Family Training

Communication Development: Prelinguistic and Early Language Learning

The Center for Autism and Related Disabilities at the University at Albany is offering a 2-part virtual program at no cost for parents/caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder.

The goal of the program is to help parents recognize early communication difficulties (for example, trouble orienting to a speaker, difficulty with back and forth conversation) and to provide them with basic strategies for facilitating communication. The program will cover early communication skills: joint attention, joint referencing, first words and reciprocity in language and play.

60 minutes sessions will be held on December 5th and December 12th (time TBD).  Because the program will be offered virtually, you can participate from the convenience of your own home.

Program Eligibility Requirements

Participants must be:

  • A parent/caregiver of a child with autism spectrum disorder who has limited communication or is an early, emerging communicator
  • Motivated to learn skills to facilitate communication
  • Willing to complete pre- and post-assessments
  • Able to join the sessions with video and audio

Submit an interest form.

Please contact Hanna Kent at 518-442-5412 or email [email protected] with any questions.