- Persuasive Images: Selected Works from the Art Collections at the University at Albany
January 25-March 3 - 2000 University at Albany Juried Undergraduate Art Exhibition
March 23-April 16 - Master of Arts Thesis Exhibition: A. Bartfield, L. Ehlers, A. Pannenborg, K. Pelletier, D. St-Onge, T. Taylor, R. Wager, M. Wright
Master of Fine Arts Exhibition: A. Cara, T. Chiang, C. Cox, J. Danison, E. Fried, M. Tucker
May 2-21 - Artists of the Mohawk Hudson Region Juried Exhibition (juror: Xu Bing)
June 30-August 6 - Searching the Criminal Body: Art/Science/Prejudice
September 23-November 5 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition: S. Fici, J. Huebner, H. Wiegand
December 6-20
- Crossing the Threshold
January 26-February 28 - Thom O’Connor: Recent Work
I Could Read the Sky: Photographs by Steve Pyke
John Montague: Four Erotic Love Poems Illustrated by Richard Callner
March 16-April 16 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: G. Bowden, J. Case, N. Lewis, B. Moorefield, D. Polo, E. Ticson, A Yates
Master of Arts Exhibitions: R. Keen, S. Tholl
May 4-23 - The Wild Wonderful World of William B. Schade
September 26-November 14 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition: M. Heinrich, M. Mello, C. Nudo, S. Webster
Master of Arts Exhibition: A. Ferraro, K. Larkin
December 3-19
- Witness and Legacy: Contemporary Art About the Holocaust
Resistance and Rescue: Denmark’s Response to the Holocaust (West Gallery)
January 25-March 8 - University at Albany Juried Undergraduate Art Exhibition
March 24-April 19 - Tim Rollins: 15 Years of Art and Teaching
March 28-April 19 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition: C. Carson, J. Weber
Master of Arts Exhibitions: M. Connors, D. Ippoliti
May 5-17 - Second Skin: Recent Work by University at Albany Graduate Program Alumni
June 24-July 31 - Island Light: Watercolor and Oil Paintings by Derek Walcott and Donald Hinkson
Don Aquilino: Still Life
October 2-November 15 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition: M. Hipwell, T. Lobacz
Master of Arts Exhibition: E. Emmanuel, E. Scott, H. Young
December 5-18
- The University at Albany Art Department Faculty Exhibition
January 25-March 2 - Once Upon a Drawing: The Picture Book Illustrations of Marcia Brown
March 15-April 27 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Blum, Capria, Guerra, Hampshire, Hugo, Maher, Nyland, Patterson, Schuetz, Scolnik and Stover
Master of Arts Exhibition: Damico, Lunt, Ticson and Yates
May 5-20 - Artists of the Mohawk Hudson Region Juried Exhibition (juror: Dan Cameron)
June 17-July 31 - Memory and Mourning: Shared Cultural Experience
September 21-November 9 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Brust, Goldman, Hathaway, Molea
December 5-18
- Xu Bing: A Book from the Sky (Exhibition web page)
January 23-February 25 - Robert Cartmell: A Twenty Five Year Retrospective
March 12-April 21 - Master of Arts and Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Curley, Darrow, Dennis, Hassan, Hill, Sanchez, Shepard, Somaio, Winiarski
May 4-19 - Artists in the Kitchen
Cornelia McSheehy: Painted Collages (West Gallery)
June 5-July 14 - Visions of New York State: The Historical Paintings of L.F. Tantillo
September 8-November 3 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Cannizzaro, Chappell, Cooper, Hugentobler, Lanzer and Miller
Master of Arts Exhibition: Crater
December 3-15
- Warrington Colescott: A Retrospective Exhibition
Experiment in Visual Thinking (West Gallery)
January 17-February 19 - Geoffrey Holder: The Painter
Printmaking Suites from the University at Albany Foundation Collection
Raphael Collazo March (West Gallery)
25-May 21 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition: Tomaso and Skrzynski
Senior Exhibition (West Gallery)
May 2-21 - Contemporary Art of the Navajo Nation
Gayle Johnson: Recent Work (West Gallery)
September 17-November 14 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Ianelli, Lonergan, Marquette, Salvage
Master of Arts Exhibitions: Goldman, Maher, Shah
December 2-17
- Celebration '94
