School of Criminal Justice, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus
Areas of expertise: The death penalty, History of capital punishment in the United States and New York

School of Criminal Justice, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Areas of expertise: Crime and mass media/popular culture, Crime history, Race, Gender, Crime, Crime and detective fiction

Department of Public Administration & Policy, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Areas of expertise: Criminal justice policy, Desistance process, Sentencing policy in New York, Court systems

Department of Psychology
Associate Professor, Area Head
Areas of expertise: Miscarriages of justice, Wrongful convictions, Racial profiling, Stereotypes, Confirmation bias, False confessions, Juror decision making, Juvenile offenders, Sex offender registration policy, Violence against women, Sexual assault, Image-based sexual abuse

School of Criminal Justice, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Areas of expertise: Public opinion on crime and criminal justice, Social threat and social control, Juvenile justice and delinquency, Community influences on attitudes and behavior, Sociology of punishment

School of Criminal Justice, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Criminal Justice, Criminology, Courts and Sentencing, Bail Reform, Offender Decision Making, Criminal Practitioner Decision Making, Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice

School of Criminal Justice, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Criminal justice policy and reform, Crime control, Policing, Police performance, Police accountability