Seminar Series

All are welcome! LLC's seminars provide an academic forum on a variety of interesting topics to engage LLC, the university community and the greater community. Seminars are generally once a month during the fall and spring semesters in HU354 unless otherwise noted.


11/17/23: Fri 1p "Building Spanishness in Africa," Susana Castillo-Rodríguez. Associate Professor of Spanish. SUNY Geneseo

10/20/23: Fri 1230p "When differential object marking is optional: the case of Copala Triqui," Lauren Clemens, Associate Professor, UAlbany Department of Anthropology

4/21/23: Fri 12:30p Graduate Student Presentations, Rocio Leguisamon, Benjamin Mielenz and Nerisha Padilla Cruz in HU290

4/14/23: Fri 1p "Social and linguistic factors leading to language change in the Peruvian Amazon: Evidence from case studies of Spanish in contact with Indigenous languages," Stephen Fafulas, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, University of Mississippi, in Zoom

2/24/23: Fri 12:30p “Octavio Paz and Translation," Stephen Bocskay, Visiting Assistant Professor, University at Albany, in HU290



11/16: Weds 1-2p "Islam and Early Modern Spain in the 21st Century Classroom," Leyla Rouhi, Chair and Mary A. and William Wirt Warren Professor of Romance Languages, Williams College

10/21: Fri 11a-12p “Gender, Race, and Politics in Pelo malo, a Film by Mariana Rondón” Alicia B Ríos, Associate Professor of Spanish, Syracuse U  

9/21: Weds 2-3p "Unlawful Violence: Women's Rights in 21st  century Mexico"  Rebecca Jantzen, Associate Professor of Spanish & Comparative Literature, U of South Carolina

4/29: "Archives, Sensichives and the Transmedial Boundaries of Belonging in Claudio Tolcachir’s Próximo and Lola Arias’s Doble de riesgoGail Bulman, Associate Professor of Spanish, Syracuse University. 1 - 2 p.m. in person in Humanities 354.

4/1: "When Sōma is no Longer Sēma (When the Body is no Longer a Grave): The Evolution of the Western Construction of the Body from Plato to Remo Bodei and Michel Foucault" Olimpia Pelosi, Associate Professor of Italian University at Albany. Online via Zoom, 1 - 2 p.m. For information, contact [email protected].

2/4: “Complementizer variation in ojalá + subordinate clauses in Puerto Rican SpanishChelsea Thompson, MA student in Spanish Linguistics | “The Acquisition of Sociolinguistic Variation in the Classroom Using a Cognitive Linguistic Approach” Sarah Rubio, PhD candidate in Spanish Linguistics 1:45 - 2:45 p.m., Online via Zoom. For information, contact [email protected].



11/12: “Shift in the Heart of Texas: An Intergenerational Investigation of Language Shift in Austin” Patrick Lawrence Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish University at Albany, SUNY. For information or Zoom access, contact Ilka KressnerFlyer. 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

10/20: “Understanding the Liar Paradox” Bradley Armour-Garb Professor of Philosophy University at Albany, SUNY. For information or Zoom access, contact Ilka Kressner. Flyer.

9/22: “Modes of Language Acquisition: Old and New Approaches” Jeanette Altarriba CAS Dean, Professor of Psychology University at Albany, SUNY. Access the Zoom meeting here. For information, contact [email protected]Flyer.

4/16: “Judeo-Spanish in the United States” Bryan Kirschen, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures, Linguistics Program, Binghamton University. For information or Zoom access, contact Ilka Kressner. Flyer.

3/19: “Individual Differences in the Production of Morphological Gender Marking in Additional Language Spanish” Sara Zahler Assistant Professor of Spanish University at Albany. For information or Zoom access, contact Ilka KressnerFlyer.

2/26: “Between City and Province: Sociolinguistic Variation in Málaga”  Marina Bonilla Conejo, PhD candidate in Spanish Linguistics;  “Disrupting the Digital Age in Contemporary Latin American Fiction” Jaime Mundo, PhD candidate in  Latin American Literature.  For information or Zoom access, contact Ilka KressnerFlyer


11/20: Ilka Kressner, Ana María Mutis and Elizabeth M. Pettinaroli, editors, Ecofictions, Ecorealities, and Slow Violence in Latin America and the Latinx World. Book launch & discussion with editors. Contact Dr. Kressner for Zoom link and password.

