2010.
34. Sandia National Laboratory, Seminar on “Optical Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotube PN Diodes”, Livermore, CA, July 13, 2010.
35. Stanford University, Center for Integrated Systems, Seminar on “Graphene Veselago Device and Bilayer Graphene PN Junctions” Stanford, CA, July 12, 2010.
36. 217th Electrochemical Society, “Probing Defects in Carbon Nanotubes Through Multi-Gated Structures” Carbon Nanotubes and Nanostructures: Fundamental Properties, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 27, 2010.
37. 217th Electrochemical Society, “Graphene Veselago Device: Fabrication and Characterization of Graphene p-n Junctions” Graphene Interfaces and Junctions, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 26, 2010.
38. IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, seminar on “INDEX Graphene Effort and Graphene P-N Junction Devices” Yorktown Heights, NY, January 5, 2010.
39. Joint Workshop on Advanced Materials Research for Nanotechnology, joint between CNSE and National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and the University of Tsukuba, all of Japan, “Graphene and Carbon Nanotube p-n Junction Devices” Albany, NY, December 10-11, 2009.
40. Materials Science and Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Carbon Nanotube and Graphene p-n Junction Devices”, Madison, WI, October 8,9 , 2009
41. 3rd Workshop on Nanotube Optics and Nanospectroscopy, “Optical Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotube Diodes”, Sendai, Japan, June 7-10, 2009.
42. 215th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Carbon Nanotubes and Nanostructures: Applications and Devices, “Fundamental Probe of Carbon Nanotubes Using Multi-gated Structures” San Francisco, CA, May 24-29, 2009.
43. 2009 International Conference on Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics, “Overview of Carbon Based Nanoelectronics”, University at Albany, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, Albany, NY., May 11-14, 2009.
44. NSF sponsored 6th US-Korea Forum on Nanotechnology: Nanoelectronics and its Integration with Applications, “Optical Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotube p-n Diodes” Las Vegas, NV, April 27-29, 2009.
45. Modern Optics in Spectroscopy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Optical Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotube p-n Diodes”, Cambridge, MA., March 3, 2009.
46. Seminar: Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, “Carbon Nanotube p-n Diodes” November 19-20, 2008, Gwangju, South Korea.
47. 55th American Vacuum Society Meeting, Manufacturing Science and Technology: Beyond CMOS program: “Excitronics: Excitonic Circuits for post-CMOS Electronics”, October 19-24, 2008, Boston, MA.
48. NSF sponsored French-American Young Engineering Scientists Symposium (YESS 2008), “Excitronics: Excitonic Circuits for post-CMOS Electronics”, July 7-9, 2008, Washington DC
49. 213th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Carbon Nanotubes and Nanostructures: Applications and Devices, “Carbon Nanotube p-n Diodes” Phoenix, Az., May 20, 2008.
50. 213th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Carbon Nanotubes and Nanostructures: Fundamental Properties and Processes, “Probing Excitonic Properties of Individual Nanotube p-n Diodes”, Phoenix, Az., May 19, 2008.
51. Physics Colloquium, Lehigh University, “Carbon Nanotube p-n Junction Diodes”, April 3, 2008, Bethlehem, PA.
52. FENA/ONAMI: Workshop on Nanoelectronics for High Performance Computing and Information Processing, “Carbon Nanotube Excitonics”, UCLA, November 19-20, 2007.
53. 2007 IEEE Lasers and Electro Optical Society (LEOS – Annual Meeting), “Carbon Nanotube P-N Junction Diodes”, Orlando, FL, October 21-25, 2007.
54. 6th Annual Center for Optical Technologies, “Carbon Nanotube p-n Junction Diodes”, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, October 8-9, 2007.
55. Corning Inc., “Nanoelectronics at CNSE”, Corning, NY, August 3, 2007.
56. IEEE Lasers and Electro Optical Society (LEOS – Summer Topical Meetings on Biophotonics), “Excitons in Biological and Non-Biological Nano-Structured Systems: Progress Towards Bio-inspired Photodetectors”, Portland, Oregon, July 23-25, 2007.
57. 2nd Workshop on Nanotube Optics and Nanospectroscopy, “Probing Excitonic and Continuum Transitions in SWNT p-n Diodes”, Ottawa, Canada, June 4-7, 2007.
58. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Center for Functional Nanomaterials, “Carbon Nanotube p-n Junction Diodes”, Upton, NY, April 30, 2007.
59. Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center, Columbia University, “Examination of Interplay between Transport and Optical Properties in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, New York, N.Y., April 11, 2007.
60. American Physical Society – March Meeting, “Interplay Between Transport and Optical Properties in Carbon Nanotube p-n Diodes”, Denver, CO., March 5-9, 2007.
61. Department of Chemistry, University of Montreal, “Optical Response of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, Montreal, Canada, Feb. 26, 2007.
62. Printed Electronics USA 2006, “Reconfigurable Carbon Nanotube Switch”, Phoenix, Az., December 5-6, 2006.
63. American Chemical Society National Meeting, Presidential Event, “Carbon Nanotube p-n Junction Diodes”, San Francisco, CA., September 10-13, 2006.
64. Emerging Information Technology Conference, “Carbon Nanotube p-n Junction Diodes”, University of Texas, Dallas, TX, August 9-11, 2006.
65. 2006 IEEE Electron Device Conference: Lester Eastman Conference on High Performance Devices, “Carbon Nanotube P-N Junction Diodes”, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, August 2-4, 2006.
66. NSF/ONR Review of North American R&D on Carbon Nanotube Manufacturing and Applications, “Carbon Nanotube p-n Junction Diodes” NSF, Arlington, VA, June 2, 2006
67. GE Power Electronics Symposium, “Reconfigurable Carbon Nanotube Switch”, GE Global Research, Sep 1-2, 2005.
68. Dupont Central Research and Development, “Electronics with Carbon Nanotubes”, Wilmington, DE., May 18, 2005.
69. Center for Nanoscale Systems Symposium: Nanoelectronics – From Discovery to Systems, Cornell University, “Electronics with Carbon Nanotubes: p-n Junction Diodes”, Ithaca, NY, April 6, 2005.
70. Center for Nanoscience and Nanobiotechnology, Boston University, “Carbon Nanotube p-n Junction Diodes”, Boston, MA., March 10, 2005.
71. Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Union College, “Carbon Nanotube p-n Diodes” Schenectady, NY, November 2004.
72. 12th NSF Workshop on Materials Science and Nanotechnology, “Electronics with Carbon Nanotubes: Critical Role of Contacts”, Broomfield, CO., Oct. 28-31, 2004.
73. International Electronics Packaging Symposium, National Trends in Small Scale Systems and Microelectronics Packaging, Binghamton University and GE Global Research, Oct. 19-20, 2004, GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY.
74. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering-Nano 2004, “Carbon Nanotube p-n Junction Diodes”, Munich, Germany, August 16-19, 2004 (Plenary Talk).
75. Air Force Office of Scientific Research sponsored conference on Flux, Quantum and Mesoscopic Effects in Superconducting Materials and Devices, “Josephson Vortex Flow in BSCCO”, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 4-8, 1997.
76. 1997 International Symposium on Intrinsic Josephson Effect and THz Plasma Oscillations in High Tc Superconductors, “Josephson vortex dynamics in superconducting BSCCO” Sendai, Japan, Feb. 23-24