Your involvement in a student group, club, or chapter of a professional organization can enhance your educational experience by providing opportunities for you to network with fellow students, interact with academic and industry leaders at special events, use the skills you learned in class, develop teamwork and leadership skills, and expand your resume. Being involved helps make you more well-rounded - and it's fun.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. The University at Albany has an IEEE Student Chapter.
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Jonathan Muckell, Professor of Practice, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Michael Phipps, Lecturer, Computer Science
Elected Board Positions
Chair: Brandon Tiev
Vice Chair: Ishtyaq Khan
Treasurer: Alex Urmaza
Secretary: Kiran Aziz
Appointed Director Positions
Webmaster 1: Brandon Tiev
Webmaster 2: Alex Urmaza
Communications Director: Hafez Serdah
Outreach Director: Maxwell Solomon
Marketing Director: Taha Rahman
Programming Director: Kiran Aziz
University Relations Director: Vacant
Contact Us

The New York Water Environment Association, Inc. (NYWEA)
NYWEA was founded in 1929, by professionals in the field of water quality as a non-profit, educational organization. Association members helped lead the way toward existing state and national clean water programs. Today the Association has over 2,700 members representing diverse backgrounds and specialties, but all are concerned and involved with protecting and enhancing our precious water resources.
Our student chapter aims to bring awareness and connections to the field of sustainable water quality management at the University at Albany through community education, engagement, and networking in collaboration with the greater association. NYWEA also provides opportunities for scholarships and awards to recognize the efforts of professionals and students working to protect water quality across New York.
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Kyoung-Yeol Kim, Assistant Professor, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering
Elected Board Positions
President: Julia Boyne
Vice President: Drew Fedele
Treasurer: Andrew West
Secretary: Samantha Finlay
Contact us
- Email:
- Instagram: @ualbanynywea
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