Schedule of Tutors for Spring 2025
The Economics Department offers free tutoring assistance to students in our Principles and Intermediate Economics courses. All tutoring takes place in the Catskill Building where the Department of Economics is located. The main role of our tutors is to help undergraduate students in one of the following courses:
• Principles of Microeconomics – Eco 110
• Principles of Macroeconomics – Eco 111
• Intermediate Microeconomics – Eco 300
• Intermediate Macroeconomics – Eco 301
Tutors are available to help students understand the course material, especially as presented in the text. The tutors will have copies of the texts used in Eco 110 and 111, but not those used in Eco 300 and 301. Students in those two courses should be sure to bring a copy of the text when they come for assistance. The tutors will help to the extent that they can.
Please understand that the tutors do not work in conjunction with the various instructors of the courses, and thus they cannot be expected to interpret notes that you have taken in class. Tutors also are not there to help you with your homework, except that they can help you understand the relevant material.
This semester’s tutoring schedule is as follows:
Day of Week | Tutor & Times | Office |
Monday | Alabi – 10:30 to 12 noon Phan – 3:00 to 4:30 pm | Catskill 332 |
Tuesday | Roy – 12 noon to 1:30 pm Yeasmin – 3:00 to 4:30 pm | |
Wednesday | Phan – 10:30 to 12 noon Alabi – 3:00 to 4:30 pm | |
Thursday | Yeasmin – 12 noon to 1:30 pm Roy – 3:00 to 4:30 pm |
Please let your instructor or the Undergraduate Director in Economics (Dr. Ken Bulko, if you have any questions.