Participate in Research

CARD Albany offers a variety of opportunities for families to participate in ongoing research projects to contribute to the field of Autism Spectrum Disorders.


Social Skills for Teenagers With Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorders cover

Evidence-Based Social Skills Intervention for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder

CARD Albany offers a social skills intervention based on the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) developed by Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson and Dr. Fred Frankel at UCLA. This training is designed for teens (ages 12-17) on the autism spectrum, and will consist of: small-group instruction, role-playing demonstrations, social coaching, and socialization assignments to help teens learn real-world social skills to help make and keep friends. There will be a concurrent caregiver training to help parents learn how to act as social coaches for their teens outside of the 14-week intervention sessions.

The program will be provided at no cost to families, and parents will receive free resources for participation in sessions.

Please review the program flyer for additional information on the PEERS intervention.

For more information on enrollment or questions about the program, please contact Jane Ann Worlock at 518-442-4822 or [email protected].


An Early Start for Your Child cover

Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) Intervention

Let's Play! CARD Albany offers a comprehensive, evidence-based intervention program for parents of infants and toddlers diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. This group intervention is based on the Early Start Denver Model and provides parents with training and tools to promote their very young children's social and communicative development.

This program will be provided at no cost to families.

Please review the program flyer for additional information on the Early Start Denver Model-Based Group Intervention.

For more information on enrollment or questions about the program, please contact Erica Davis at 518-442-5414 or [email protected] 



unstuck and on target logo

Evidence-Based Online Executive Function Skills Training Program 

CARD offers an evidence-based online training program for parents of a child with autism spectrum disorder based on the e-Unstuck and On Target Course for Parents developed by Dr. Lauren Kenworthy, Dr. Laura Anthony, and Lynn Cannon, M.Ed. The program is designed to help parents better understand their child's behavior and executive functions. The training provides tips and tools to help improve children's cognitive flexibility. 

This program will be provided at no cost to families and is done entirely online. 

Please review the study flyer for additional information on the Unstuck and On Target Based Training.

For more information on enrollment or questions about the program, please contact Melissa Rinaldi at 518-442-3257 or [email protected] 


Facing Your Fears Manual

Facing Your Fears Anxiety in Autism Intervention

Facing Your Fears is an evidence-based group intervention developed by Dr. Judy Reaven, Dr. Audrey Blakely-Smith, Dr. Shana Nichols, and Dr. Susan Hepburn at the University of Colorado that uses a cognitive-behavioral approach to reduce anxiety symptoms for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. This 14 week program is designed for children ages 8-14 and their parents and involves large-group instruction as well as separate parent and child groups. The sessions focus on identifying worries, developing coping strategies, and "facing your fears" with guidance and support from facilitators. 

This program will be provided at no cost to families. 

Please review the study flyer for additional information on the Facing your Fears intervention. 

If you would like more information, please contact Erica Davis at 518-442-5414 or [email protected]