UAlbany Welcomes New Great Danes for Fall 2024 Semester

By Mike Nolan

ALBANY, N.Y. (Aug. 27, 2024) – The University at Albany is welcoming students back to campus for the start of the Fall 2024 semester, including some 5,430 new Great Danes.  

More than 2,800 first-year students, from 32,320 applicants, are joining UAlbany’s Class of 2028. In addition, more than 1,000 transfer students, including about 200 transfers from the College of Saint Rose, and 1,630 new graduate students are joining the campus community this fall.

The Class of 2028 is among the most diverse in University history, with 55.6 percent coming from historically underrepresented groups. 

More quick facts on the Class of 2028:

  • The class boasts an overall high school average of 90.3 percent
  • 223 students are joining the University’s Honors College
  • 226 students are enrolled as Presidential Scholars
  • More than 1,100 students are from the Capital District 
  • Students come from 23 states and 33 countries

Last week, the new Great Danes moved into their residence halls, followed by a two-day Welcome Week orientation during which they engaged in various activities and workshops with their peers.

Welcome Week was highlighted by traditional events that introduce new students to the campus community, including the Candlelighting Ceremony on Wednesday, followed by a movie under the stars, and the Opening Convocation on Friday at the University Entry Plaza. 

While Commencement marks the completion of study, Opening Convocation celebrates a student's entry into higher education. The 30-minute ceremony will include remarks from President Havidán Rodríguez, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Carol Kim, Vice President for Student Affairs Michael Christakis, UAlbany Spark Award recipient and Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science Brian Greenhill, and student speaker Hansel Ortiz-Rosario.

“Look around you. These people are more than your classmates, some will become your lifelong friends, they will be your collaborators, supporters, and confidants,” Rodríguez said during his remarks.

“My advice to you is to seize every opportunity, large and small, that comes your way,” Rodriguez told the students. “There is so much here, and I hope you will take advantage of all of it. You each have greatness within you and at UAlbany you will gain the tools and confidence you need to unleash that greatness on the world.”

Friday’s ceremony concluded with new students taking a class photo, forming into a giant “A” at Collins Circle, followed by the President’s Picnic. 

Along with new student faces, 59 new faculty members are also joining the campus community this fall.

Video by Scott Freedman; Photos by Brian Busher and Patrick Dodson