The Transfiguration. Work by A. Dunwoodie, M. Gaynes, E. Jacobsen, K. Kreisher, M. Meads, R. Peagler, L. Schellenberg, R. Sloan, J. Wright-Sedam., Codex (D. Clements, T. Lail, J. Weinperson)
January 18-February 18 - Creating After Teaching: Three Faculty Emeriti, Dennis Byng, Richard Callner, Edward Cowley
Opportunity, Diversity and Service: History of the University at Albany, 1844-1994
March 8-April 17 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Healy, Maedgen, Moore, Salton, Wolf
Master of Arts Exhibitions: Brust, Park
May 1-15 - 1994 Artists of the Mohawk Hudson Region (juror: Nina Felshin)
June 7-July 31 - Democratic Vistas: 150 Years of American Art from Regional Collections
September 24-November 13 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Becker, Munterich, Wen, Zick
Master of Arts Exhibitions: Goodman, Pattison, Yim
December 6-18
- Robert Giard: Selections from The Particular Voices Series: Portraits of Gay and Lesbian Writers
January 12-February 14 - Jasper Johns: Prints and Multiples
March 2-April 23 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Cahill, Gaynes, Harris-Cropsey, Lewis, Metsker, Osburn-Bigfeather, Ryan
Master of Arts Exhibitions: Carrasco, Kobuskie, Wallace
May 4-21 - The Atmosphere: Art, Native Wisdom and Science
September 19-November 21 - Images of a Culture: The Puerto Rican Poster (West Gallery)
September 27-November 21 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Clark, Grunenwald, Mungall, Richard, Teply, Todd
Master of Arts Exhibitions: Ianelli, Ruggiero
December 7-19
- Gardens: Real and Imagined
January 15-February 16 - Through the Object’s Eye: Paintings by Joan Semmel
Swiss Poster Art 1906-1990 from the Ciba-Geigy Collection, California/Albany (West Gallery)
March 3-April 12 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Baskot, Downey, Jacobsen, Oatman
Master of Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Lebitz, Pizzuto, Quinby, Skzynski
May 8-17 - Convergence: Eight Black Photographers
June 23-July 26 - Living Traditions: Mexican Popular Arts
September 12-November 22 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Boardman, Caruana, Dunwoodie, Gilad, Jones, Rock
Master of Arts Exhibitions: Healy, Lim, Marquette, Stover
December 9-20
- Our Land/Ourselves: American Indian Contemporary Artists
February 2-March 17 - Roger Arrandale Williams: The American Terrain
Rudolph Serra: Sculpture (West Gallery)
April 3-April 21 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Krepfle, Lail, Lipman, Schloemer, Valentino, Walters, Wright-Sedam
Master of Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Rock, Ryan, and Setchfield
May 4-26 - Artists of the Mohawk-Hudson Region Juried Exhibition (juror: Linda Shearer)
July 16-September 8 - University at Albany Art Faculty Exhibition
Dorothy Lathrop: A Centenary Celebration (West Gallery)
October 1-November 24 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Brenner, Ginett, Jones, Lewis, McGreevy
Master of Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Flynn, Green
December 4-22
- University at Albany Fine Arts Department Faculty Exhibition
January 16-February 25 - Aaron Karp, The Atelier Project
The Albany Impressions Series: Editions made for artists at the print studios of the University
March 13-April 12 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions
Master of Arts Thesis Exhibition
May 1-20 - Antonio Frasconi: An Artist’s Journal, Edward Colker
June 26-August 3 - Contemporary Art of the African Diaspora, New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship Recipients
Portraits of an Epoch: The Drawings of Benedikt F. Dolbin (West Gallery)
September 5-November 18 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Bocci, Luce, Martin, Meads, Schellenberg, Smyth, Wimer, Woodbury
Master of Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Jung, Ran, Chung
December 1-21
- Contemporary American Collage: 1960-1986
Photographs from the University Collection
Albany Project: An installation by Susan Rees
January 24-March 10 - Seymour Drumlevitch, Photographs from the University Collection (cont’d)