10/21: Katy McNally, German Lecturer, University at Albany, SUNY “Legacies of Victimhood in German Memory and Literature.” For access to Zoom meeting, contact Dr. Serrano for link and password.

9/30: Michele Goldin, Visiting Assistant Professor of Hispanic Linguistics, University at Albany, SUNY, “Let’s agree to disagree: a look at the development of verb morphology in heritage bilingual children.” For access to Zoom meeting, contact Dr. Serrano for link and password.

3/5: María Fernanda Lander, Associate Professor of Spanish Skidmore College, “The Making of the Female Independence Hero: Manuela Sáenz”

2/12: Graduate Student Conference “The Spanish Periphrasis Tener Que + Infinitive and Haber de + Infinitive in the Bilingual Region of Ibiza” – Elsa Cembrero Bonet | “Lexical Borrowing Strategies Used by Mexican Tabletop Role-Players in Live- Streamed Games” – Ethan Sims |  "Dialectical Differences in Variable Word Order in Negative Word + Más Constructions: Puerto Rico and Panamá" – Marina Bonilla and Rocio Leguisamon


12/10: Carmen Serrano, Assistant Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University at Albany - "Podcast Program Reveal"

11/13: Alejandra Bronfman, "The Aesthetics of Toxicity, Vieques”

10/23: Online Language Teaching: A Look at Today’s Best Practices Natasha Anthony Associate Professor of Russian, Hudson Valley Community College, Carla Meskill, Professor, Educational Theory and Practice, University at Albany

9/25: Debra Castillo, Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow, Emerson Hinchliff Professor of Hispanic Studies, and Director of the Latina/o Studies Program Cornell University - “Service Learning & Collective Creation Projects”

5/1 - Oscar A. Pérez, Visiting Scholar, Skidmore College. "Power, Medicine, and HIV/AIDS in Cuban Literature"

4/10 - Lotfi Sayahi, Anahi Bolaños, Tara Feeney, Leonardo Correa, University at Albany "Linguistic Diversity among Hispanics in New York: The Case of the Mixtecos"

3/6 - LLC Graduate Student Conference - “The Sounds of Hakitía: Arabic Influence in the Sibilant System” – Benjamin Mielenz, "Gender Assignment to English Noun Insertions in New York Dominican Spanish" – Tara Feeney, “Kingdom Cons: an Abstract Narration of the Narco Life in Mexico” – Nerisha de Nil Padilla Cruz

2/13 - Jesús Alonso-Regalado, University at Albany Subject Librarian for Romance Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies; History, “Ask your Librarian!: what you never dare to ask him about libraries, supporting your research, and making your life happier in academia and beyond"


11/14 - Alejandra Aguilar-Dornelles, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Hispanic and Italian Studies Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures: "Freedom Heroes: José do Patrocínio and the Question of Black Leadership in Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro" Wednesday, November 14 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. in Humanities 354.

10/18 (Thursday) 3 - 4 p.m. Christine Mallinson, Director, Center for Social Science, Scholar and Professor Language, Literacy and Culture, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, “Promoting Linguistic Awareness through Campus and Community Engagement,” part of the Diversity TALKS series co-sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion  in the Campus Center Multipurpose Room

10/4 (Thursday) 7 - 9 p.m. in Lecture Center 25 - Thomas Cauvin, Assistant Professor of History at Colorado State University join  LLC for a Diversity TALKS event co-sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.  The film, “Le Choix de Théo” will be followed by a discussion with Dr. Cauvin, its producer.

