International Relations Experts

Bryan Early
Department of Political Science, International Affairs, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Associate Dean for Research, Professor, and Vice Chair of Political Science
Areas of expertise: Sanctions, Proliferation issues, Terrorism
Angel Ford
College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity, Department of Information Sciences and Technology
Assistant Professor, Information Sciences and Technology Department
Areas of expertise: Geopolitical Inequities, Publishing , Open Access, Open Science, Cultural Exchange
David E. Guinn
Department of Public Administration & Policy, International Affairs, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Public Service Professor
Areas of expertise: International development in democracy and governance, International public law, Human Rights, Intellectual property, Human trafficking, Religion and violence, Post-conflict, Multicultural and religious pluralism
Irwin Portrait
Department of History
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: American foreign relations, Globalization , International organizations, Decolonization
David L. Rousseau
Department of Political Science, International Affairs, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Associate Professor
Areas of expertise: International Relations, Foreign policy , Shared identity and military conflict, Political development