Joanna Dreby
2007 PhD, Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center
1998 BA, Sociology and Latin American Studies, Rutgers University

Immigration, Families, Children
Joanna Dreby’s research explores family dynamics under conditions of increased globalization, with specific expertise on international migration, gender, and children.
She is author of two award-winning books Divided by Borders: Mexican Migrants and their Children (University of California Press 2010) and Everyday Illegal: When Policies Undermine Immigrant Families (University of California Press 2015), and the award-winning article "The Burden of Deportation on Children in Mexican Immigrant Families" (Journal of Marriage and Family 2012). She is co-editor of the volume Family and Work in Everyday Ethnography (Temple University Press 2013). Dr. Dreby has published more than 25 peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters on a range of topics including child care fatalities, transnational families, gender and generational relations in families, work-family balance, and the impacts of immigration enforcement policies on children.
In 2017, Dr. Dreby was a Fulbright Scholar to Costa Rica and she received a Fulbright-Garcia Robles Grant in 2004-2005 for field research in Mexico. Her research has also been funded by the Foundation for Child Development (2009-2012). She uses a variety of qualitative methods, emphasizing ethnography, comparative research and in-depth interview techniques. She has a background in social services and retains interest in community based work. Dr. Dreby received her PhD in Sociology from the CUNY Graduate Center in 2007.
Recent Research Projects
- Impacts of Immigration Enforcement Policies over the Life Course
- The Health and Well-Being of U.S. Born Children Living in Mexico
- Farm Families and the Modern Food Economy: Markets and Household Strategies in Costa Rica and the United States
- Families that Farm: Sustaining Small Scale Agriculture in Upstate New York
Research Interests
- Gender and Families
- Children
- Immigration
- Transnationalism
- Latino Communities
- Latin American Studies
- Ethnography and Qualitative Methods