9/12 - Kim Potowski, Professor Hispanic Linguistics, University of Illinois, “No child left monolingual: Why and how to become a more linguistically inclusive nation," in the Campus Center Multipurpose Room

5/4 - Gerald Torres, Professor, Cornell Law School: "Social Movements and Durable Legal Change" Friday 1:30 p.m. in Earth Sciences 254

4/18 - Antonio Cordoba, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, Manhattan College: “Strange Sovereignties: Imagining Political Communities in Argentine, Cuban, and Mexican Science Fiction, 1976-2016” in the Standish Room, Science Library

2/14 - Mathew Ingram, JD, PhD, Associate Professor, UAlbany Department of Political Science: "R for SPSS Users: An Introduction to Workflow in R with Examples from Linguistics" Wednesday 1-2 p.m. in HU311


1/25 - LLC Graduate Students (Spanish Studies, University at Albany) various titles
3/20 (Monday) - José del Valle (The Graduate Center - The City University of New York): "A glottopolitical reading of Spanish´s pluricentric norm"

4/26 3:30 p.m. in the PAC Recital Hall -Vadim Astrakhan performs the songs of Vladimir Vysotsky, Russia’s greatest bard, poet, rock star, cultural icon, and the voice of freedom for his generation, in English translation, making this body of work available to non-Russian speakers. Co-sponsored by the Department of Music & Theatre.

5/3 - Dora Ramírez (UAlbany) and Alice Krause (SUNY Delhi): “¿Él es arquitecto, o él es un arquitecto?: Acquisition of articles in Spanish”

9/6 - Shana Poplack, Professor, University of Ottawa, Department of Linguistics, "Myths and facts about code-switching and borrowing."

10/5 (Thurs) - Gonzalo Aguiar Malosetti, Assistant Professor, SUNY Oswego, Department of Modern Languages, “Matter and Memory: Reasserting the (Political) Present in Eduardo Coutinho’s Edifício Master (2002) and Kleber Mendonça Filho’s Aquarius (2016)."

10/25 - Megan Saltzman, Associate Professor of Spanish, West Chester University, Department of Languages and Cultures, “Everyday Forms of Control and Resistance in the Battle for Public Space in Barcelona.”

12/6 - Beth M. Bouloukos, Senior Acquisition Editor, The Amherst College Press, “From Proposal to Bookshelf (and the Cloud)"


1/27 - Cynthia Fox (French Studies, University at Albany): "Lost and Found: French in Western Ohio"

2/24 - Marcy Schwartz (Rutgers University):"Publishing from the Ground Up: Urban Reading in Contemporary Latin America"

3/30 - Graduate Student Presentations:- “Reading the Cyborg: Experiments in Subjectivity in El exilio según Nicolás” - Jaime Mundo (SPN); "Corrective Feedback: The Effects of Elicitations and Prompts on Modified Output" - Arnaldo Robles (SPN);“What do Ewe Dictionaries Contain?" - Komla Amegashie (FRE)

4/24 - Carol Klee (University of Minnesota): “Migration and its Linguistic Consequences: Quechua-Spanish Language Contact in Lima, Peru”

9/14 - Francisco Ordóñez (Stony Brook University) "The study of syntactic variation in Spanish"

10/19 - Denise Osborne (UAlbany) "São Paulo or São Baulo? The Perception and Production of Stops in L2 English and L1 Portuguese"

11/16 - Juanamaría Cordones-Cook (University of Missouri) "Nancy Morejón and Her Havana"

12/13 - Daniel Erker (Boston University) “Islands of Dialectal Persistence in a Sea of Structural Convergence: Mapping Contact Outcomes in Spanish in Boston.”


1/29 - Graduate Student Presentations:“Sociolinguistic Variation in Cuba: Variants of /r/ in Guantanamo City” - Yaima Centeno (SPN) “Phonetic accommodation in native and second-generation speech: a case study” - Cecily Corbett (SPN) "Social factors affecting variation in the realization of word-final /d/ in Valencia” - Jordan Lavender (SPN)

2/27 - Diana Aldrete (Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish, University at Albany): “Modes of Dissidence in Contemporary Mexico: Social Media and the New Narrative”

3/12 - Ernesto Quiñonez (Associate Professor of English Cornell University): "Bodega Dreams: Q & A With Ernesto Quiñonez"

4/10 - Mary Ellen Scullen (Associate Director, School of Languages, Literatures, and Culture, University of Maryland): "Flipping and Blending the Language Course: Case Studies from Maryland "

9/16 - Francisco Moreno-Fernández (Instituto Cervantes at Harvard University): “El español en los Estados Unidos”

10/14 - Andrès Enrique Arias (Univeristat de les Illes Balears, Spain): “Testing contact-induced change in Spanish of Mallorca. Insights from a historical perspective”