March 14-April 16 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition: Clements, Michael, Squillace, Tabka
Master of Arts Thesis Exhibition: Alterman, Bae, Buvoli, Grunwaldt, Harris
May 2-May 21 - Reclaiming Paradise: American Women Photograph The Land
June 20-August 1 - Sculpture’89: Fellowship Recipients of the New York Foundation for the Arts
Olivia Parker: Anima Motrix
September 5-October 15 - Zuka: The French Revolution through American Eyes
October 24-November 19 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition: Brenner, Ginett, Jones, Lewis, McGreevy
Master of Arts Thesis Exhibition: Flynn, Green
December 8-December 21
- Recent Works on Paper by the Fine Arts Faculty
The Art Students League: Selections from the Permanent Collection, Undergraduate Artists
January 20-February 21 - Contemporary Finnish Prints
Kosta Bogdonovitch
Quilts by Linda O’Connor
March 8-April 10 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition: Chinian, Huntington, Machell, Ryder
Master of Arts Thesis Exhibition: Bocci, Woodbury
April 26-May 15 - Artists of the Mohawk-Hudson Region Juried Exhibition (juror: Cheryl A. Brutvan)
June 17-July 24 - The Paintings of Ethel Schwabacher, Alumni
September 6-October 16 - Living gods/Hindu Faces
September 6-October 9 - Richard Callner: A Retrospective Exhibition
Four Centuries of Italian Master Drawings
The Incredible Scream Machine: The Roller Coaster as High Art
October 25-November 23 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition: DiGangi, Papele, Walters
Master of Arts Thesis Exhibition: Dermansky, Martin
December 9-December 23
- Master of Arts Exhibitions: Ryder, Valenti
January 20-25 - New Drawings - The Drawing Center, NY
Elders of the Tribe
February 3-March 1 - Beijing/New York: Avant-Garde Chinese Art
The New York School: Prints from the University Art Collection
March 10-April 10 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Chen-yu, DePietro, Peters, Rochow, Stiglich, Wineland,
- Master of Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Clements, Cuadra, DiGangi, Gray Be, Leff, Liburdi, Papele, Schoonmaker, Trabka, Valentino
April 21-May 17 - 1987 Artists of the Mohawk Hudson Region Exhibition
June 13-September 6 - Edward Cowley - A Retrospective, Donald Mochon Remembered
September 8-October 11 - Katherine Porter: Recent Paintings
Sandi Fellman: Japanese Tattoo Series
Youth Books of Yore: From Pilgrim’s Progress to Pinocchio
October 24-November 22 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Anderson, Kahn, Shoebridge, Swearingen
Master of Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Brady, Brenner, Miller, Squillace, Wang, Yan
December 8-23
- New York State–An Aerial Perspective: Photographs by Marilyn Bridges
Transparencies–Multi-media works by Ten New York Artists
Mark Greenwold-Early Work
February 12-March 23 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Avakian, Brandt, Charlton, Englander, Goren, Mohn, Perkins, Warner
Master of Arts Exhibitions: Rogula, Simmons, Siren, Sweet
April 15-May 18 - A Birthday Party: 50 Years of the Mohawk Hudson Regional (no juror)
June 24-August 1 - The Faces of the City: Albany Portraits from Three Centuries
September 2-October 19 - Olokun Imagery/Objects of Prayer: Cibachrome Photographs by Phyllis Galembo
Bill Wilson: Return to Landscape
Recent Works by Five Faculty Artists: Ballester, Buchman, Carson, Plaxco and Vallila
November 1-26 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Kreishner, Nutting, Vatsky, Williams Zupnick
December 9-21
- The Janus Press 1975-80 - Claire VanVliet
Artists’ Books: Callner, O’Connor, Schade
January 22-January 27 - Eadweard Muybridge: Animal Locomotion
New York Printmakers: A Dozen Directions
Helmmo Kinderman: Camera Works
February 13-March 17 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Benenson, Depew, Keane, Klein, Ojalvo, Roberts, Rolando, Testo
April 9-May 19 - Master of Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Chang, Lee, Nutting, Williams
