College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
Professor, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
Areas of expertise: Terrorism, Threat assessment, Radiological and nuclear weapons, Innovation, Adversary behavior modelling, Red-teaming, Emerging technologies, Extremist ideologies

School of Criminal Justice, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Areas of expertise: Crime and mass media/popular culture, Crime history, Race, Gender, Crime, Crime and detective fiction

College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
Dean of College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity
Areas of expertise: Emergency preparedness, Homeland Security, Cybersecurity, Internet of things/smart cities, Smart violence and stadium security, American federalism, State and local governance

Department of Public Administration & Policy, International Affairs, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Public Service Professor
Areas of expertise: International development in democracy and governance, International public law, Human Rights, Intellectual property, Human trafficking, Religion and violence, Post-conflict, Multicultural and religious pluralism
Department of Public Administration & Policy, Department of Political Science, International Affairs, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, School of Criminal Justice, Department of Africana, Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies
Interim Senior Executive Director of the School of Criminal Justice, Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: Public Law, Comparative Law and Politics, Justice Reform, Violence, Latin American Law and Legal Institutions, Latin American Politics, Brazil, Mexico, Research Methods, Geo-Spatial Analysis, Network Analysis, Mixed-Methods Research

Provost's Office, Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior
Interim Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Development; Professor
Areas of expertise: Health communication, Health literacy, Health disparities, Mass media, Social media, Media campaigns, Health information seeking

School of Criminal Justice, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Areas of expertise: Public opinion on crime and criminal justice, Social threat and social control, Juvenile justice and delinquency, Community influences on attitudes and behavior, Sociology of punishment