11/18 - Luis Cuesta (University at Albany): “The Sport Body in the Quest for Regaining Lost Youth in Wenceslao Fernandez Florez’s ‘El ladrón de glándulas’”

12/2 - Olimpia Pelosi (University at Albany): "Under Arachne's Sign. Weaving the Texture of Feminine Writing: Autobiography, Space, and Construction of the Literary Self in Gaspara Stampa (1523-1554) and Louise Labé (1524-1566)"


2/6 - John Lipski (Professor of Spanish & Linguistics, Pennsylvania State University): "Languages Without Borders: Spanish and Portuguese at the Crossroads"

3/6 - Eva Woods Peiro (Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies and Director of Latin American and Latino/a Studies, Vassar College): "Surveillant Filmmaking and the Carceral in Spanish Transnational Films: The Case of Celda 211"

4/3 - Timothy Sergay (Associate Professor of Russian, University at Albany) and Carmen Serrano (Assistant Professor of Spanish, University at Albany): "Translation: the Practice, the Reality"

5/1 - John Singler (Professor of Linguistics, New York University): "Sociolinguistics in the Digital Age: Data As Never Before"

9/23 - Edith Grossman (translator of Spanish Literature), Seminar and Reading sponsored with the New York State Writer's Institute

10/17 - Selma Cohen (Visiting Assistant Professor, University at Albany): "Avatars of the I. Argentine Literature in the First Person since 1990"

11/21 - J. Clancy Clements (Professor of Spanish and Portuguese and Linguistics, Indiana University): "How speakers construct a language without ‘homogeneous’ input: Evidence from some Portuguese- and Spanish-lexifier contact varieties"

12/4 - Timothy Sergay (Associate Professor of Russian, University at Albany): "The Conventions of Editing Academic and Other Formal Documents in English"


2/7 - Graduate Student Presentations: -"The Pirate Triumphs:  Spanish Romance After the Fall of the Armada" - Andrew Hamilton (SPN); -"I'd Pursue More, but...: Linguistic Attitudes of Beginning Language Students” – Victor Lucio (SPN); -“Attributive Possession in Creoles:  A Comparative Study” – Ashley LaBoda (SPN); -“The Violence and the Writing in the Work of Malika Mokeddem” – Nabila El Guennouni (FRE)

3/5 - Camilla Stevens (Associate Professor, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese/Latino and Hispanic Caribbean Studies, Rutgers University): "'’Get up, Stand up, Stand up for your Rights': Transnational Belonging and Rights of Citizenship in Dominican Theater"

4/4 - Michael Weiss (Professor of Classics and Linguistics Cornell University): “The Phonetics and Phonology of the Latin Iuppiter Rule”

5/2 - Beth Bouloukos (Visiting Assistant Professor Languages, Literatures & Cultures University at Albany): “Shepherds Redressed: Amory’s Song of the Loon and the Reinvigoration of the Spanish Pastoral Novel”

9/12 - Michel DeGraff (Associate Professor of Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology): “Some Notes on Family Values (or lack thereof) in Creole Studies”

10/10 - Audrey Sartiaux (Language Center Director, Union College): "Integrating Technology into the Language Classroom"

11/15 - Adela Pineda (Associate Professor of Spanish Boston University): "Mexico and the United States: Cinematic Encounters and Misunderstandings"

12/5 - Beatriz Lado (Program Director, Languages and Literatures, Lehman College, CUNY): "L3 Acquisition: The Role of Language Aptitude and Type of Feedback in Language Processing"


10/18 - Barbara Bullock (Professor, Dept. of French and Italian, University of Texas at Austin ) and Jacqueline Toribio (Professor, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Texas at Austin): "The Value of Real Data: The Mysterious Case of Dominican –s"

11/13 - Michael Newman (Associate Professor, Dept. of Linguistics and Communication Disorders, Queens College/CUNY): "No Longer Devil-owned: Native vs. Non-native Contact Effects in New York Latino English"

12/12 - Jesse Barker (Visiting Assistant Professor Dept. of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University at Albany): "Videogames, Global War and the Multicultural City: An Analysis of the Spanish Novel Ático