April 9-24 - Master of Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Webster-Frederick, Reid, Smith
May 1-19 - 1985 Artists of the Mohawk-Hudson Region (juror: Sylvan Cole)
June 25-August 4 - Maritime Prints
June 25-August 4 - Edward Mayer Sculpture
Screenprints by Contemporary Painters
September 4-October 13 - David Hockney: Photocollages
Photos from the Collection of the University
October 25-November 24 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Chen, Egan, Hollinde, Lee, McCartan, Murphy
Master of Arts Exhibitions: Cheng, Peters, Rochow
December 6-20
- Mohawk-Hudson Invitational: Enid Blechman and Allen Grindle
Robert Motherwell: Lyric Suite
Prints by Fairfield Porter
Oshima/MacGregor - Paintings (Lobby)
Albany Impressions Suite
January 24-February 26 - Rural Vistas: Rediscovery of the American Landscape
Twentieth Century American Watercolor
Richard Stankiewicz Memorial Exhibition
March 9-April 13 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Arat, on, Ashley, DeAndrade, Gala, Giscombe, Jaremko, Leavitt, Lohner, Moninski, Park, Ripps, Rogers, Scharl, Schultz, Spelich
Nancy Engle: Photographs (Lobby)
May 3-20 - Forever Wild: Photographs from the Adirondacks by Eliot Porter
Glory Glory: Photographs by Lionel J. M. Delevingne
Freda Hall: Flower Photographs (Lobby)
Arbor Hill Children’s Art (Lobby)
June 26-August 3 - Master of Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Chen, Hollinde, Keays, Lee, Ojalvo, Roberts, Rolando, Testo, Tofield
June 26-July 12 - Two Polish Printmakers: Andrzej Kalina and Andrzej Dworokowski
July 17-August 3 - New York Images: New Directions
- The Art of Adornment: Contemporary Wearable Art from Africa and the Diaspora
- Videotape: Six Works by John Sturgeon (West Gallery)
- Mural Drawings: Humanities Lounge Project (Lobby)
September 4-November 14 - Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Coughtry, Schaming, Stewart
November 30-December 21
- Movie Memorabilia: From the collection of Arthur Lennig
January - Thom O’Connor: 20 Year Print Retrospective
February 12-March 25 - Albany Impressions (Lobby)
February 12-20 - Black Women Achievements Against the Odds
February 23-March 25 - Masters of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions: Bowen, Chapin, Curtin, Fair, Formanek, Frakes, Gordon, Hass, Matzke, Mooney, Mulero, Row, Smith, Wagoner, Weinman
April 19-May 22 - Atelier 17: New Directions
June 28-August 5 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: B. Andersen, M. Anderson, Arat, Ashley, Auger, Bonk, Corigliano, Coughtry, DeAndrade, Fitterer, Jaremko, Keane, Lorenz, Lynes, Ressler, Ripps, Scultz, Stinson
June 28-July 10 - Abstract/Concrete: Clay works by Regis Brodie and Bill Knoble
July 15-August 5 - New Decorative Art
September 13-October 23 - Artists at Large: Photographs by Rollie McKenna
Until October 9 - Recent Work by the University Art Faculty
October 18-December 16 - Recognitions: Faces and Places / Photographs by Charles Traub
November 1-December 16
- Anand Manu (Bill Wilson): Recent Works
Paul Garland: Large Watercolor Abstractions
January 26-February 28 - Fabric Into Art, The University at Albany Permanent Collection: Selected Works from 1970 to 1980
March 16-April 18 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Bartholomay, Bayly, Benenson, Bowen, Brzezowski, Curtin, Fair, Febbo, Gordon, Johnson, Karp, Lohner, Matzke, Mohn, Mooney, Popper, Scharl, Spelich, Simon, Triedman, Wagoner, Weinman
May 4-23 - 1982 Exhibition by Artists of the Mohawk Hudson Region (juror: David Brooke)
June 24-August 1 - Edward Koren: Prints and Drawings
September 7-October 10 - Lotti Jacobi: Thirty Photographs
Shamans and Spirits: Myths and Medical Symbolism in Eskimo Art
Edward Cowley: Free-Hand Perspective
October 22-November 21 - Fall 1982 SUNYA Student Exhibition
December 7-19
- University Student Art Exhibition
Mohawk-Hudson Invitational Exhibition: Ethel Magafan and Robert Blood
January 25-February 27 - O. Louis Guglielmi Retrospective
March 1-April 26 - Photos of Romanesque Mural Paintings
