Commencement Commencement

UAlbany Flagship U.S. Match

The University at Albany will match the in-state tuition and fees of your home state’s flagship university!

All students deserve the opportunity to unleash greatness at UAlbany. Starting for the 2025 Fall semester we'll match the in-state flagship tuition of any state! This new initiative allows qualifying students outside of New York to study at our R1 institution for the price of their in-state tuition.

Students will also be able to apply for additional financial aid and other scholarship opportunities. Additionally, state or federal grants and scholarships can be combined to make a UAlbany degree well within reach.

Flagship Institutions


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Flagship Institutions by State
ALABAMAUniversity of Alabama 
ALASKA University of Alaska Fairbanks
ARIZONA University of Arizona
ARKANSAS University of Arkansas
CALIFORNIA University of California, Berkeley
COLORADOUniversity of Colorado Boulder
CONNECTICUT University of Connecticut
DELAWAREUniversity of Delaware 
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAUniversity of District of Colombia
FLORIDAUniversity of Florida
GEORGIAUniversity of Georgia 
HAWAIIUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa
IDAHOUniversity of Idaho
ILLINOISUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
INDIANAIndiana University Bloomington
IOWAUniversity of Iowa
KANSASUniversity of Kansas
KENTUCKYUniversity of Kentucky
LOUISIANALouisiana State University
MAINEUniversity of Maine
MARYLANDUniversity of Maryland, College Park
MASSACHUSETTS University of Massachusetts Amherst
MICHIGANUniversity of Michigan
MINNESOTAUniversity of Minnesota
MISSISSIPPI University of Mississippi
MISSOURIUniversity of Missouri
MONTANAUniversity of Montana
NEBRASKAUniversity of Nebraska Lincoln
NEVADA University of Nevada, Reno
NEW HAMPSHIREUniversity of New Hampshire
NEW JERSEYUniversity of New Jersey, Rutgers
NEW MEXICOUniversity of New Mexico
NORTH CAROLINAUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
NORTH DAKOTA University of North Dakota
OHIOOhio State University
OKLAHOMAUniversity of Oklahoma
OREGONUniversity of Oregon
PENNSYLVANIAPennsylvania State University 
RHODE ISLANDUniversity of Rhode Island
SOUTH CAROLINAUniversity of South Carolina
SOUTH DAKOTAUniversity of South Dakota
TENNESSEEUniversity of Tennessee
TEXASUniversity of Texas at Austin
UTAHUniversity of Utah
VERMONTUniversity of Vermont
VIRGINIA University of Virginia
WASHINGTONUniversity of Washington
WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia University
WISCONSINUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison 
WYOMINGUniversity of Wyoming