March 17-April 16 - Masters Thesis Exhibition: Barron, Blechman, Carr, Cavalier, Fontaine, Gala, Gallagher, Gerstenberger, Greenberg, Gonzalez, Hass, Johnson, Kreisher, Lineweaver, Long, Maurello, Palmersheim, Scullion, Silverstein, Witzel
May 12-24 - Brooke Alexander: A Decade of Print Publishing
June 24-August 1 - Jeffrey Studenroth: Watercolors (Lobby)
June 23-July 12 - Margaret Crawford: Serigraphs and Small Sculpture
June 30-July 31 - Nathan Oliveira: Print Retrospective 1949-1978
Aldo Casanova: Recent Bronzes
September 8-October 7 - Yugoslav Drawings: Current Trends
October 23-December 18 - Small Sculpture by Vava Stankovic, Marja Vallila, Stephen Day
November 5-December 12
- The American Landscape: Paintings by Allan D’Arcangelo
Phyllis Galembo: Recent Color Photographs
Archaeology–Past, Present, Future: Photographs
January 20-February 29 - Dorothea Lange: Her Collection, Jason Stewart: Works on Paper
March 14-April 20 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Giscombe, Harland, Kim, Levitt, Mulero, Rosenthal, Tansey, Strauss, Townsend
May 6-25 - Clay, Fiber, Metal
June 24-August 1 - The Sculpture of Hugh Townley
Invisible Light: Infrared Photographs (organized by Robert Cartmell)
September 4-October 5 - U.S. Eye: Photography (organized for 1980 Olympics)
October 18-November 23 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Gessinger, Kingsbury, Langworthy, Roberts
Edward Cowley: Recent Works
December 2-18
- Faculty Choice, S.A.G.A.
January 22-February 18 - Mauricio Lasansky
March 2-April 1 - Annual Student Exhibition
April 17-29 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Califano, Colon, Eadie, Graham, Greenfield, Hogan, Johnson, Leavitt, Malloy, McFerran, Pell, Pletts, Rehm, Spitsbergen and Wager
May 12-27 - 1979 Artists of the Mohawk-Hudson Region (juror: Thomas M. Messer)
June 25-July 29 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Hall, Rounds, Witkowski, Woolsey
Traditions in American Basketry
August 28-September 23 - The Sculpture of Richard Stankiewicz 1953-1979
October 6-November 18 - Irish Tinkers: Photographs by SUNYA Anthropology Professor George Gmelch
Eight from the Northern Interior: Handmade Books and Broadsides
Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Brownell, Dutt, Edgar, King, Meyers, Holdridge
December 4-20
- Graphic Artists of New York State
Fantasy Sculpture: Joan Danziger
January 23-February 17 - J. Pindyck Miller: Sculpture
Polly Hope: Stuffed Pictures
February 27-April 2 - Annual Student Exhibition
April 10-May 1 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Adam, Bida, Bartholomay, Delis, Golojuch, Grindle, Gugell, Heikoff, Honon, Kempf, Silver, Lawrence
May 8-21 - World Print Competition
June 17-September 1 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Blake, Dietrich, Feroleto, Kite and Saddlemire
July 5-August 3 - Annual Faculty Exhibition
On the Offset Press
September 12-October 8 - David Hayes: Sculpture Out-of-Doors
September 1-November 1 - I Am Not Blind (organized by the Wadsworth Atheneum)
September 22-October 22 - Tenth Street Days
Mohawk-Hudson Invitational: Rheingold and Rymanowski
October 20-November 21 - Young American Printmakers
Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Antos, Formanek, Labaree, Mastrianni
December 2-20
- Paintings and Prints by Richard Callner
Alvin Napper: Photographs
William Cristenberry: Photographs
January 17-February 13 - Selection ‘77- Works from SUNY campuses, University-wide Exhibitions by SUNY students
March 5-31 - Annual Student Exhibition (until May 1)
Kathleen Grove and Larry List: Recent Work
April 12-30 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Boyer, Garrett, Rivette and Bryant
Medieval Musical Notations: organized by Drew Hartzell of the University at Albany Music Department
May 8-29 - Jim Dine Prints
June 25-August 5 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Cho, Davidson and Faiola
Annual Faculty Exhibition
July 16-August 5 - Contemporary Yugoslav Prints
August 29-September 25 - Printed Quilts/Quilted Prints
Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Dougherty and Tsamardinos
September 30-October 23 - A Don Mochon Celebration
October 30-November 27 - Frances Simches Memorial Exhibition
Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Bernatowitz, Buerkley and Johnson
December 4-23
- Paintings by Robert Hout
January 19-February 15 - Contemporary American Stage Design
March 14-April 14 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Jansson, LaPlante, Miller, Moskowitz, Stone and Turner
Portraits of Edith Rickey
Ceramic Sculpture by Niles Wallace
May 9-30 - 1976 Artists of the Mohawk-Hudson Region
June 27-August 8 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Chamberlain, Chereskin, Armstrong
June 28-August 7 - Faculty Exhibition, Sons and Others: Women Artists See Men
August 30-September 26 - The Sculpture of John Ferro
Light Manipulations, Calligraphic Collages by Wolfgang Roth
October 3-November 7 - Paintings by Marilyn Giersbach
Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Rhodes and Taylor
November 14-December 19
- Nell Blaine: Paintings
William Wilson: Recent Paintings
January 19-February 16 - Martha Jackson Gallery Collection
Tod Bryant: Photographs
February 23-March 23 - 1975 Student Show
April 17-27 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Ellis, Golash, Leopitzi-Wawrla, Rivera, Rucker and Zeeman-Rogers
May 4-25 - 55 Mercer Street
June 30-August 8 - Fine Arts Study Collection
June 3-August 8 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Bernatowitz, Keevil and Stewart
Recent Photographs
July 24-August 8 - Garo Antreasian, Clinton Adams
August 25-September 28 - Gerald DiGiusto Sculpture
Irena Altmanova-Frinta: Pastels
October 5-November 6 - Coast to Coast Coasters: Organized by Robert Cartmell
November 23-December 21 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Korber, Russ and Walker
November 19-December 5 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Calo and Edelheit
December 8-21 - Mochon Drawings: Auction of 300 drawings by Donald Mochon (benefit for Art Gallery)
December 3-21
- Fantastics and Eccentrics, Tight and Loose
January 13-February 14 - Wayne Lennebacker: Photographs, Genocide: Photographs
February 24-March 27 - 1974 Student Exhibition
April 14-May 5 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: McDowell, Prince, Roman, Rowland
May 12-25 - Salon de Refuses (from 1974 Mohawk-Hudson Regional entries)
June 23-July 3 - Works on Paper: Thom O’Connor, Robert Cartmell, Peter Jogo
Decade: Graphics in the Sixties, Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Retz, Newby
July 15-August 2 - Five Artists from the Mohawk Hudson Region
Selection '74: Recent Acquisitions to the University Collection
Monumental Brass Rubbings by Townsend Rich
August 25-October 3 - Dan Budnik: The Medical Center Perceived
Dan Budnik: The Terminal Iron Works
The Sculpture of Cyprus (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
October 13-November 17 - Women in France: Photographs
Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Tarlton and Mendelson
November 24-December 15
- The Civilization of Lluros: Norman Daly
January 14-March 11 - Australian Bark Paintings
Stephen Antonakos: Neons
April 2-29 - Bel, Risca, Rose (west gallery)
April 4-13 - 1973 Student Exhibition
Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Ahern, Goodman, Herschberg, Ross, Thompson and Yohalem
May 20-June 3 - Artists of the Mohawk-Hudson Region (juror: Henry Geldzahler)
June 24-August 5 - The Iconography of the Picture Press
New Plastics
August 26-October 2 - Walter Plate: Paintings, Drawings, Collages
Martin Benjamin: photographs
October 16-November 18 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Langbart, Lipka, Price, Tierney, Nielsen
November 26-December 16
- Durer and His Time
Eight Women Ceramists
Xerox Prints by James Tyler Hoare|
January 16-February 6 - Photographs by Roman Vishniac
Prints by Robert Cartmell, Illustrations for Children
February 15-March 13 - The World Between the Ox and the Swine: Hans Richter, New York State Craftsmen
Neil Kagan: Photographer, Studio Museum in Harlem (group exhibition)
March 19-April 16 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Albert, Blanchfield, Jerome, McSheehy, Salata and Sauter
Vietnam: Photo Essay
May 7-20 - L’Exposition Exhibition 1972–co-sponsored by the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO
June 18-July 16 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Kingston and Kirstel
July 24-August 4 - Our Own Things: University Collection
Larry Kagan and Sara Skolnik: Recent Works
August 28-September 20 - New York Women Artists
Photography of Canada
October 1-November 5 - Robert Cartmell
Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Doody, Moore, Schwabe
November 14-December 10 - Crafts Show: SUNYA Art Students
December 10-17
- Critic’s Choice
Wayne Lennebacker: Photographs
January 18-February 21 - Leonard Rossoman
Oswego Exhibition
Franz Kafka Exhibition
February 27-March 24 - Washington Art
Thom O’Connor: Prints and Drawings
April 1-25 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Fantauzzi, Fess, Penman, Spaziani
Spring 1971 - Potsdam Prints (from the collection of the State University College at Potsdam)
June 23-July 15 - Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Chilla, Jogo, Krens, Martin, Rodrigo, Schade, Steinbach
July 25-August 11 - Drawing USA/71 (organized by Minnesota Museum of Art)
August 29-September 19 - Two Photographers: Alice Wells and Dan Blumberg
Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Howe and Rheingold
Selection '71 - Works from SUNY campuses
September 29-October 28 - Master Thesis Exhibition: Reintsema
October 20-27 - Ten Artists from the Mohawk-Hudson Region
Kenneth Welch: Jewelry
November 9-December 12
- Masters Thesis Exhibitions: Behan, Kerr, Walton, Scully
January 4-25 - Master Thesis Exhibitions: Casper, Frinta, Madden
February - Posters: International Poetry Forum
March 1-22 - Passionate Years (Post-Impressionist works on paper from M.O.M.A.)
Robert Cartmell: Recent Work
March 8-April 5 - 1970 Student Exhibition
April 18-May 10 - Faculty-Student Exhibition
May 17-June 7 - Master Thesis Exhibitions: Nicastri, Skolnik, Starkey
May 20-June 7 - Robert Rauschenberg Graphics
July 1-August 14 - Constructivist Tendencies (George and Edith Rickey Collection)
September 9-27 - The Representational Spirit
October 7-November 3 - Shozo Nagano: Paintings
Marjory Koster: Prints
November 17-December 20 - Masters Thesis Exhibition: Barsamian
December 6-22
- Contemporary American Painting and Sculpture from the Schwartz Collection
December 3-January 25 - William Wilson: Recent Paintings
Screen Prints
December 3-21 - A Leap of Faith: Art from Israel
Margaret Davies
October 26-November 23 - Kirk Newman: Bronze Sculpture
September 29-October 19 - Twenty Representational Artists
Wall Hangings from the Museum of Modern Art
Joe Alper - Photographer
July 1-August 17 - Six Danish Graphic Artists
June 24-July 14 - Faculty-Student Exhibition
May 25-June 8 - University Wide Convocation of the Arts
April 17-May 18 - Architecture Without Architects, Critics Choice
March 2-23 - Alcoa Collection of Contemporary Art
Degan Evans: Paintings
January 26-February 16 - Young Printmakers
Robles and Ehrenhalt: Paintings
January 7-19
- Romare Bearden: Recent Work
Donald Cole: Paintings
November 28-December 22 - Project Art
Carroll Cloar
Articulate Subconscience
Skidmore College Faculty Exhibition
Bette Saberlich: Ceramic Sculpture
October 29-November 17 - The Artist and His Subject (M.O.M.A.)
Guggenheim Fellows in Photography
Raphael Villamil: Paintings
Donald Ogier: Recent Paintings
September 15-October 13 - Contemporary British Art (M.O.M.A.)
June 1-August 11 - Monumental Brass Rubbings by Townsend Rich
William Clark: Recent Work
Faculty Exhibition, Student Exhibition
May 20-June 9 - William Wilson: Recent Work
Munson-Williams-Proctor: Artists of Central New York
April 2-30 - Big Prints (a national invitational)
February 16-March 14 - A University Collects (NYU Collection)
A Responsive Eye (M.O.M.A.)
January 8-25
- Jack Bosson: Paintings and Prints
Australian Painters
December 7-28 - Inaugural Exhibition: Painting and Sculpture from the Nelson A. Rockefeller Collection
October 5-November 17